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Re: Theos-World Amazing Randi claims Blavatsky faked appearance of Koot Hoomi

Jul 04, 2004 10:27 PM
by samblo

Fraud is the domain of the Justice Dept., not phony vaudeville Con-icians.

You failed to read Benveniste's Article, his objection was not about "Peer 
Review" but that "Nature" published repudiation of his science "before" there 
was any Peer Review that would have occurred if nature had simply published 
his submission and then let the Peers of Science conduct the Peer Review and 
debate. Magician do zero "Magic," they perform to deceive and by so entertain, 
they are entertainers. That's my opinion. Your College "Magic" doesn't impress 
me as "Science" or "Magic" you used it to earn your way through college, 
isn't that your previous statement? Why should that make you an expert on 
Blavatsky or any thing else besides Vaudeville performances?


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