J D Salinger's Interest in Eastern Teachings/Techniques
Jan 31, 2010 02:17 PM
by MKR
The famous writer J D Salinger who passed away a few days ago, had at one
time, interested in Kriya Yoga breathing exercises. Here is a quote from
'In June 1955, at the age of 36, Salinger married Claire Douglas, a
Radcliffe student. They had two children, Margaret (b. December 10, 1955)
and Matthew (b. February 13, 1960). Margaret Salinger wrote in her memoir
Dream Catcher that she believes her parents would not have married, nor
would she have been born, had her father not read the teachings of Lahiri
Mahasaya, a guru of Paramahansa Yogananda, which brought the possibility of
enlightenment to those following the path of the "householder" (a married
person with children).[67] After their marriage, J.D. and Claire were
initiated into the path of Kriya yoga in a small store-front Hindu temple in
Washington, D.C., during the summer of 1955.[68] They received a mantra and
breathing exercises to practice for ten minutes twice a day.'
PS: Salinger is also well known for his litigation relative to copyright
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