Re: Theos-World Can we see Obama as Hitler in Mass Psychosis.
Jan 19, 2009 06:47 PM
by adelasie
What does all this have to do with theosophy?
On 19 Jan 2009 at 20:53, christinaleestemaker wrote:
> Obama's speeches are a mass of mind-control techniques and Neuro-
> Linguistic-Programming, or NLP, and they are carefully constructed to
> implant beliefs and perceptions into the mind of the viewer. Click
> here for a description of his psycho-babble, headed An Examination of
> Obama's Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches.
> As I keep emphasising, the whole Obama circus is an exercise in mass
> mind control and it has been so successful because so many people
> live their lives in a permanent state of trance. All of which brings
> me to the parallels with Nazi Germany, fascist Italy and similar
> regimes throughout history.
> Obama may not look like Hitler, nor sound like Hitler, but the themes
> are just the same. Germany was in a terrible state economically and
> militarily in the 1930s in the aftermath of the First World War and
> the reparations inflicted on the country by the Rothschild/Illuminati-
> controlled Versailles 'Peace' Conference in 1919.
> From amid the chaos came the man that Germans saw then in much the
> same way that so many see Obama today. His name was Adolf Hitler and
> his oratory and rhetoric, again supported by a ritualistic
> presentation founded on mind-control techniques, made him appear to
> be the German 'messiah', the German Obama.
> Hitler promised 'change', 'hope' and something to 'believe in' amidst
> the consequences of war and financial collapse. He spoke to vast
> rallies of adoring followers and a mass movement emerged in support
> of Hitler's vision of a new tomorrow.
> As the writer Webster Tarpley points out, fascism in its true sense
> is not just a Police State imposed by a tiny hierarchy. It might end
> up like that, but first it is brought to power by a mass movement
> from within the people who have no understanding of what the
> 'change', hope' and 'believe' they are being offered really means.
> They just know that they want some because, as with Obama, they make
> it mean what they want it to mean. Only later do they see, to their
> horror, what they have signed up for.
> Obama's America ...
> ... Hitler's Germany.
> There may seem to be a world of difference, but the techniques are
> just the same.
> Obama is far more dangerous than Bush because he can sell a line to
> those who are in the trance while Boy Bush could not do that on
> anything like the same scale. Bush was a transparent idiot with no
> communication skills who needed massive fraud at the polls to get him
> officially 'elected'. He could never be the figurehead to inspire a
> mass movement of the people to support some vacuous 'hope', 'change'
> and 'believe' when they don't even know what those words are supposed
> to mean.
> But Obama clearly can, because he has.
> One of 'his' (his controllers') prime targets are the young, just as
> they were with the Nazis and the Hitler Youth Movement. If you think
> this parallel is far-fetched then have a look at this video to see
> how extreme Obama worship has already become for some young people.
> Hitler Youth was just the same. Click here to watch ...
> In line with this theme, the WorldNetDaily website reported:
> 'The official website of President-Elect Barack Obama,,
> originally announced that Obama would "require" all middle school
> through college students to participate in community service
> programs; but after a flurry of blogs protested children being
> drafted into Obama's proposed youth corps, the website's wording was
> softened.
> Originally, under the tab "America Serves", read,
> "President-Elect Obama will expand national service programs like
> AmeriCorps and Peace Corps and will create a new Classroom Corps to
> help teachers in under served schools, as well as a new Health Corps,
> Clean Energy Corps, and Veterans Corps.
> "Obama will call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by
> developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle
> school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college
> every year," the site announced.'
> For the full story, click here ...
> Obama said in a speech in July 2008 in Colorado Springs that he
> wanted to see a 'civilian national security force' that would be as
> powerful and well-funded as the Marines, Navy and Air Force. As
> Joseph Farah, founder of WorldNetDaily, wrote:
> 'If we're going to create some kind of national police force as big,
> powerful and well funded as our combined U.S. military forces, isn't
> this rather a big deal? I thought Democrats generally believed the
> U.S. spent too much on the military.
> How is it possible their candidate is seeking to create some kind of
> massive but secret national police force that will be even bigger
> than the Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force put together? Is Obama
> serious about creating some kind of domestic security force bigger
> and more expensive than that? If not, why did he say it? What did he
> mean?'
