RE: Good Questions by John for Dallas to Answer about how ULT actually operates
Jul 20, 2001 06:09 AM
by dalval14
Friday, July 20, 2001
Dear Dan:
I recently published, to answer inquiries my own observations as
an associate of the U.L.T. for over 60 years:
also a brief paper on
These discuss
1. The constitution and work of the U.L.T.
CONSTITUTION and BASIS FOR ALL WORK -- It is based on the U.L.T.
DECLARATION, which makes clear the basis for its work. Every
associate is expected to abide by this, and it is regularly
discussed, so that its implications and applications are
understood, and clarified if necessary. In effect those are
common sense applications such as govern our living in any
This DECLARATION is the sole basis ULT has. It is the only
document that establishes those ideals along the lines of which
things are conducted. However let me make it clear that anarchy
is not welcome, nor any undue display of individualism. This is
a cooperative work that places BROTHERHOOD as its norm. Law and
neighborliness in the spirit of an actual brotherhood is actively
practiced. Individualism and disruption by individuals or from
any source is not welcome at any time.
The nature of a fiduciary body, which could be named a "
THEOSOPHY COMPANY" (as in Los Angeles), or something similar, in
other centers where there is a ULT Lodge or Study Group. is
installed is necessary only to comply with the laws of State and
Nation. requiring such an institution. Some Lodgers have none.
NOTE: every Lodge of the U.L.T. is independent and hence a
local fiduciary body exists to handle local legalities in regard
to money, etc. No Lodge interferes in the work and conduct of
any other Lodge. There is decentralization. But there is also
conferencing and discussion about problems that may arise,
(between Lodges) so as to secure the benefit of experience. The
DECLARATION of the U.L.T. is the sole "bond" as declared, and in
its wording, you will find that "similarity of aim, purpose and
teaching" is the unassailable basis on which the union of the
associates that constitute the U.L.T. rests.
No fiduciary has any kind of "control" over the local U.L.T. as
it is formed to serve the U.L.T. Objectives and Declaration. It
is staffed by old associates who have learned to appreciate the
wisdom embodied in the DECLARATION of the U.L.T. .
When this is information is assimilated, I believe that the
questions John asks will be found answered.
Essentially the ULT is a group of volunteers all of whom
cooperate with one another in all matters. Those who have
special skills employ them with the permission by consensus and
conferencing and with the agreement of others. No individual
scheme is adopted unless there is agreement that it serves to
advance the spirit of service embodied in the DECLARATION.
4. OBJECTIVES and WORK of the U.L.T.
These are two, as already stated many times, detailed and
1. to keep the message and teachings of "ORIGINAL"
THEOSOPHY as expressed by Mme. Blavatsky and her colleague and
co-worker Mr. Judge in print and available. Also are found
included expressions that support the U.L.T. DECLARATION,
practices and objectives.
2. to provide a forum for their discussion. All
meetings are focused on the study of the "original Teachings" in
an endeavor to discover if they are truly valid. The meetings
are "study classes," not debating venues.
3. If possible a reading room and Library are also made
available for free use during specific hours and days.
4. To advertise the availability of this Association and its
work of keeping original theosophy available for the use and
study of inquirers.
5. When possible a periodical, or bulletin, or magazine that
provides, among other things, discussion and demonstration of
Theosophical resources and uses is issued.
6. Reprints of "original Teachings of Theosophy" in
pamphlet, book or magazine form is provided when possible.
7. Correspondence and the answering of questions (such as
this) is provided, so that the nature and constitution of the
U.L.T. is made clear.
Obviously these criteria form the guidelines for U.L.T.
Currently, the U.L.T. publishes two magazines: THEOSOPHY (Los
Angeles) and the THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT (Bombay). Usually each
Lodge or Study Group issues a periodical that gives details of
its activities. Take any issue of the magazines or bulletins, as
a sample, and the nature of the articles and information conveyed
therein will give an idea of what would be welcome.
