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Re:Fiat Lux-Good For Katinka

May 05, 2011 08:15 AM
by Spirituality

The fact is, the Orlando lodge contacted me years ago with allegations against the TSA. I checked with Betty Bland and since her story made more sense than the one told by my Orlando lodge contacts, I did nothing about it. 

It's true of course: I'm not a member of the TSA. However I've been a prominent theosophist online for years and people tell me things. Sometimes I do something with that info, sometimes not. 

In this case I've used it to, on two occasions, defending Betty bland and the tsa . If anybody thinks this suspicious, because Betty is known to be evil or something rediculous like that, I'd like to remind them that I very actively opposed the controversial proposal to change the way we vote for the international president.

However, I look at each case individually and even If I look at only the most recent utterings from the Orlando lodge- very public utterings - Betty bland sounds way more rational than the Orlando lodge does. 

Do I have proof? No, but I'm sure the TSA has correspondence going back years over this.

Personally I don't understand what the Orlando lodge is getting so worked up about. Do they need the TSA for anything? Why not just leave the TS? I'm certainly likely to take that step in the next few years.


--- In, "t_s_theosophist" <THEOSOPHIST@...> wrote:
> Katinka, you have made a serious allegation, as you have been prone to do in the past. Now all you have to do is SUBSTANTIATE This allegation with FACTS. Please, enlighten us all with you FACTS
> about Orlando Lodge, not any personal member, but the Lodge itself. 
> How you, who are not even a member of the American Section, and have NEVER been to Orlando Lodge, and do NOT know any of our members came to possess such privy information is also a mystery. HUH???????
> SO........What are your FACTS?
> We are waiting for your documentation.
> Rumors and heresay abound about
> personalities and events,even attempted character asasination
> of one of our members,
> BUT WHERE ARE YOU FACTS That Orlando Lodge is in violation of ANYTHING?
> William Delahunt
> (Lucifer)
> ------------------------

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