Re: Paramitas Of Buddhism ??? :)
Oct 26, 1998 06:57 AM
by Phillips Spencer
Dear Alan, You may find some information on the Paramitas as listed my
Madam B. in the "Voice of the Silence", in the 3rd Fragment title The Seven
Portals. If you don't have a copy of the book you may look in www.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Alan Wilkinson" <>
> Sent: Friday, October 23, 1998 9:40 PM
> Subject: Paramitas Of Buddhism ??? :)
> Hello again. I hope I'm not being a bug bear, but I read in a conclusion
> by
> Mr Purcker about the ten Paramitas of Buddhism...
> ...Could somebody be so kind as to list them, as I have no idea of what it
> is.
> I'm not asking out of mere speculation but from a `desire :)` to practice
> and progress.
> Thanks
> Alan
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