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Re: Theos-World RE: New to List

May 11, 2001 07:41 AM
by ramadoss

Dear Dallas:

Well said!

Your observation of the 'informal group' made me think.

In formal organizations, you have leaders/officers (elected or appointed or inherited and all the attendant politics that comes about in which even the Theosophical Adept names are dragged into the picture). When money or other assets involved a formal organization is necessary to administer them.

Since all of us are primarily inquirers or fellow students and when we meet as friends with similar interests a forum such as this is perhaps what is more effective and efficient (we do not pay any dues to be here or at most of the other maillists and communication is almost immediate).

So the question that comes to my mind is - "are organizations necessary"? In 1875 when TS was launched, the only way to spread theosophy effectively was to setup up branches where people could meet and discuss and communicate. Today with Internet and other modes of communication, is a new model needed for 2001 and the old model of 1875 with formal organization has served its purpose and need to be discarded? (Is Jiddu Krishnamurti right when he made his "Truth is a Pathless Land" statement?)

We have seen over the years, the different organizations, while professing the three objects, have rarely communicated between themselves -- not unlike the various sects of Christianity -- all looking to Jesus.

What do we see here? All the "non-sheeps" from the various organizations, congregating on the Internet and communicating with each other crossing the organizational boundaries (may be to the disappointment of the leaders of organizations, who have, fortunately no power to control what is going on here) which has never happened in the non-Internet world. This may be order of the future and may be the salvation of theosophy.

My .02


At 06:13 AM 5/10/01 -0700, wrote:
Dear Alan:

As you see we are an informal group here, and we exchange notes,
comments, questions, etc., without too much formality. Our
basis is one that is unusual: We look on ourselves as "old
souls" in new bodies. The physiological age and learning of this
incarnation is no index to the capacity of innate intelligence we
all possess to some degree. So in effect we act as old friends
that correspond in an easy and non-formal way. We are all
"seekers for Truth." The search for, and then the service of
Truth is about the widest and broadest of aspirations we all have
in common. It is universal and it is impersonal.

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