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Re: Theos-World Re: ??? MORAL LEADERSHIP ??? online communication

Apr 23, 2009 05:06 AM
by MKR

Statements such as this makes this forum very lively and interesting.

As I recall, when Ernest Wood (of Seven Rays fame) was visited by one of the
Adepts after he lost the election to George Arundale and was thanked for his
valuable services to TS by giving his prime of his life time full-time.

He got the message loud and clear. He never tried for any elected or
appointed office in the TS nor did he attempt at either by any backdoor
method. He made a good break and worked hard as an individual member of TS
and wrote also some important books. May be his was a good example for
anyone who lost an election or anyone contemplating running for any office
in TS.


There is no religion higher than truth

On 4/22/09, <> wrote:
> One thing I learned hanging around Olcott was never to lose an election!
> Chuck the Heretic
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