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RE: Re to Dallas - Buddhism

Jan 23, 2003 04:55 AM
by dalval14

Jan 23 2003

Dear Friend:

Perhaps "BODH" or "BOD" is the root you want ?

The pronunciations in European languages give no hint of the careful
set of vibrations (used and implied) in the use of this word in
Sanskrit among the Pundits and the various philosophical sectarians.
Hindu wisdom is still conveyed orally -- outside the modern academies,
and when written it looses its careful exactitude -- this has been
transmitted for ages mouth to ear among the families and groups of
those dedicated to preserve it.

It becomes crystallized around some one chosen form or idea. It
looses its comprehensive quality. But this is not widely known.

Why should H P B be against Buddhism? Unless she was making it plain
that the structure of belief and practice built by some of his
follower was different from what he had originally said and meant.

Here is what the Mahatma, writing to Sinnett said::


"When our great Buddha -- the patron of all the adepts, the reformer
and the codifier of the occult system, reached first Nirvana on earth,
he became a Planetary Spirit; i.e. -- his spirit could at one and the
same time rove the interstellar spaces in full consciousness, and
continue at will on Earth in his original and individual body. For the
divine Self had so completely disfranchised itself from matter that it
could create at will an inner substitute for itself, and leaving it in
the human form for days, weeks, sometimes years, affect in no wise by
the change either the vital principle or the physical mind of its
body. By the way, that is the highest form of adeptship man can hope
for on our planet. But it is as rare as the Buddhas themselves, the
last Khobilgan who reached it being Sang-Ko-Pa of Kokonor (XIV
Century), the reformer of esoteric as well as of vulgar Lamaism. Many
are those who "break through the egg-shell," few who, once out are
able to exercise their Nirira namastaka fully, when completely out of
the body. Conscious life in Spirit is as difficult for some natures as
swimming, is for some bodies. Though the human frame is lighter in its
bulk than water, and that every person is born with the faculty, so
few develop in themselves the art of treading water that death by
drowning is the most frequent of accidents. The planetary Spirit of
that kind (the Buddha like) can pass at will into other bodies -- of
more or less etherialised matter, inhabiting other regions of the
Universe. There are many other grades and orders, but there is no
separate and eternally constituted order of Planetary Spirits."
MAHATMA LETTERS 43 (Barker Edn.)


Best wishes,



-----Original Message-----
From: Gerald
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 6:27 AM
Subject: Re to Dallas - Buddhism

<<<From the outset when she started writing for the public, in ISIS
UNVEILED, one finds that H P B assigned to the word "Buddhism" the
meaning of BODHISM or WISDOM - and she carefully differentiated
between that and the religious philosophy and observances that
followed the life and teachings of the great Budha: Gautama, Siddartha

Dallas, first of all, there is no such Sanskrit word as "bodism" in my
dictionary, but even if Blavatsky made it up, it relates to what is
known as esoteric Buddhism. It is not something different from
Buddhism, but rather Buddhist teachings without the religious

If Blavatsky was against the religion of Buddhism, then one is left to
wonder why she took pansil and became a Buddhist.

<<<MAHA-YANA = GREAT PATH -- originated AFTER Buddha's death.>>>

It originated as a separate sect or division within the Buddhist
religion through Nagarjuna, who was predicted by Buddha himself. The
Tantric tradition of Tibetan Buddhism teaches that Sakyamuni was a
special Buddha who taught Tantricism. Only a few Buddhas do this, most
are reserved to sutra teachings which are considered to be lesser

According to Rich Taylor, there is a direct relationship between
Blavatsky's Stanzas and Tibetan Tantricism.

DTB	I DOUBT THAT. The tantras are text used in special cases and as I
said above they tend to materialize rather than liberate meaning.

H P B states these STANZAS were selected and used by her Teachers as a
basis on which to make the teachings of The SECRET DOCTRINE


Jerry S.

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