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Theos-World RE: Re: "Well, hell most Jews are now atheists and homosexuals. ....

Mar 13, 2004 09:25 AM
by stevestubbs

--- In, Bart Lidofsky <bartl@s...> wrote:
> My views are (this is not making fun of you; it's appropriate here):
> I think that Blavatsky (and certainly the Mahatmas) included the 
> WORLD when talking about the 5th race.

Ny views are:

Much as I wish it were not so, Blavatsky was a racist plain and 
simple and an antiSemite. Name a single Jew who was allowed into her 
inner circle. The Theosophical Society was instrumental in promoting 
the infamous PROTOCOLS and other racist propaganda. They even use 
the swastila sas their symbol to this day and laugh with glese every 
time they point to it. What is funny about using a symbol of hate 
for a sumbol and why are Theosophists always pointing at it and 
smiling and laughing? My views are also that her views on this 
matter are totally unscientific, since there is no reason to believe 
the Chinese and Indians, both representatices of "earlier" "races" 
according to her thinking, are dying out. Her racial theory is 
interesting but it does not hold up to scrutiny.

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