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Internet & Theosophy

Jun 12, 1998 07:44 PM
by Sophia TenBroeck

First Darren and then Doss, wrote : --

">>I've offered a course "The Internet and Theosophy :  A beginners
guide  from>>HPB to HPC, but the lodge doesn't seem to interested. They
find my>>enthusiasm amusing for some reason.
>Your course interests me. BTW, did you get any indication why the lodge
is>not interested? How old are the key/active members?		 >mkr"

Sophia  is 69 and my brother Dallas is 76.  We are old fogies!  Right?
The soul is not of the age of the body, you must look for other
What is HPC?   And "lodge"  is a general reference, meaning little.
There are so many groups, and all get tarred with the generalized word
"lodge."   This is unfair.

Fraternally,  Sophia

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