Re: theos-talk the Christian Saviour, like Krishna
Oct 30, 2011 07:14 PM
by Cass Silva
So, it would seem that it was Leadbeater who distorted what was said about Maitreya. ÂHe elevated Jesus Christ to this status.
TheÂMaitreyaÂorÂLord MaitreyaÂis described inÂTheosophicalÂliterature of the late 19th-century and subsequent periods as an advanced spiritual entity and high-ranking member of a hiddenÂSpiritual Hierarchy, the so-calledÂMasters of the Ancient Wisdom. According to TheosophicalÂdoctrine, one of the Hierarchy's functions is to oversee the evolution of Humankind; in accord with this function the Maitreya is said to hold the so-calledÂOffice of the World Teacher. Theosophical texts posit that the purpose of this Office is to facilitate the transfer of knowledge about the true constitution and workings of Existence. Humanity is thereby assisted on its presumed cyclical, but ever progressive,ÂevolutionaryÂpath. Reputedly, one way the knowledge transfer is accomplished is by Maitreya occasionally manifesting orÂincarnatingÂin the physical realm; the manifested entity then assumes the role ofÂWorld Teacher of Humankind.
The Theosophical concept of Maitreya has many similarities to the earlierÂMaitreyaÂdoctrine inÂBuddhism. However, they differ in important aspects, and developed differently. The Theosophical Maitreya has been assimilated or appropriated by a variety of quasi-theosophical and non-theosophicalÂNew AgeÂandÂEsotericÂgroups and movements. These have added, and advanced, their own interpretations and commentary on the subject.
* 1ÂDevelopment of the concept
* 1.1ÂSpiritual Hierarchy
* 1.2ÂChrist Principle
* 1.3ÂIncarnations
* 1.4ÂExpected reappearance
* 1.5ÂWorld Teacher Project
* 2ÂLater representations
* 2.1ÂCosmic Christ
* 2.2ÂAscended Master Teachings
* 2.3ÂClaims of reappearance
* 3ÂSee also
* 4ÂReferences
* 5ÂFurther reading
[edit]Development of the concept
The first mention of the Maitreya in a Theosophical context occurs in the 1883 workÂEsoteric BuddhismÂbyÂAlfred Percy SinnettÂ(1840â1921), an early Theosophical writer.[1]ÂThe concepts described by Sinnett were amended, elaborated on, and greatly expanded inÂThe Secret Doctrine, a book originally published 1888.[2]ÂThe work was theÂmagnum opusÂofÂHelena BlavatskyÂ(1831â91), one of the founders of theÂTheosophical SocietyÂand of contemporaryÂTheosophy. In it, theÂmessianicÂMaitreya is linked to both Buddhist andÂHinduÂreligious traditions.[3]ÂIn the same work Blavatsky asserted that there have been, and will be, multiple messianic (or messianic-like) instances in human history.[4]ÂThese successive appearances of "emissarie[s] of Truth"[5]Âare according to Blavatsky part of the unceasing oversight of Earth and of its inhabitants by a hiddenÂSpiritual Hierarchy, the so-calledÂMasters of the Ancient Wisdom.[6][7]
[edit]Spiritual Hierarchy
Main article:ÂMasters of the Ancient Wisdom
Following Blavatsky's writings on the subject, other Theosophists progressively elaborated on theÂSpiritual Hierarchy.[8]ÂIts members are presented as guardians and guides of Earth's total evolutionary process,[9]known in TheosophicalÂcosmologyÂas the doctrine ofÂPlanetary Rounds. According to Theosophists, evolution includes anÂoccultÂor spiritual component that is considered of a higher order of importance than the related physical evolution.[10]ÂThe Hierarchy presumably consists of spiritual entities at various evolutionary stages â these stages correspond to ever increasing ranks within the Hierarchy. Lower ranks are populated by individuals who can function more or less normally on the physical plane, while in the highest known rankings are highly evolved beings of the purest spiritual essence and consciousness.[11]
According to the Theosophical exposition, in the current stage of Planetary Evolution the position of Maitreya in Earth's Hierarchy is that of the so-calledÂBoddhisatva, originally a Buddhist concept.[12]ÂSince this position is thought to be at an exalted state, the Maitreya may have no direct or sustained contact with the physical realm. At this evolutionary level he is below only two other beings in the current Hierarchy: at its apex, theÂSanat Kumara, (also referred to asÂThe Lord of the World), followed by theÂBuddha; as such the Maitreya is held in high reverence and regard by Theosophists.[13]ÂHe is additionally described as having among other duties overall responsibility for humanity's development, including its education, civilization, and religion.[14]