As usual, no credit is ever given to the writers, nor are extreme
adverse views offered unless there is good reason for their
general consideration. This is usually determined by a
"Publishing Committee" of several associates who have assumed
that responsibility.
Is a committee of volunteers who meet informally to consider any
new project or revise older ones that may need some changes.
It has to be realized that in an unstructured assembly of free
associates the rules and regulations are based on the IDEALS and
the VIRTUES that are implicit in every aspect of Nature. U.L.T.
is an attempt to imitate Nature's way of working in a world
situation where individual authority plays a large measure --
almost too large in cases where abuses are finally discovered.
By employing the conferencing method individual abuse if any
creeps in can be soon identified and obviated.
Most people (accustomed as they are to business and political
structures of management) have difficulty with the anonymity
associated with U.L.T. That is because, in U.L.T., the ideals
are employed as the structure into which associates as volunteers
fit themselves, and recognize that there is only a single level
of personal contribution: VOLUNTEER.
Anonymity is insisted on since the Message of THEOSOPHY is what
U.L.T. promulgates and no one's personal opinion is given any
prominence. The minimizing of any "personality" is the purpose
for this.
Add to this the requirement that BROTHERHOOD be actively
practiced, and you have a viable but seemingly amorphic body of
students who are doing two things:
1. they seek to become wiser and to understand more of
2. they seek to abandon any personal stature or "authority."
They place the "Teachings of Theosophy" (and the universal,
common ethics that are implicit therein) as the IDEALS that are
to be understood, applied and emulated.
The U.L.T. eschews all politics, or "Power controls." It has no
"final authority" other than the TEACHINGS OF THEOSOPHY.
People find this strange. But as an analogy, consider for a
moment the condition of our world if, for instance CHRISTIANS,
regardless of sect, tried strenuously to practice the virtues and
regulations for communal life embodied in THE SERMON ON THE
MOUNT, and other saying attributed directly to Jesus.
Conferencing between associates forms the basis for cooperative
The Ideals of THEOSOPHY (ethics based on metaphysics) are used as
a basis for all work and activity.
It exists to meet the needs of those who want to study THEOSOPHY.
All other matters are considered "side-issues."
For any one to grasp the implications that lie behind what I have
written and offered, a careful reading and study of the KEY TO
THEOSOPHY (HPB) is recommended.
You might well look on these few ideas a "mysticism," but they
underlie all phenomena -- all exterior choices and consequent
acts we do. But where do acts originate? Thought is the plane of
all action. I think one might safely say:
The basis of the Changeless SELF places the whole Universe within
the reach of any mind; if this is true, then it offers a stable
basis for thought and action, and any and all "realization" dawns
within one's SELF. One may observe, for this to be real, that
the ONE SELF acts only through the "creatures." They all
possess a "ray" of that SELF and are continually immersed in IT.
These questions about the nature of Theosophy and as to whether
any esotericism or occultism resides in U.L.T. are, to my mind
futile, inasmuch as one needs to develop acuity in regard to
deeper and causal matters. A I see it, there is no mystery at
all in that, and every person has identical opportunities
available to them at any time.
Let me in the next couple of paragraphs sketch what I believe to
have found to be of significance. (It is useless, I think, to
dissect any one statement I will make from the rest, as if they
are taken as a whole, they collectively underscore the importance
of one of the Theosophical views -- at least, of mine. Others
may stress other aspects or having a different perception and
view, may give importance to other aspects or perceptions of the
ONE UNITY -- of which each of us is only a part.)
First as a base, can we together look on THEOSOPHY as the history
of our Earth and Universe, and a review of some of the basic
concepts that the immemorial body of Adepts in their collective
work named by H P B The Great Lodge ( S D I 272-3) have
determined to exist?
I am, for instance, and for my reasoning, no believer in
"diluted" Theosophy.
