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Jan 23, 2003 04:55 AM
by dalval14

Jan 23 2003


Dear Friends:

I have no use for an interpretation of "fundamentalism" as a synonym
for dogmatism, fanaticism and bigotry -- all arise from IGNORANCE.
This kind of "fundamentalism" is like a jail. It limits inquiry and
thought. It is the exact opposite of :

True Fundamentalism (like mathematics, or the well known laws of
physics and chemistry) -- which are the impersonal and absolutely
essential basis for the description of every aspect of knowledge --
and, additionally, these Laws are no one's "property" and, they are
accessible and testable by all. We can prove them for and to

I ask myself constantly: Why should man be considered (or prefer t
consider himself) to be lawless and unsupervisedly irresponsible ?

This is what THEOSOPHY exposes and deals with in all matters. It
expands the view we have of the Universe and categorizes its life,
purposes and actions. It places Man (as a MONAD, an immortal Pilgrim)
squarely in the center of all the evolutionary processes. The power
to think is crucial, basic, essential. Will Man learn what it is, how
it works and then exercise his will to guide his own progress in
harmony with all the rest of life and nature ?

This freedom that we all taste (in thought and choice) as "motive" is
a blessing and a curse: we can do great good or evil, depending on
our choosing. As a result, we are then subject to "good" or "bad"
Karma -- because Nature tries to harmonize all actions, and if ours
are to distort or to destroy her laws, then she reacts to show us
exactly how our choices made for the pain and suffering of others --
we get to suffer too. [ see essay on KARMA at the end of LIGHT ON THE

It (THEOSOPHY) also includes a detailed history of the past and
forecasts the probable future. In this, it accounts for "free-will"
and the power to choose -- and also the effects that arise thereafter,
in respect to their interaction with IMMUTABLE LAW. It defines "good"
and "evil" in terms of the law of Universal Brotherhood, which is
equal and fair for ALL.

In Theosophy it (FUNDAMENTALS) are / is usually applied to H P B's
SECRET DOCTRINE pp 14 -19. Going there, we find it covers the
Theosophical definition of "1. God or Deity, 2. Law and 3.
Evolution or Being."

It also covers the relationship of beings, the planes of perception,
the increments of conscious intelligence, and indicates the structure
and management of an infinitely sensitive condition as Karma, or the
Law of justice, fairness and retribution, present in all aspect of
man, Earth and Universe.

And like the explanation given by Krishna in the BHAGAVAD GITA, it
handles the three divisions of the Universe (and man on Earth) and
shows how they always, and unavoidably, inter-relate. [ S D I 181 -
2 ]

These three divisions are, (abstractly): --

1.	Sattwa - or truth, wisdom and purity. Idealism. Equality for all.
Spirituality as fact.
The association of Wisdom with the Mind produces "Buddhi-Manas -- the
Higher Mind.

2.	Rajas - or desire, passion, intelligence, thought, and the cause
for all actions. The combination of personal desire and thought
produces the "embodied, argumentative Lower Mind.

3.	Tamas - or inertia, selfishness and the isolation of Ignorance
This is essentially for us the "Personality" as a vehicle or form.
This is the "do-nothing and don't disturb me" attitude.
BHAGAVAD GITA , Chapter 7, v. 12,

Krishna says he had established them when our Universe was re-formed
from the old one -- He did this as the Universal Intelligence -- as
the "Supreme BEING." He did this under the LAW of which he had become
the AGENT. [ see S D I 207 -210 ] ( see BHAGAVAD GITA end of the
10th Chapter; and Chapter 13, v. 22).

He also says he is independent of them and "separate" Theosophy
indicates this "separateness" is to be found explained in the
"ABSOLUTE" which is forever indescribable and yet, is the logical
basis for everything. For example SPACE is everywhere, objects can be
moved about in space, but SPACE (as a concept) remains unaffected.

Additionally he states that He is the "Ego" seated in the Heart of
every being. Not only of man. but every "atom," or "Monad." (chapter
10, v. 20)

I mention Krishna because 5,000+ years ago, He came (as an avatar, or
"Planetary Spirit" [MAHATMA LETTERS p. 41, 48] at the beginning of the
Kali Yuga to strike a Key-note and describe the Law that operates in
Nature and Man -- and the BHAGAVAD GITA will be found to be such a

Later, 2,500 years later the great Buddha Gautama Siddartha incarnated
to reform hinduism and to set the "Wheel of the Good Law" rolling
again. If one is familiar with both these systems the it is easy to
see in the sayings in the "Sermon on the Mount" that Jesus was of the
same School and taught the same ethics and brotherhood.

I am of the conviction we can all learn from this eclecticism.

Any problems?



-----Original Message-----
From: Bart Lidofsky
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 10:59 AM
> You speak of the seemingly iron-clad restrictions of "fundamentals."
> And you desire Theosophy and our discussions to be free of those.

Let's get a working definition of fundamentalism, here. My
of a fundamentalist is one who takes the writings on which his or her
beliefs is based as the literal and infallible truth (and,
considers their own personal interpretation to be the "literal
Of course, there are some who are more fundamentalist than others.


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