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Re: Theos-World Re: Hassle on History

Mar 04, 1999 04:15 PM
by Frank Reitemeyer

>And Jerry S. responded,
><<The crisis was purely exoteric and historical addressing a human
>organization. I would challenge you to find anything "esoteric" at
>all in an outer organization changing its structure.>>

That would be a strange contradiction, as you showed yourself as a
non-believer in esotericism (for example you described in a former email
GdeP as a "racist", of course not giving any reason, or in another email you
declared there is no esoteriscm to be found in the writing of Judge. It is
not my duty to inform you about esoteric matters).
I just quote a little notice from eye-witness W. Emmett Small about Judith
Tyberg, the Sanskrit teacher at Point Loma (and the only personal pupil in
Sankrit of Dr. de Purucker):

"When the Point Loma Headquarters, on account of World War II, moved to
Covina, California, some twenty-five miles inland from Los Angeles, she
continued to teach there; but in 1946, * because of serious internal
esoteric troubles*, she left the T.S. headquarters."
-Quoted from: G. de Purucker: In the Temple, PLP 1994, p. xv.

There is much esoteric to be found in outer organization, if one is open
enough to see it. If this one is not open, you can tell it to him a thousand
times, and he will laugh and not find it. That's why esoteric is called


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