> Obama meant, amid the flowery words, that he's not in favour of
> either peace or freedom. He is a front-man demagogue for the same
> force that controlled Boy Bush, Clinton, Father Bush, Reagan, Carter,
> ad infinitum; but the difference is that he has been hyped to such
> hysterical proportions that he will be allowed to get away with far
> more than they were, at least until reality dawns on the mass ranks
> of his hypnotised supporters. And, clearly, that could take some time.
> The cabal will be anxious to squeeze every minute from Obama's
> honeymoon period and we can expect to see events move quickly after
> his inauguration in January.
> When I was a journalist 30 years ago, I came across a technique that
> some tabloid newspaper reporters would use to get someone to speak
> with them. They would work in pairs with the first one knocking on
> the door of some distressed family who didn't want to talk with the
> media. He would tell them he was from a newspaper he didn't really
> work for and treat them with aggression and contempt to make them
> even more upset.
> He would then leave and his colleague would knock on the door, tell
> them the real newspaper he was from, and act like Mr. Nice Guy. He
> would say that he understood completely how upsetting the other man
> must have been, but 'if you will only speak to me exclusively I will
> make sure that the other man, nor anyone like him, won't bother you
> again'. They usually agreed and the scam was complete.
> Much the same thing is happening with regard to Bush and Obama. The
> Neoconservative 'Republican' wing of the Illuminati controlled Bush
> for eight years and led the country into foreign wars and financial
> chaos (bad guy/problem); now the 'Democratic' wing, led by the
> infamous Zbigniew Brzezinski, has brought forth the 'saviour', Barack
> Obama, to lead us into the sunshine with 'hope' and 'change' (good
> guy/solution).
> Hence even some more aware people say: 'At least he's not Bush'.
> Apart from the unspecified 'hope, 'change' and 'believe', few have
> any idea what Obama's policies will be. Public perception comes from
> having an 'image' of him, or a self-projection, not the fine print
> because Obama doesn't do fine print until the votes are cast and even
> then he will hide it in his windbag words.
> There is an 'image' that Obama is against war, but no he's not. He
> says he's against the invasion of Iraq, though we'll see what he does
> about that in office. How can a man calling for more troops,
> including European troops, to be sent to Afghanistan be against war?
> He has also said he is prepared to bomb Pakistan and use military
> force to stop Iran building nuclear weapons and he has appointed
> Hillary 'Let's bomb 'em' Clinton (Bilderberg Group, Trilateral
> Commission, Council on Foreign Relations) as Secretary of State and
> re-appointed Bush's 'Let's bomb 'em' Secretary of Defense, Robert
> Gates (Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations). So that's the
> 'change we can believe in', then.
> Obama isn't against war at all and, if his controllers have their
> way, he will engage the US in even more foreign conflicts with the
> troops sent to their deaths, and the deaths of their targets, on a
> wave of oratory from the dark suit with the black face who would
> never go where he's sending them.
> He claims to be a 'uniter', which is exactly what Bush said about
> himself before he came to office, but unity in and of itself is not
> the issue. Nazi Germany had unity in the early years of the war, but
> was that a good thing? What matters is what the unity is designed to
> achieve and Obama's much-vaunted 'unity' is to 'inspire' a mass
> movement to support the Orwellian plans of the Illuminati.
> His constant rhetoric about 'bringing people together' can be used to
> justify the 'coming together' of the United States, Canada and Mexico
> in the North American Union; it can be used to concede America's
> sovereignty to the 'coming together' of the 'world community' (world
> dictatorship); it can be used to unite the believers in their
> opposition and condemnation of non-believers, which is precisely what
> happened in Nazi Germany with the book-burning and violent
> suppression of those who challenged the Hitler regime.
> The potential of Obama Mania is endless when it comes to selling
> fascism as 'hope, change', 'freedom' and a 'New America', or 'New
> World' [Order].
> Bush and Cheney were transparent warmongers and would always have
> struggled to bring in the draft, the compulsory enlistment of people
> into the military against their will. But it would not be as
> difficult for Obama in the current climate. For goodness sake, he's
> already talking about compulsory community service for middle school,
> high school and college students and creating a peoples' army in
> America.
