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Oct 23, 2006 09:07 PM
by bta1012003
We all can come up with speculations why there are gays and why there are heterosexuals. But, if one's flimsy speculations lead to condemnation and bigotry, then one needs to examine one's opinions, and look into the heart of the group that one depreciates. If one reads stories of the ordeals that gay teenagers have to endure, then one may understand why some gays become militants. If one can sense the suffering that gay people have been subjected to by the society, then one may understand why some gays become promiscuous. Gay people are individuals, like everyone else, have their virtues and weaknesses. They are just regular people who prefer the same-sex for partners. The development of one's higher principles are based on virtues and NOT AT ALL based on sexual preference. barbara > > A Personal Opinion on a Very Queer Question > > > I've been wanting to write something on this > for a while, so think I will do so. It could be > called "esoteric," I think. So, if you aren't > "esoteric," don't worry about it. > > > Nobody writes about homosexuals in relation > to theosophy, because it is far too dangerous > to do so, Homosexuals being a very large > "vested interest." Does Theosophy have any > specific teachings in regard to them? No. > Nothing is said anywhere in the primary literature. > It is "2 Lo 2 go," and brings elevated concepts > down into the muck of lower life - so this > Post is personal opinion. Buddhism has a > precept agains "improper sexual action," and > the Dalai Lama condemned oral sex in an "Out" > magazine interview (Feb-March, 1994) It is > an important issue, and affects the whole > movement, mostly at its more esoteric level > - which where the real life of the Theosophical > Movement comes from. Throughout original > Theosophical literature there is the undercurrent > of the necessity of living a clean and moral > life. In the 19th century any reference to > morality and homosexuals was unnecessary, for > one thing, as it was common accepted truth > that it was immoral. Today that is not the > case and the gay lifestyle and politics is almost > a religion. The militant gay holds his gay > status more important than religion, politics > or anything else (certainly more important > than Theosophy!) The question could be ignored > in the 19th century, but can it today? > > > Why is this all important to Theosophy? > In my opinion because: (1) any group that > has a significant number of openly homosexuals > in it is DONE FOR, as far as the genuine > normal population being attracted. (I remember > the Buddhist event I went too, with the two > gay guys greeting each other with squeals, > and hugs.) (2) The homosexual, unless he > can rise above or indifferent to it, has > his two higher principles paralyzed. It is > incompatible with any type of Theosophical > "Inner Group." The probationary chela "Fern" > in the MLs is said to have had his two higher > principles paralyzed - from Jesuit training > when he was young. (MLs, p. 330, TUP) It's > the same thing, but from a different source. > Lower manas has to be open to higher manas > and buddhi, and this requires generally a basic > purity in lower manas and the lower self, and > in sex matters this means celibacy or heterosexuality > - > which are in tune with healthy human psychology > and Mother Nature, homosexuality is not. (3) > I think possibly one could say that homosexuals > have Wrecked the whole theosophical movment. > It might be possibly to breakdown the major > splits in Theosophical groups of the gays > vs. the straights, and the types of philosophies > they are inclined to accept. One can certainly > find a basis for this in Leadbeater-based > Neo-Theosophy at Adyar VS. Original Theosophy > at ULT and Point Loma. (Tingley was very > anti-homosexual, and Leadbeater and Wedgewood, > et. al. and their Liberal Catholic Church, > masonry and sex-teachings were homosexuals > and sympathizers.) > > > I remember reading an account > somewhere that Blavatsky had a deprecatory > nick-name for Leadbeater in reference to > his homosexuality (or pedophilia) - but can't > find the source. Purucker refered to homosexuals > somewhere, I believe, as an abnormality or > something to be pitied, sometimes an > evolutionary throw-back. > > > I joined an esoteric group about 30 > years ago, and the Teacher's idea was that > the only way to go if one was really Serious, > was to be celibate. This isn't easy, wrecked > life with the girlfriend, and set me to mulling > occassionally over the whole sex-question for > the last 30+ years. The results of which I > think I got a lot of answers, some answers I > have to think were "shown" to me in one way > or another, because I don't see how I could > come up with the answers on my own. Some > general observations follow. > > > How does a person become a homosexual? > Is it something they are born with? I > think at least half are born with the skandas > or karmic tendency, which is something they > can't help. Where does this come from? Its > the karmic result of previous degeneracy, > for one source, I think. The hedonist becomes > jaded and looks for more and more extremes > for kicks. Just normal sex doesn't work > anymore and they fool their minds and experiment > more and more. Several hollywood stars come > to mind - who could have any woman or man > they wanted - but became homosexuals. Also, > people have all and any type of thoughts, > at least occassionally, and if in unhealthy > passivity. Naive persons who have an occassional > queer thought, become obesessed with the idea > that they are queer, when it should just be > ignored or forced out. People also get > obssessed. A male obsessed with a female > bhut (dead "shell" of someone who died early), > can become or urged by it to become queer, > and vice-versa. I know one case, I think, > of a young woman whose drug-addicted father > died, and then she became queer. What modern > psychologist would even consider such a thing! > Personally, I believe there is no such thing > in nature as a homosexual, but only arising > from various human-imposed causes. > > > Purucker says somewhere that the more > one is attracted to the opposite sex (and > acts on it), the more he becomes like the > opposite sex. This is how it is determined > if one is reincarnated as a male or female. > The hedonist gradually becomes like the > opposite sex, so the most "manly" or "womanly" > person is the celibate. If one gradually, > even in a normal lifestyle becomes and > reincarnates as the opposite sex, then there > must be a certain sort of "neutral point" > that is reached, and a person is born in a > male or female body, but is actually under-sexed > and "neutral" about sex more than most persons. > This could be a blessing, but the more asexual > person - especially nowdays - is convinced > by various propaganda that he is actually > homo-sexual instead of moreso neutral-sexual. > (You Have to be a sex-machine one way or > another! says modern psychology and media!) > How may young confused people who don't know > what to do with all the errant thoughts > put in their heads (put there by gay propaganda) > are convinced they are "gay" and Ruin their > whole lives - when they might have lived a > relatively normal life otherwise and even > cured themselves!! Believing the Politically > Correct propaganda that being a homosexual > is "just another healthy choice" - how many > 100,000 young people have irrevocably entered > a lifestyle in which they are innerly-tortued > for life, many committing suicide directly > or in other ways??? > > > In the world in general the homosexuals > are a "vested interest." Speak out in a > significant way about the suicidal immorality > of Society endorsing homosexual lifestyle, and > see what happens to you. A lot are > intelligent people, and a middle-class phenomenom, > and "gays" work together as interest groups. > They permeate the social-work system, the > medical system, and the police departments. > (Try being helpless in a hospital, when the > "gay-network" there of a couple hundred finds > out that you are a loathe-some "homo-phob." > [or "homo-disgusto"]) People become irrational > when a "hot-spot" is poked. We all have them. > Some psychological complex where we are > vulnerable and out of harmony with ourselves > and nature, and when it is "poked" we feel > raped. "Passion-crimes" are committed when > people's hot-spots get poked. > > > So, is this a call for a pogrom > on homosexuals. No, of course not. Most are > decent people, and try to be so (excepting > the prison-types.) There is nothing in Theosophy > or Buddhism that says sick people can't join, > as long as they don't wreck things. 'And we > are most ALL sick in one form or another. > One's open-mindedness and compassion is used > against oneself and theosophy, as often as > for it. But we are in the truth business > - not self-destructive make-believe for the > sake of social harmony, or social consequences > of knowing the real truth - for ourselves > at least. > > > - jake j. > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Tired of spam? Yahoo! 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