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Re: theos-talk - Orlando Theosophical Lodge Charter Cancellation

May 05, 2011 06:09 AM
by MKR

On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 2:24 AM, Spirituality <>wrote:

> I have personal evidence that there IS long standing difficulty between the
> Orlando Lodge and the TSA. The fact that the regional association (of
> Florida I think) supports the national headquarters on this issue is
> evidence to that as well.
> Katinka Hesselink
> ---

MKR Comments:

The above quoted message is very interesting from another angle.

Ever since the action of the TSA Board to withdraw the charter of Orlando
Lodge was made public, members around the country are curious and concerned
why this was done at a time of rapid decline in membership and loss of
lodges. No substantive detailed information and facts supporting the
decision was forthcoming until recent vague statements from TSA.

With the above background, the statement from a member who is neither a
member of TSA nor even living in the USA, is very surprising.

Unless the member has access to members of the lodge and/or Federation who
confided the details of the alleged lodge problems or Wheaton leadership is
sharing the details with this member (who is active on Internet) attempting
to influence the membership to believe the correctness of the decision to
cancel the lodge charter. So the mystery deepens.

It is urgent for the Section leadership come clean by laying all the facts
on the table and also this member disclose the facts known to her. By
keeping silent, it only contributes to lowering the trust and credibility
that members have on the leadership and this member.

Let us keep tuned.......


There is no religion higher than Truth

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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