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Re: Theos-World Adepts or Masters?

Jul 26, 2001 08:19 PM
by Bee Brown

-------Original Message-------

From: Frank Reitemeyer
Date: Friday, July 27, 2001 08:52:51
Subject: Re: Theos-World Adepts or Masters?

>What are the main differences between these two?

Every Master is an adept, but not every adept is a Master.

So also says Harold Waldwin Percival who wrote an interesting book 'Adepts, Masters & Mahatmas back in the 1920's I think it was.
He reckons that a Master becomes such from developing his mental capacity and then his psychic or adept capacity.
He says that developing spiritually via the adept (psychic path) prevents such a one from becoming a Master as the psychic path has to do with feelings rather than the mental path which develops the intellect and then it is safer to go for the feeling path as the intellect can then control the development. 
He then reckons a Master develops to a Mahatma as the next step. 
I don't know if all that is so but it certainly is an interesting idea and it makes sense in the context of the whole book.

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