Adi Shankara Advaita Vedanta
May 20, 2007 05:45 AM
by plcoles1
"Adi Shankara consolidated the Advaita Vedanta which was already
inherent in Vedic scriptures and was approved and accepted by
Gaudapada and Govinda Bhagavatpada siddhânta (system). Continuing the
line of thought of some of the Upanishadic teachers, and also that of
his own teacher's teacher Gaudapada, (Ajativada), Adi Shankara
expounded the doctrine of Advaita ? a nondualistic reality.
He wrote commentaries on the Prasthana Trayi. A famous quote from
Vivekacûḍâmaṇi, one of his Prakaraṇa graṃthas (philosophical
treatises) that succinctly summarises his philosophy is:[2]
Brahma satyaṃ jagat mithyâ, jîvo brahmaiva nâparah ? Brahman is the
only truth, the world is illusion, and there is ultimately no
difference between Brahman and individual self
This widely quoted sentence of his is also widely misunderstood.
In his metaphysics, there are three tiers of reality with each one
sublating the previous. The category illusion in this system is
unreal only from the viewpoint of the absolutely real and is
different from the category of the Absolutely unreal.
His system of vedanta introduced the method of scholarly exegesis on
the accepted metaphysics of the Upanishads, and this style was
adopted by all the later vedanta schools.
Another distinctive feature of his work is his refusal to be literal
about scriptural statements and adoption of symbolic interpretation
where he considered it appropriate.
In a famous passage in his commentary on the Brahmasutra's of
Badarayana, he says "..For each method of knowledge has a valid
domain. The domain of the scriptures is the knowledge of the Self.
If the scriptures say something about another domain - like the world
around us - which contradicts what perception and inference (the
appropriate methods of knowledge for this domain) tells us, then, the
scriptural statements have to be symbolically interpreted..."
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