I think you are preaching to the choir on this point, and I appreciate your
idealism. However, as one who has worked with three different
Theosophical Organizations over the last forty years, I have
observed that there is a great deal of difference between the idealsthey
preach and their practices.
my mind, personal responsibility is the key here, as you
suggest. This is why I'm interested in learning
about different Theosophist's views concerning what they believe
their responsibilities are. Im frankly not interested in being told
what "theosophy teaches." I have all of the books, and like you, have
read them over and over and discussed them alone and in study groups for
years. I'm primarily interested is in the many different ways that
people have come to understand these teachings and how they apply them.
recently quoted Radha as saying that "we have as a TS such a low level
because we have not better members." In light of your point about
personal responsibilities and individual karma, she is right. On the
other hand, there is also group karma, which begs the question
whether sixy years of leadership by the same family and a political
system that keeps potential leaders who are outside of the click from
running, might have something to do with the TS's low level. But this is
not just the Adyar TS, I have made the same general kinds of observations
(though the details differ of course) in ULT and Pasadena, which are, I
believe, also at a low level.
if anything teaches the individual to be responsible only to the PRINCIPLES
and not to any “authorities.” The
sole authority for each is his own HIGHER SELF.
T.S. is a body dedicated
originally to study and promulgate the Natural Truths that anyone could
discover and prove for themselves.
The value of an organization was that individuals could mutually
consult and arrive at some joint ideas, which were then to be used (or not) by
always INDIVIDUAL. By joining a
TS we surrender nothing of our personal