Bart: DF / TS / ES
Apr 07, 2004 05:41 AM
by John Plummer
Hi Bart -
I don't know if Dion Fortune ever completely resigned from the TS,
although she did leave the Christian Mystical Lodge. I suspect she
did resign from the TS as well -- as she did not approve of the
promotion of Krishnamurti, and had a very low view of Leadbeater (in
line with her generally negative view of homosexuality, in which
category she placed CWL and Wedgwood -- although Fr Tillett and
others have rightly pointed out that pedophilia and homosexuality are
quite distinct). She also felt that the TS was in error in
promoting "Eastern" paths for "Western" people.
Do you know if old TS membership records are available? That would
be the only way to answer the question of DF's membership.
On a related note regarding the ES and who may belong -- It is my
understanding that only heterosexually married and celibate persons
need inquire after membership.
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