> That's why I say Obama is far more dangerous to freedom than Bush. In
> the last eight years Bush could only get part of the way to fascism -
> Obama has the potential to finish the job, for all the reasons I have
> mentioned and more.
> You only have to look at the cabal behind Obama, and those he has
> already appointed to his administration team, to see what his
> 'change' is truly planned to be. His mentor, svengali and main
> controller is Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter's National Security
> Advisor, and the co-founder, with David Rockefeller, of the
> Illuminati's Trilateral Commission.
> Brzezinski has admitted publicly that he began to fund and train what
> he would call today 'terrorists' in Afghanistan to oppose the Soviet-
> controlled government in the capital, Kabul, in the late 1970s. The
> idea, he said, was to entice the Soviet Union to invade Afghanistan
> to protect the Kabul regime and thus give the rival superpower 'their
> Vietnam'. The plan worked at the cost of a million Afghan lives
> during the Soviet occupation from 1979 to 1989, a consequence that
> troubles Brzezinski not at all.
> Brzezinski's 'freedom fighters' would become known as the
> 'Mujahideen' and later the Taliban and what is claimed to be 'Al-
> Qaeda'. This is the man behind 'anti-war', Barack Obama. It was
> common knowledge that President Carter would do nothing involving
> foreign policy without the okay from Brzezinski, the co-founder of
> the Trilateral Commission which chose Carter for president.
> It is one of many great ironies of the Obama presidency that he is
> demanding massive troop reinforcements to be sent to Afghanistan to
> fight the Taliban terrorists who were initially armed, trained and
> organised by Brzezinski, the man behind Obama. As Morpheus says in
> The Matrix: 'Fate, it seems, is not without its sense of irony'.
> But then, in Brzezinski's case, it is not 'fate', but cold
> calculation that has brought it all about. The Poland-born Brzezinski
> has a fierce hatred of Russia and that is still one of his key
> targets, together with China.
> And if they are Brzezinski's targets, they are Obama's targets.
> The Trilateral Commission and the wider Brzezinski network, including
> Illuminati fronts like the Ford Foundation, have now chosen Obama and
> the situation will be the same. Brzezinski will call the shots;
> Obama's job is simply to sell them to the people. This is rather
> alarming when you think that Brzezinski wants to trigger a war
> involving Russia and China. 'Obama's' policies come straight from
> Brzezinski's books. Here is one Brzezinski quote you might recognise
> and it was made before Obama ran for president:
> 'Needed social reassessment ... can be encouraged by deliberate civic
> education that stresses the notion of service to a higher cause than
> oneself. As some have occasionally urged, a major step in that
> direction would be the adoption of an obligatory period of national
> service for every young adult, perhaps involving a variety of
> congressionally approved domestic or foreign good works.'
> Now where have I heard that before?
> As an Illuminati operative, Brzezinski's aim is to create a world
> government, central bank, currency and army - a global dictatorship -
> underpinned by a microchipped population connected to a global
> computer/satellite system. He wrote a book in 1970, Between Two Ages:
> America's Role in the Technetronic Era, in which he described the
> global society that he and the Illuminati seek to impose:
> 'The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more
> controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite,
> unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to
> assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain
> up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal
> information about the citizen. These files will be subject to
> instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.'
> He also said in the same book nearly 40 years ago:
> 'Today we are again witnessing the emergence of transnational
> elites ... [Whose] ties cut across national boundaries ... It is
> likely that before long the social elites of most of the more
> advanced countries will be highly internationalist or globalist in
> spirit and outlook ... The nation-state is gradually yielding its
> sovereignty ... Further progress will require greater American
> sacrifices. More intensive efforts to shape a new world monetary
> structure will have to be undertaken, with some consequent risk to
> the present relatively favorable American position.'
> And what does his puppet, Obama, now say that Americans have to do to
> bring about 'change'? 'Make sacrifices'. As Mrs. Demagogue, Michelle,
> said:
> 'We need a different leadership because our souls are broken. We need
> to be inspired ... to make the sacrifices that are needed to push us
> to a different place.'
