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Re: Doctrine of Avataras and The Christ

Oct 16, 2000 05:11 PM
by arthra999

--- In, ernesto <ernesto@b...> wrote:
> Hello Group:
> According to C.W. Leadbeater, the place of the Christ in the White 
> was the place of a Boddhisatva, a human being near to the
> a Buddha. But, I donīt know if HPB said something about the
> the Christ. Did she do it? What did she said?
> Shouldnīt we consider the Christ, in accordance to what he said
> Bible, as an Avatara?  

I was interested in David's remarks about Christ as an Avatar...I am 
reminded of Annie Besant's book Avataras that is no longer in print. 
She goes through the Avataras of Vishnu which she identifies withthe 
evolution of humanity... In Leadbeater's view of the appearance of 
Lord Maitreyya he seems to identify Maitreya with the Christ at the 
Wesak festival in the hidden Himalayan valley... Besant says each
has its own Teacher or Bodhisattwa the learned , full of wisdom and 
truth. The problem may be in having more systems than one to explain 
these things, so on one hand you have Avataras in the Vaishnavite 
Hindu model in which the promise is made that when darkness is great 
and man cries out for enlightenment, an Avatar is manifested. To me 
the Christ would meet this criteria. Again, if we take the concept of 
teh Bodhisattwa which is oin Mahayana Buddhism the concept of a pure 
being postponing their own final liberation from birth and death, the 
Christ could fit this model as well. To an extend a Bodhisattwa and
Avatar would be similar but they are also distinct in some ways
from different contextual views. There is also the view of the 
Anthroposophists who would place the Christ in their own contextual 
framework and what that means. I think independent investigation and 
study are called for here and that there should be no dogmatic 
requirements involved in this question.

I can see the beautiful metaphors and applications to occult truths 
that the Christ story involves. Lately I've been interested in 
considering the Ahmaddiyah view that Christ somehow survived the 
crucifixion experience and was able to travel to the lost sheep or 
tribes in the east. 

- Art


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