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Alice Bailey and her Interpretation of Theosophy

Mar 13, 2004 09:32 AM
by arielaretziel

Dear all, I hope this does not get taken in the wrong way. But in my 
opinion, Bailey should have prefaced all her work with "IN MY OPINION"

I'm sure you will , as one person put it, "cull" much of the good 
from her material, but it is also important to recognise many of the 
faults. You may also miss some real treasures in the Secret Doctrine 
because you have held to one interpretation, that is Baileys, and 
have not had time to take a second look and really understand certain 

Now I'm not an Anti-Bailey person. But I doubt a master like DK would 
make so many obvious mistakes. And it would be a shame if The Secret 
Doctrine becomes nothing but a series of footnotes to a work(like 
Cosmic Fire) that really doesn't explain The Secret Doctrine. 


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