> You can bet that this will include sacrificing more sovereignty and
> freedom on the road to the global dictatorship described by
> Brzezinski for decades.
> Brzezinski's son, Mark, was an 'advisor' to the Obama campaign (doing
> what his father told him) and, in line with the American one-party-
> state, his other son, Ian, was foreign policy advisor to the McCain
> campaign (doing what his father told him). His daughter, the Obama-
> supporting Mika Brzezinski, reported the campaign for MSNBC
> television.
> Obama has been the chosen one for a long time, a fact known only to a
> few in the deep inner circle, and his relationship with Brzezinski
> almost certainly goes back to the start of the 1980s when he attended
> the Ivy League, and big-time Illuminati, Columbia University where
> Brzezinski was head of the Institute for Communist Affairs. Obama
> simply will not talk in any detail about this period. He has been
> covertly funded and supported ever since by the Trilateral Commission
> and its network of foundations connecting into the Ford Foundation,
> for whom Obama's mother worked.
> And a question: Does anyone really believe that someone, a 'man of
> the people', would simply appear from apparently nowhere to run the
> slickest and best-funded presidential campaign in American history?
> He was chosen long ago by those who wish to enslave the very people
> that Obama says he wants to 'set free'.
> The sources of Obama funding read like a Wall Street Who's Who -
> Goldman Sachs, UBS, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, J.P.
> Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and so on. No wonder he went back on
> his pledge to accept the limitations of public funding for his
> campaign and instead took the no-limit option of 'private' funding.
> And those people are going to support a candidate who does not
> represent their best interests?? Oh please.
> Obama and his seasoned network of professional manipulators, sorry
> his 'campaign team', sold the lie that he had refused to take funding
> from 'lobbyists', those who are paid to ensure that politicians frame
> legislation, or block it, in the interests of their clients.
> But like everything that surrounds Obama, past and present, it's a
> sleight of hand and mouth. They funnelled vast sums of money into the
> Obama accounts through law firms that represent lobbyists and lobby
> groups. It provided 'plausible denial' about funding from lobbyists
> while the money poured in from lobby interests via third parties.
> Then there is the Jewish financier, George Soros, the multi-
> billionaire associate of Brzezinski and closely involved with the
> funding and marketing of Obama. Soros is a former board member of the
> Illuminati's Council on Foreign Relations and funds the European
> Council on Foreign Relations. In short, he is a major insider.
> You can certainly see the Soros/Brzezinski techniques in the Obama
> 'revolution' in the United States. It was the complex and secretive
> network of Soros foundations and organisations, connected to the
> intelligence agencies of the US and Israel, that trained and funded
> students in the Ukraine, Georgia and elsewhere in the art of mass
> protest and overthrowing governments.
> These manufactured protests were sold to the world as 'peoples'
> revolutions', but it just so happened that when they were over and
> the old regime was removed the new leaders were those waiting in the
> wings all along - the puppets of Soros, Brzezinski and their
> associated networks.
> Obama is just more of the same, a big smile with strings attached,
> and controlled completely by the Illuminati networks that chose him,
> trained him, sold him and provided his record funding. It was they
> who kept his many skeletons under wraps, like the gay sex and crack
> cocaine allegations of Larry Sinclair, and they will continue to do
> so as long as he jumps to their bidding.
> Obama is just another Banksters' moll prostituting himself for fame
> and power, and that's why he supported the grotesque bail-out of the
> banking system and why he will always put their interests before the
> people. His financial advisors are straight from the Wall Street 'A'
> list, including Paul Adolph Volker (Trilateral Commission, Council on
> Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group), the head of the Federal Reserve
> from 1979 to 1987 and Illuminati to his fingertips.
> Obama has made him head of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board,
> which is dominated by insiders, including its staff director and
> chief economist, Austan Goolsbee, a close Obama associate from the
> University of Chicago. Goolsbee is an initiate of the infamous
> Illuminati Skull and Bones Society at Yale University, which also
> includes Boy and Father Bush. It was Goolsbee who told the Canadian
> government not to worry about Obama's attacks on the economic effects
> of 'free trade' agreements because his words were just to win votes
> in the election campaign.