Blavatsky held that members of the Hierarchy, often calledÂthe MastersÂorÂthe MahÄtmÄsÂin Theosophical literature, were the ultimate guides of the Theosophical Society.[15]ÂThe Society itself was said to be the result of one of the "impulses" from the Hierarchy. These "impulses" are believed to be a regular occurrence.[16]ÂFurthermore, Blavatsky commented in her widely read 1889 workÂThe Key to TheosophyÂon the next impulse, the "effort of the XXth century" which would involve another "torch-bearer of Truth". In this effort the Theosophical Society was poised to possibly play a major role.[17]ÂMore information regarding the future "impulse" was the purview of the Theosophical Society'sÂEsoteric SectionÂwhich was founded by Blavatsky and was originally led by her.[18]ÂIts members had access toÂoccultÂinstruction and more detailed knowledge of the "inner order" and mission of the Society, and of its reputed hidden guides.[19]
[edit]Christ Principle
Blavatsky also elaborated on a so-calledÂChrist Principle, which in her view corresponds to the spiritual essence of every human being.[20]ÂAfter Blavatskyâs death in 1891 influential TheosophistÂCharles Webster LeadbeaterÂ(1854â1934), whose knowledge onoccultÂmatters was highly respected by the Society's leadership, formulated aÂChristologyÂin which he identified Christ with the Theosophical representation of theÂBuddhistÂdeityÂMaitreya. He maintained that an aspect of Maitreya was the prototype for the Christ Principle described by Blavatsky. Leadbeater believed thatÂMaitreya-as-ChristÂhad previously manifested on Earth, often through specially prepared people who acted as the entity's "vehicles". The manifested Maitreya then assumed the role of World Teacher, dispensing knowledge regarding underlying truths of Existence.[21]ÂThis knowledge, which according to Theosophists eventually crystallized in religious, scientific and cultural
practices, had been reputedly disseminated to groups as small as a few carefully selectedÂInitiatesÂand as large as Humanity as a whole.
>From: MKR <>
>Sent: Sunday, 30 October 2011 1:48 PM
>Subject: Re: theos-talk the Christian Saviour, like Krishna
>I would concentrate on the message these Great Beings brought to us. The
>message and its effect on the Humanity is more important than the mechanics
>of how the message was transmitted from whom. The message of love and
>brotherhood which permeates all the teachings of all the Saviours is
>something we have to think about. I am glad we are discussing the
>foundation of all spiritual growth of all of us.
>On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Jeremy Condick <>wrote:
>> **
>> The Christ is known also as the Maitreya. He is the head of the spiritual
>> hierarchy and teacher of angels and of men and the great Lord of Love and
>> of Compassion. Jesus gave up his body for use by the Christ. The Master
>> Jesus is indeed as you say, an adept.
>> "The World Teacher - takes office cyclically. His cycles do not coincide
>> with those of the Manu as the Manu holds office for the entire root-race.
>> The World Teacher gives out the keynote for the various religions and is
>> the emanating source for periodical religious impulses. The duration of his
>> cycles are not given out. The Buddha held office prior to the present World
>> Teacher and upon his Illumination His place was taken by the Lord Maitreya
>> whom the Occidentals call the Christ." TCF 214.
>> p.s. Just a note to the group, this is offered only in the spirit of
>> brotherhood and with no concern for its refusal. DK says somewhere that
>> Maitreya cares not what religion a aspirant or disciple may be, only that
>> they recognise the love and brotherhood found in the continuity of divine
>> Revelations found in all major world religions. The thread of truth that
>> runs throughout the ages.
>> > To:
>> > From:
>> > Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2011 18:46:39 -0700
>> > Subject: Re: theos-talk the Christian Saviour, like Krishna
>> >
>> > Also, as far as I know, Jesus is not the head of any heirarchy - he is
>> an adept master. The head of the adepts I believe is Maitreya.
