Re: Theos-World Re: Wither Theosophy. Whither the Theosophical Society?
Sep 12, 2009 08:39 PM
by MKR
The comment raises some interesting issues.
Firstly, this is the first time I hear that the election results were being
transmitted to Adyar by email.
I think it is a right move in todayâs world when many (except some bull
headed old folks who still enjoy snailmail for the time float it gives) use
email for quick and inexpensive mode of communication.
I am sure considering the well planned and coordinated effort by many
section leaders to defeat Radha Burnier, the election results sent to Adyar
was being shared between them. The only folks who were kept in total
darkness are the ordinary members like you and me who no one cares for!
There was no reason why the section results should not have been posted on
this and other maillists and websites. May be the hang up is that no one saw
any need to keep ordinary members informed. This is very understandable when
you consider the fact that a quartet even tried to secretly disenfranchise
all of us and seize the power.
The second issue is that the International Secretary holds a very important
office. We all saw the effort by one of the underlings of the Secretary
getting involved in the nomination stage even before you and me were aware
of the call for nomination.
We do not know if the Intl Secretary was in any way active in the background
prior to the nomination in the planning and coordination efforts to defeat
Radha Burnier. I will not be surprised at all if we find out more about her
Very little information has come out about all the planning and coordination
and background electioneering efforts that went on behind the scenes long
before the nomination call went out. My hope is, the information is bound to
trickle out as time passes on. I am sure such revelation would be very
interesting for us and future historians.
If anyone has any information or even gossip about the above issues, feel
free to share with all of us.
On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 2:09 AM, seeker_preethi <>wrote:
Also, when the results for the elections were being received by email from
the various Sections, Ms Anderson did mention on several occasions that Mrs
Burnier would no longer trust her (Mary) with receiving the emails herself,
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