> Another Wall Street insider, the Zionist Timothy Geithner (Bilderberg
> Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations), was
> appointed by Obama to be his Treasury Secretary. Geithner was the
> President of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, the most powerful in
> the private 'Federal' Reserve cartel that masquerades as America's
> 'central bank', and he is a former employee of both the Council on
> Foreign Relations and the appalling Kissinger Associates.
> Obama's Treasury team locks into the inner circle around the Zionist
> Robert Rubin, the Director and Senior Counselor of Citigroup, co-
> chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, and economic advisor to
> Obama. Rubin, a member of the Illuminati Bilderberg Group, was the
> man behind Citigroup's strategy of expanding its risk in debt markets
> which forced it to be rescued by taxpayers' money.
> The very people who caused the financial crisis are being appointed
> by Obama to decide how to respond to it (more taxpayers' money for
> them and their friends).
> Rubin was Treasury Secretary to Bill Clinton and was followed in that
> post by Larry Summers (Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission,
> Council on Foreign Relations) - another insider appointed to Obama's
> team of 'change'. Summers is a fanatical supporter of 'free
> trade' (freedom to exploit) and 'globalisation' (global dictatorship)
> and he wrote a memo in 1991, while chief economist to the World Bank,
> saying that the bank should dump toxic waste in poor countries
> because the costs of the ensuing ill-health and death would be lower.
> When the memo was made public, Brazil's then-Secretary of the
> Environment, Jose Lutzenburger, told Summers:
> 'Your reasoning is perfectly logical but totally insane ... Your
> thoughts [provide] a concrete example of the unbelievable alienation,
> reductionist thinking, social ruthlessness and the arrogant ignorance
> of many conventional 'economists' concerning the nature of the world
> we live in ... If the World Bank keeps you as vice president it will
> lose all credibility. To me it would confirm what I often said ...the
> best thing that could happen would be for the Bank to disappear.'
> Lutzenburger was dismissed shortly after writing this letter while
> the horrific Summers was made US Treasury Secretary by Bill Clinton
> and now he has been appointed to head the National Economic Council
> by Mr. 'change', hope' and 'believe' Obama. It's all a fairy story.
> reported that the Center for American Progress (CAP),
> housed just three blocks from the White House, has become a major
> source for policy initiatives for the Obama Democratic Party. Who
> funds the Center for American Progress? George Soros.
> It is simply the Neocon Project for the New American Century and the
> American Enterprise Institute under another name. Those two
> organisations developed and dictated the Bush policy of war and
> suppression of freedom and the 'CAP' and others like it will do the
> same for Obama. The CAP will fit and Obama will wear it.
> In fact, except in name and rhetoric, there is no difference in theme
> between the regimes of Bush and Obama. Bush policy was dictated
> through Illuminati 'think tanks' and so is Obama's.
> Bush was surrounded by slavish pursuers of Israeli interests and so
> is Obama. Mr. 'Change' has pledged his unquestioning support for
> Israel to the point of 'pass the sick bag' and his vice-president,
> Joe Biden (Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations), is a
> vehement Zionist who makes a virtue of saying he will support Israel
> in all circumstances.
> Obama has appointed the arch Zionist Rahm Emanuel as his chief of
> staff and another super Zionist Jew, Dennis Ross, to be his Middle
> East Policy advisor. God help the Palestinians. Ross also served in
> the Bill Clinton and Father George Bush administrations. Oh, plenty
> of 'change' there, then.
> Rahm Emanuel, a Chicago-born Congressman, is the son of Benjamin M.
> Emanuel, who was a member of the murderous Jewish terrorist
> organisation, Irgun, which helped to bomb and terrorise Israel into
> existence. The Open Secrets website reports that Emanuel was the top
> House recipient in 2008 for election contributions from 'hedge funds,
> private equity firms and the larger securities/investment industry'.
> Emanuel was also appointed by Bill Clinton to the board of the
> mortgage giant Freddie Mac in 2000 and his tenure coincided with a
> stream of scandals and financial irregularities. It famously had to
> be bailed out by the taxpayer amid the sub-prime mortgage debacle.
