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Re: Theos-World Amazing Randi claims Blavatsky faked appearance of Koot Hoomi

Jul 04, 2004 10:55 PM
by samblo

It is real, I knew Eugene Mallove back in the mid-eightys, we used to 
have coffee and chat at a truck stop here, he was one of the finest, nicest, 
charming persons I ever met. They did the same thing to him as they did to 
Benveniste on his Cold Fusion research, except a decade later he was found 
murdered in the basement of his Mothers home in Connecticut.

One of the 17 Scientists was one of the most impressive minds I ever 
listened to, he lectured to students at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute
I received the lectures on Cable here through the Educational channels here, 
he was the one where his car was found in the middle of a bridge, doors open, 
keys in ignition, ICC blinkers on.

I can give you below a URL that have the names and Photo's of the murdered 
Scientists. There is a murky connection involving the implications of the 
arrivals of Science as it has evolved to today in my opinion.

Harvard Biochemistry Prof. Don C. Wiley was the Howard Hughes Medical 
Institute Lecturer who I watched and taped that died on the bridge.

Eugene Mallove was added to the list last month!

What this seems to be about is "Science" is converging to find critical 
Science that defines man in a much greater magnitude than any one previously 
conceived of. Genetics, Bioscience, Biophotonics, QM, and other Discliplines of 
knowledge are at the "Gate" and about to reach it, a new definition of Man, 
Consciousness. Life, Communication, Information, Medicine and every other important 
transformation of man's Understanding of Himself, Humanity, the Planet, and 
Cosmos is only a heartbeat away in time.

The implications frighten a lot of people in a lot of Professions, it seems 
they know no limit to stop it from occurring, but you can't kill "Truth" or 

BTW, Benveniste's Experiments were successfully replicated and I have the URL 
on that!


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