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Re: Materialistic Mamas

Jun 25, 1998 08:53 PM
by Darren Porter

I have heard of Atlas Shrugged only through Robert Anton Wilsons Books
mainly The Illuminatus Trilogy. Perhaps to understand one both should be read.

Hail Eris!

At 08:17 PM 6/25/98 -0600, you wrote:
>Lmhemlll wrote regarding Ayn Rand:
>>She's a great writer.
>Oh, yes!  I really adored the way she made rape - via her rape scene in
>ATLAS SHRUGGED - appear to be something women really, deep down, want.  That
>book - an eclectic mixture of rape, the "me first" philosophy, abundant
>smoking, and raw capitalism - really got me aroused and excited about life.
>Whoo-hoo!  It also makes one handy-dandy computer table-leg holder-upper.
>Why, that pragmatic Ayn thought of everything!!!
>>I agree with much of her objectivist philosophy but I'm
>>not keen on objectivism' aversion to mysticism. Too bad she didn't read the
>>SD. She might have become a theosophist. If she had, she would have been the
>>new HPB.
>"The new HPB?!"  Are we talking about the same Ayn Rand - the one who also
>wrote yet another admirable piece of rather ripe poop entitled "The Virtue
>of Selfishness?"
>Well. . .I see only happy days ahead.
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