> Emanuel, like Obama himself, is an asset of the 'Illinois Combine', a
> cross-party network of politicians and business interests that
> conspires to manipulate Chicago politics for their own benefit. Even
> before taking over at the White House Emanuel faced calls for his
> resignation for alleged connections with the Rod Blagojevich scandal.
> In December 2008 Blagojevich, the Illinois governor and associate of
> Obama, was arrested over a conspiracy involving massive corruption
> and moves to sell Obama's Senate seat in Chicago made vacant by his
> election to the presidency. It is yet another example of the
> staggering web on ongoing and infamous corruption in Chicago by the
> very networks that spawned Obama.
> A close friend of Rahm Emanuel is another clone of the Illinois
> Combine, the Zionist, David Axelrod, who ran Obama's election
> campaign and will no doubt be highly influential in the Obama
> administration. Axelrod is a veteran of Chicago politics, one of the
> most corrupt political systems in the world and he worked for many
> Chicago mayors in the 1990s and on Obama's senate campaign in 2004.
> Bill Clinton took his Arkansas cabal to Washington when he became
> president in 1993 and Obama is uploading his Chicago mob and handing
> them key positions of national power and influence. And these guys
> don't take prisoners.
> All of this may be many things, none of them pleasant, but 'change'
> it isn't.
> David Axelrod, Obama's 'narrator' and handler. Click here for a
> background article that needs some reading between the lines ...
> Obama is a monumental fraud who talks a good story, but lives a very
> different one. He won his first political office as a state senator
> in Chicago in 1996, not through the power of his policies, but by
> coldly abusing the electoral process.
> Instead of running against his opponents and letting the people
> decide, he had his cronies challenge hundreds of names on the
> nomination papers of his Democratic primary rivals until they were
> all forced off the ballot by technicalities. He then ran unopposed.
> One of them, Gha-is Askia, says that Obama's behaviour belied his
> image as a champion of the little guy and crusader for voter rights:
> 'Why say you're for a new tomorrow, then do old-style Chicago
> politics to remove legitimate candidates? He talks about honour and
> democracy, but what honour is there in getting rid of every other
> candidate so you can run scot-free? Why not let the people decide?'
> Why? Because he would probably have lost and Obama isn't interested
> in losing by playing fair. He wants to win by any means necessary.
> The only voter-right he's interested in is the right to vote for him.
> He has also used his hatchet-men like Axelrod to employ scandal to
> discredit opponents to ensure his election when the real scandal is
> the truth about Obama himself.
> He is a classically corrupt main-chancer spawned from the Chicago
> political cesspit. His close connections, therefore, to seriously
> dodgy 'businessmen' and fraudsters like the now-jailed slum landlord
> Tony Rezko are exactly what you would expect.
> Rezko, yet another snout in the trough of the Illinois Combine, has
> heavily funded Obama's political career and that of the now-arrested
> Rod Blagojevich, and in return they have supported massive sums being
> paid to Rezko by Chicago taxpayers to run 'public housing'.
> These properties were then allowed to fall into such a state of
> danger and disrepair, including sewage running into kitchen sinks,
> that they were deemed unfit for habitation by the often black poor
> that Obama was supposed to be representing as a Senator. Some
> buildings were so bad they had to be demolished.
> Rezko also secured appointments for his business associates to state
> boards and was eventually indicted for using these connections to
> demand kickbacks from businesses that wanted to do business with the
> state.
> Rezko and Obama toured the $1.6 million mansion in Hyde Park,
> Chicago, which the Obamas bought at $300,000 below the asking price
> in 2005 while the Rezkos purchased the adjoining land at the full
> asking price. Some of this land was later bought by the Obamas. Rezko
> contributed a quarter of a million dollars to Obama's political
> career and served on Obama's Senate campaign finance committee, which
> raised more than $14 million.
> Then there is Obama's close association with the terrorists, William
> Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn. In the late sixties Ayers co-
> founded the terror organisation called the Weather Underground (also
> known as the Weathermen and similar derivatives) and launched a
> campaign of bombing public places like the Pentagon and the Capitol
> Building. Three members were killed making bombs in Greenwich Village.
> In 1970 Ayers was said to have described their philosophy as: 'Kill
> all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the
> revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at ...'
