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Re: theos-talk And yet another book on Laura Holloway!!!!!!

May 28, 2012 02:16 PM
by MKR

While I was browsing Internet a little while ago, I saw the book. How I
wish the books become soon available as pdf files so will be within easy
reach of all students around the world.


PS: Women issues in the book should be very interesting to read even for
casual reader.

On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 2:04 PM, Daniel <> wrote:

> **
> Just a few days ago I announced the publication of my new book on Mrs.
> Holloway.
> See:
> and
> Now there is another book out on Mrs. Holloway by Dr. Diane Sasson.
> Looking up her mail address at her University website, I've written the
> following to her:
> ---------------------
> Dear Dr. Sasson,
> Continuing my email from the one I sent earlier today, yesterday I found
> you new book at Google books and ordered a copy.  Today I received the
> copy from Amazon and have spent the last four hours reading....not able to
> put your book down!
> You have done a remarkable, masterful job.  Although I might disagree with
> some your conclusions, etc. you have provided such a wonderful portrait of
> Laura.  I first became intrigued with Mrs. Holloway in the 1970s helping
> with the 2nd ed. of Mrs. Hanson's and Mr. Linton's READERS GUIDE TO THE
> MAHATMA LETTERS.  etc. etc.
> More info about my new book can be found at the following link:
> My book in effect provides much of the Blavatsky/Mahatma source
> material/Holloway source material including beautiful colored photographic
> facsimiles of ALL the Mahatma and Blavatsky original letters at Winterthur.
> It is like your book and my book are companion volumes!
> And I did NOT publish the second half of my original book manuscript
> because it was still incomplete and because for the last 2 or 3 years I had
> been involved in other Blavatsky projects.  Once I hear from you and know
> that this is your email address (I found it as the Vanderbilt University
> website), I will send you a word copy of the 2nd half of my book that I did
> not publish.  Going thru your book, you filled in some of the gaps in my
> own understanding and I see that maybe I have material that you did not
> know about.
> Tomorrow I am going on a 6 week trip away from Tucson but will take all my
> Laura Holloway folders with me and will go thru you book and compare it
> with the material I have collected over the years.  Once I refresh my
> memory on some of this I will then write you in greater detail and try to
> fill in some of the few gaps that I think I see in your narrative.
> I am also quite intrigued with what you write about Judge as it relates to
> other documents I have.  Plus in your book the whole topic about women and
> various related sexual matters is also very thought provoking.
> I am planning to email alot of my website users and correspondents and
> tell them about your book.
> I am so glad that you reproduced Master KH's portrait from my website.
> I must close for now and pack for my trip since I "wasted" the whole
> afternoon fully absorbed in your book!!!  Thanks very much for writing this
> book....I hope more people will be introduced to Laura and I hope students
> of Blavatsky and Theosophy will carefully read and study your book.
> In a rush....
> Daniel
> -----------------
> You can buy Dr. Sasson's book at Amazon at:
> And this morning a friend called me and said to look at Blavatsky News
> where more about both books are given:
> Yesterday on my vacation I spent all day looking at all my papers I have
> collected over the years about Mrs. Holloway. A stack one foot high!
> Maybe later today I will post portions of second part of my book that
> still has not been published that will complement and supplement the
> material in both my newly published book and Dr. Sasson's wonderful book.
> As a result of going back over my box of material I think I MAY have found
> a few more unpublished Mahatma letters. That will be my working hypothesis
> until I either verify or falsify it!
> I should tell readers that in my book I did publish the portraits of both
> KH and M.
> More later on this subject.
> Daniel

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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