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Sep 13, 2009 08:46 AM
by semockr
This is the most theosophical post I've seen in here for a long time and it gets down to cases in science and religion to get at the truth. I dont know about Cass but I for one still believe in a personal God, not an external one however. --- In theos-talk@yahoogroups.com, Leon Maurer <leonmaurer@...> wrote: > > Cass, > > I don't think you are too far off the mark... > > But, at the primal beginning of each cycle of manifestation, the > cosmos is in a state of rest -- which consists of its laya point of > pure consciousness (of absolute space) spinning in an angular > momentum of force rays that correspond to the total potential mass- > energy of each level of the past and future seven fold fractal > involved manifest fields of cosmic consciousness. > > It's this laya point that Einstein called the "singularity" prior to > the birth of the spacetime continuum... And that the "new science" of > today sees as being in the center of every black-hole (now called a > "black-white whole" by Nassim Haramein) as well as in every zero- > point in total holographic spacetime. (Incidentally, Haramein's > theory is the closest science has come to verifying the ABC model as > well as HPB's metaphysics). > > THerefore, we might think of this cosmic singularity, or primal > dimensionless atom of "abstract motion", as the "God particle" that > is the "seven robed mother" of the Book of Dzyan -- whose still zero- > point center of pure consciousness is the "father"... And, as HPB > pointed out, is the primal state of "absolute space" that contains > the rootless root of both spirit or consciousness, and matter or mass- > energy. So, where's the need for an external personal God creator > when the cosmos is its own creator, sustainer, destroyer or Brahma, > Vishnu, Shiva (Kether, Binah, Chochma)? > > Thus, the inherent consciousness at the primal beginning of our > present cosmic cycle of manifestation, is the triggering intent of > will that wakes up and initiates the emanation and radiation of the > manifest cosmos and all its fractal involved energy fields -- which > are governed solely by the laws of cycles inherent in original spin > momentum, after the release of the reactive nature of karma -- like a > compressed coil spring explosively expanding when the latch holding > is down is slid open. That's why science calls it the "big > bang" (and, now, considers each galaxy as starting with an analogous > little big bang.) > > Since the only eternal unchanging reality is that zero-point of pure > consciousness -- that's why the ever changing manifest cosmos > and all the evolving forms in it, are considered as temporary > illusions or Maya. > > For a closer view of this concept check out my new blog, "How It All > Began" at: > http://dzyanmaster.wordpress.com/ > and compare it with the theories of Haramein at his web site and in > his video lectures at: > http://www.theresonanceproject.org/ > http://www.youtube.com/watch? > v=pPgII_4ciFU&feature=PlayList&p=88EDD1895A2F5587&index=0&playnext=1 > or http://tinyurl.com/haramein > > Leon > > > > > On Sep 7, 2009, at 9/7/098:12 PM, Cass Silva wrote: > > > Leon, > > This is in response to a poster who struggles with the idea of a > > godcreated universe. Am I on the right track? > > Cass > > > > Can I propose that this primeval particle was a combination of > > matter and energy? As matter is unable to be destroyed only > > changed, could this zero mass reach a point that its constitution > > in static equilibrium could no longer be contained and that change > > was the inevitable result of an inherent force acting upon itself? > > > > This then suggests that matter and energy are in a constant state > > of flux (albeit over billions and billions of years) from static to > > energetic and that expansion and contraction are a result or an > > effect of changing interacting forces. > > > > This then takes god out of the zero point and replaces god with > > 'force'. A force that is subject to its own laws? > > > > Cass > > > > > > > > > > ______________________________________________________________________ > > ____________ > > Get more done like never before with Yahoo!7 Mail. > > Learn more: http://au.overview.mail.yahoo.com/ > > > > > > ------------------------------------ > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] >