> Mr. Ayers himself comes from the home of 'rich people'.
> Bernardine Dohrn said this about the Charles Manson murders: 'Dig it!
> Manson killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with
> them, then they shoved a fork into a victim's stomach.''
> William Ayers in 1968.
> On the day of 9/11 he told the New York Times that he didn't regret
> the Weather Underground bombing campaign and believed they didn't do
> enough.
> The case against Ayers and Dohrn was thrown out because of then
> illegal wire-taps and Ayers is now a professor in the College of
> Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, holding the
> titles of Distinguished Professor of Education and Senior University
> Scholar.
> Ayers recruited Obama to serve as chairman on the $100 million
> Chicago Annenberg Challenge and they worked together for seven years
> handing out grants to the 'educational' projects of people like ...
> William Ayers. They also worked together on another tax-exempt
> foundation, the Woods Fund in Chicago, which awarded grants to
> Obama's own Trinity United Church, home to his controversial pastor,
> Jeremiah Wright.
> Obama's political career was effectively launched in 1995, just after
> he was made chairman of the Annenberg Challenge, at a meeting at the
> Chicago home of ... William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. They have
> been connected to his circle ever since if the truth be told.
> The Chicago Annenberg Challenge, run by Obama and Ayers, didn't fund
> schools directly, but instead insisted that they affiliate with
> 'external partners' who were granted the money. These turned out to
> be far-left 'community organisers' so beloved of Bill Ayers and these
> groups included the Association of Community Organizations for Reform
> Now (or Acorn).
> Obama also conducted 'leadership training' seminars with Acorn and
> its members began to become heavily involved in his political
> campaigns. It has also been behind efforts to 'register
> voters' (voters most likely to vote for Obama) and Nevada state
> officials raided Acorn's Las Vegas office after election authorities
> accused the group of submitting multiple voter registrations with
> fake and duplicate names.
> Among the major funders of Acorn ... George Soros.
> Obama even refuses to prove that he was born in the United States and
> thus qualifies to be President. He claims to have been born in
> Hawaii, but his grandmother, half-brother and half-sister in Kenya
> all insist he was born there.
> 'Mr. Clean' Obama has a deeply dirty background, but for now no scale
> of evidence will stop the swooning Obama zombies from believing the
> hype or burst their reality bubble. That is going to take hard
> experience and it could take some time and a lot of disappointment
> before they are released from the clutches of cognitive dissonance
> and have to admit to themselves they have been had.
> It is the same for all the black people who voted for what they
> thought was the first black president when, in truth, he is a man in
> a black mask representing the interests of the white-faced Illuminati
> cabal, the very families and networks that ran the slave trade.
> I don't want to be the bringer of bad news or the thwarter of dreams,
> but honesty demands it. The man is a trickster controlled by
> supertricksters. A sock puppet controlled by bigger sock puppets who
> serve an even greater and darker evil. To his masters, Obama is just
> a means to an end and if it suits them to assassinate him to trigger
> civil war and upheaval in the United States then that is what they
> will do.
> Oh dear Oprah, how will you cope when reality dawns? But, then, will
> it ever??
> 'What? You mean you're not the Lord?'
> I can understand the appeal of Obama because people want him to be
> what he claims to be, but isn't. They are sick of the conflict, the
> corruption, the struggle we call 'life' and they want it all to
> change. But Obama's change is illusory and represents only the
> continued transformation of society in the image envisaged by Orwell.
> We will see some apparently good things announced, like the closing
> of Guantanamo, to give the impression that Obama means what he says.
> But keep your eye on the ball and you'll see how the agenda of the
> global tyranny is introduced under the guise of Obama's 'hope',
> 'change', 'believe', 'sacrifice' and 'coming together'.
> It could take two years, maybe much more, before cognitive dissonance
> (lying to yourself) loses it current grip on the minds of the Obama
> faithful. Until then they will make endless excuses for him (lie to
> themselves) to keep the 'dream' alive.
> But one day they will have to admit, by the power of the evidence
> before them, that they bought a dream and got a nightmare. What a
> pity they can't see the obvious now and save them themselves such
> painful disappointment.
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