Further, it occurs to me: There is no "rivalry" in work for
Master's CAUSE. The U.L.T. is not trying to rival any other
The real Theosophist does not attack any form of belief, nor any
form of philosophy, he merely compares them with THEOSOPHY. We
can all do this for ourselves. But we have to know what
THEOSOPHY is. The statements made by H.P.Blavatsky and Masters
ought to be checked and rechecked by us to make sure they are
fair and true. One may have hundreds of books, and devote one's
life to collating references that illustrate any selected point
of view, but the original SELECTION determines the parameters of
the work attempted.
As to the "nearness" of Masters? Well, in my esteem, They must
be near to every true aspirant. I would say: "Think of the
Master as a living Man within you," (and within all others) --
That is the source of Brotherhood, and Brotherhood is the root of
all occultism and esotericism. It is not a construct nor is it
something one acquires. It is within. We all have it. We do
not all of us, seek it, nor do we all try to see it in its pure
and unveiled state -- as ISIS UNVEILED, one might say. The real
point at issue is: the Divine Nature in Man and Woman. In a
brief sentence one could say: "The Path of Brotherhood and the
Path of Occultism are One Path." Is this one theme not to be
fund repeated in The SECRET DOCTRINE ?
Next: I would say that we can trust a Universe that moves along
unerringly under the Law of Perfect Justice to all. None of us,
as we know ourselves to be in heart and mind, could exist unless
Nature were very tolerant. This tolerance is to me evidenced by
of our continued existence, and the complexity that underlies the
physical (to mention the obvious) body of each of us (not to
mention our Minds and "feelings") with our surroundings.
It is Nature (the Universe) that supports and feeds us and keeps
us alive so that those lessons one might (and can learn) in Life
are at least brought before our mental vision. In turn, it is
our cooperation that along with that given by others, supports
the progress of all things. It is no wonder that theosophists
hold that Consciousness is ubiquitous.
The presence of Consciousness, (a sense of self, and of Law and
Order and Purpose, which is not reserved to "human consciousness"
alone), and of the existence of any creature, denotes SPIRIT
CONSCIOUSNESS (as a universal, and an impartial, a sensitive,
responsive and energizing whole) and a reason for the existence
of any and all creatures, near and far, visible and invisible.
Materialism wit its hypotheses of blind chance, luck and
happenstances, just does not fit the fact of the complex
orderliness on the universe whether of galaxies, stars, and
planets, or of molecules, atoms and sub-atomic particles
The norms of our education in this present civilization, when
generally considered, and, regardless of country, emphasize the
extraordinary power for "individual survival" that is attributed
physically, to the "strong" and the "large," forgetting that
these attributes are constantly challenged, nay, controlled, by
our mental capacities and our feelings. They tend to minimize
the importance of virtues, like compassion and the sense of
protective assistance and justice, that all true humans extend
almost automatically to others in times of crisis, as well as in
every-day living.
Let me recapitulate in brief the main items to be considered and
if found valuable, applied:
1. Immortality of the Soul. Every being enshrines a Ray of the
divine, while using a form of "clay" in which to live in present
2. Many lives on this Earth-school ( This is Reincarnation of
the Individual Immortal SPIRIT/MIND (or Higher Ego -- which lives
in the "heart" of all beings). It is the immortal seat of our
Conscience and the Wisdom we possess abut Life and living. it is
3. The exact application in all departments of Life of LAW -- of
KARMA -- "as ye sow, so shall ye reap." To prayer, petition,
penance can ever deflect the exact return to us of the good or
the bad that we choose to do. "The hands that smite us are our
4. Universal Evolution, as a process that allows for the
progression and rise of all beings up to the human stage of
"self-consciousness," and, from that level, on towards the
distant goal of SUPREME PERFECTION which can only be vaguely
described as UNIVERSAL SELF- CONSCIOUSNESS (The Universe grows
I ). Who knows the true size of any "soul?"
