A Psychological Key to The Secret Doctrine (Part 3)
Jan 31, 2010 06:13 AM
by Morten Nymann Olesen
Dear friends
My views are:
Here is an article in embryo form. I might use it later in a book...
A Psychological Key to The Secret Doctrine
Part 3
Thought Control - Keeping the light - Disclosure Project
(Brainwashing and the Manchurian Candidate)
Psychological indoctrination and Mind Control:
Within psychological theories it is well known that: lack of information og not knowing why one holds certain beliefs can leave an individual on shifting grounds. There is a difference between the concepts "information" and "knowledge". Investigating the facts to bring information. But knowing why one holds a belief does not necessarily bring knowledge. A belief is a belief because it is NOT Knowledge.
Unfortunately, every (or most) individuals upbringing helps to invest him or her with a set of beliefs which, adopted when too young to be questioned, often come to masquerade as knowledge. According to Hans Toch, the eloquent and insightful author of The Social Psychology of Social Movements, the combined effects of childhood indoctrination and the socialisation process, at its most successful and effective level, serves to blinker an individual to reality and create a dependence on a belief system - any belief system. He or she can take blacks or whites but not the shifting shades in between.
Indoctrination is an emotive word. Perhaps for most people it is most commonly associated with rather blatant process of persuasion that goes on in totalitarian regimes or systematised thinking encouraged in minority political groups or religious cults (that other people belong to) where slogans or catchwords, such as "state control" or "enlightenment" encapsulate central concepts. It has a bad flavour, a bad feel, implying that the indoctrinated person has taken on board the conclusions of others instead of coming to his or her own. It flies in the face of free thinking, the rational weighing up of arguments and all such ideals that we think we hold dear.
But indoctrination, defined at its simplest, means to imbue with a doctrine. To "imbue" means to permeate or to saturate, implying a process that can be much more subtle than the repetitious reciting of approved slogans. As authors who have been concerned by the concepts of coercion and behaviour manipulation show, most of us are indoctrinated throughout our lives, often without even knowing it. Beliefs almost "grow" into us.
They are then sustained and protected, usally unconsciously, by the physicological and psychological processes of perception.
(Taken from "The Manipulated Mind" by Denise Winn, p. 36-37:)
Now the above could be related to some of the various New Age circles and the activities, which are going on there and the reason why people join these groups and their background of cultural and perhaps also religious upbringing.
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An esoterical seeker once said:
What you may take to be attractive, or even spread out by us to be attractive to you, may well not be intended in this manner at all. That which attracts you, or others, about us may be that which is laid down by us as a tool which enables us to regard you (or others) as unsuitable.
M. Sufilight
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