>> > Cass
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > >________________________________
>> > >From: Jeremy Condick <>
>> > >To:
>> > >Sent: Saturday, 29 October 2011 10:24 AM
>> > >Subject: RE: theos-talk the Christian Saviour, like Krishna
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >Many thanks, John. Thank you so much for this book reference. A great
>> source indeed of some few of the Sun Gods. JPC.
>> > >
>> > >"From the very night of time, as well you know, the period wherein the
>> sun moves northward again has been regarded as a festival season; for
>> thousands of years it has been associated with the coming of the Sun-God to
>> save the world, to bring light and fruitfulness to the Earth and through
>> the work of the Son of God to bring hope to humanity." Destiny of the
>> Nations 147.
>> > >
>> > >"Thus, when Christ proclaimed (as He assuredly did), along with all
>> world Saviors and Sun-Gods, that He was the Light of the worlds, He
>> inaugurated a marvelous period in which humanity has been widely and
>> universally enlightened." DN 148.
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >> To:
>> > >> From:
>> > >> Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2011 22:52:43 +0000
>> > >> Subject: Re: theos-talk the Christian Saviour, like Krishna
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >> Jeremy and all,
>> > >>
>> > >> A certain book that Blavatsky also mentioned "The Worlds Sixteen
>> Crucified Saviors or Christianity before Christ" by Kersey Graves 1879,
>> Boston: Colby and Rich Publishers, No. 9 Montgomery Place, 384 pages. it is
>> a survey of ancient history of religion of cultures dessertates upon the
>> "Saviour" figures of pre-christian history. Madame Blavastky mentions as a
>> "Q" source respective to her readings.
>> > >>
>> > >> John
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >> ----- Original Message -----
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >> From: "Jeremy Condick" <>
>> > >> To:
>> > >> Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 2:31:15 PM
>> > >> Subject: theos-talk the Christian Saviour, like Krishna
>> > >>
>> > >>
>> > >> HPB first key work proclaimed the Christ the Christian saviour and
>> Christos, AAB second key work expanded somewhat, the Christ which is a rank
>> of office of the head of hierarchy, and not the so called Christian son of
>> a personal god, Jehovah like, of the church fathers so worshiped and
>> personalised by the Roman Catholics also. This is often greatly
>> misunderstood. But it is part of our teachings. JPC.
>> > >>
>> > >> "The personal God of orthodox Theism perceives, thinks, and is
>> affected by emotion; he repents and feels "fierce anger." SD1 2.
>> > >>
>> > >> "Christian theology has evolved its self-created human and personal
>> God" SD1 613.
>> > >>
>> > >> "The Church enforces belief in a personal god and a personal devil,
>> while Occultism shows the fallacy of such a belief." SD2 475.
>> > >>
>> > >> "This Entity, Whom we call the solar Logos, is in no sense the same
>> as the personal God of the Christian, who is no more nor less than man
>> himself, expanded into a being of awful power, and subject to the virtues
>> and vices of man himself." TCF 239.
>> > >>
>> > >> "On the other hand, regarded in the light of the LOGOS, the Christian
>> Saviour, like Krishna, whether as man or logos, may be said to have saved
>> those who believed in the secret teachings from "eternal death," to have
>> conquered the Kingdom of Darkness, or Hell, as every Initiate does. This in
>> the human, terrestrial form of the Initiates, and also because the logos is
>> Christos, that principle of our inner nature which develops in us into the
>> Spiritual Ego -- the Higher-Self -- being formed of the indissoluble union
>> of Buddhi (the sixth) and the spiritual efflorescence of Manas" SD2 230.
>> > >>
>> > >> "those whom the Christian Saviour addressed as ïthe generation of
>> vipers". CW X
>> > >>
>> > >> "Like Buddha and Jesus, Apollonius was the uncompromising enemy of
>> all outward show of piety, all display of useless religious ceremonies and
>> hypocrisy. If, like the Christian Saviour, the sage of Tyana had by
>> preference sought the companionship of the poor and humble"... IU2 341.
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
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>> >
>> >
>> >
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>> >
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>> >
>> >
>> >
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