The U.L.T. as I see it, is an attempt to make these few ideas
into comprehensible and practical ideals. Everyone is welcome to
join in the testing and the trying. One does not have to become
an associate of the U.L.T. to do this, it exists merely as a
"facilitator," where any one will find considered the outlines of
the common research and living we are all already engaged in.
Its methods are those of the ordinary business world insofar as
actual work is done: publishing, advertising, accounting,
maintenance, seminar and explanatory work, etc... ISIS UNVEILED
(H.P.B.) was written to draw attention to the prevalence and
analogetic nature of phenomena, living and thinking as was to be
found in the great philosophies and religions of past and
The SECRET DOCTRINE (H P B ) is not a "Bible." Like a text-book
constructed to induce thinking and observation, it tries to
cover, in significant outline, the hidden and the secret (but
present and necessary) complexities of actual Living and the Laws
that underlie and unite this common, universal process. If one
considers this as an exposition of Nature's living work, it is
not compulsive (nor is it threatening) in any way. The U.L.T.,
patterning itself after this existing fashion, and after making
sure that any one who considers its benefits understands them,
lets each individual make their own decisions, and insists on
respecting the free will of every individual to choose -- to
either confirm and devote themselves to the study and application
of Theosophy (whether in, or without the U.L.T.) or leave it
The U.L.T. asks no personal questions of any one. It does not
seek a large number of "members."
It makes no special promises, it offers no panaceas, but exists
to assist in answering profound causal, procedural, moral
questions that every individual has.
The KEY TO THEOSOPHY (HPB) was written to answer most questions,
and The VOICE OF THE SILENCE (HPB) gives (as I think) the best
information one could want to receive on the subject of
esotericism and occultism. It serves to define the relation of
information and data to their use, as selected freely by any
individual for himself.
All the details and thoughts that I am offering here, is the
result of my own observation, and in no way may it be construed
as anything but my own opinion concerning the observations I have
made while choosing to be associated with the ULT.
I believe this is enough. Hopefully it will provide answers to
these many queries.
Best wishes,
Dallas TenBroeck.
-----Original Message-----
From: D.Caldwell/M.Graye []
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 7:34 AM
To: Jerome Wheeler; Jerome Wheeler;;;;;
Caldwell, Daniel;
Subject: Good Questions by John for Dallas to Answer about how
ULT actually operates
I guess a lot of people read the email messages on Theos-talk.
John De Santis posted his question below, I have received about
a dozen emails from inquirers (?), etc. asking if I knew how the
Therefore I thought it best to repost John's questions [BELOW]
because they are good questions and interested seekers and
inquirers apparently
want to know how the ULT functions in comparison with other
Theosophical groups.
Hoping someone will communicate something on Theos-Talk.
From: "Blavatsky Archives" <blavatskyarchives@y...>
Date: Tue Jul 17, 2001 3:45 pm
Subject: Good Questions by John for Dallas to Answer about how
ULT actually
John De Santis wrote in one of his previous emails to Dallas:
"On another note, as a student who has studied in the ULT system
myself, let me ask you, and others who are knowledgeable old-time
associates, close to the inner workings of it all, to kind of
a little
how the ULT actually functions;
how The Theosophy Company functions;
who gets to be editors of the THEOSOPHY magazine, who
doesn't; who decides what articles are written and selected for
who gets to say yes or no as to the way things run at ULT;
how any changes and new projects proposed by any associate, say
one who is not an insider, so to say, are said yes or no to; and
on in these sorts of things, that would generally be called by
people as 'organizational' activities."
I am looking forward to your answers to John's sincere
In all your previous descriptions of ULT and how it works, you
only to speak of what the ULT does in very abstract and ideal
but you have never written on the very down-to-earth topics that
John brings up in his questions.
I am not an associate of ULT, but if I ever decided to join, I
want to have clear and straightforward answers to the questions
is asking.
I would also think most if not all ULT associates would want to
know how
these things are decided and who has the final decision making
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