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Re ULT Million$ & Altruism

Dec 22, 2006 12:27 PM
by Mark Jaqua


Carlos writes (Dec. 21):  "That does 
NOT mean cash money. It is better to 
think a little bit and to get real 
information, before jumping into conclusions."

   Well, Heck Carlos, you should take 
your own advice, and quit shooting from 
the hip.  Tillet's email itself said 
that in 2004 ULT Los Angeles claimed of 
the $6.1 million... "Its income was approx. 
$1.3 million, and it owned land and 
buildings to the value of approx. $666,000."  
This is likely no longer the group you 
admired in your mind.  Garrangues, I think, 
used his own money to publish books, and 
I believe a fund was started for years 
to publish _The Secret Doctrine_

    Depending on what part of Los Angeles 
one is referring to, the property values 
have gone way down, as well as way up 
- but there is no point here, as assets 
were about $5.5 million OVER the value 
of the buildings.  The money-people always 
go for the money, the "money-people" are 
PRIMARILY money-people, not Theosophists.  
All the original Theosophical organizations 
were altruistic and short-of-money - I 
doubt any of them are now.  All the 
half-dozen or so of spiritual-type 
individuals I've personally most admired 
in my life were very poor, even impoverished.  
There is a connection here.  Give someone 
a few million bucks and 99% will almost 
automatically loose most their spiritual 
orientation.  Its a natural reaction, and 
probably the reason for the "vow of poverty"
in Buddhism.  Its the lower manas.

    Wake up people - having 6 million in 
assets for a small group - IS NOT THEOSOPHY.  
The Theosophical Movement has become 
sterile.  If one wants to really wake up, 
take on some personally devised and 
implemented altruistic work, and if he 
survives, and doesn't become a fool, he 
will learn something very important.  
(Of course most of us are just trying to 
survive ourselves.)  This is a way of 
finding out again what Theosophy is really 
about, and it provides the real life-blood 
of any movement.  The real center of the
Theosophical Movement is Individuals, not
groups, as always.s

    Also - if a Lodge building has its 
property value greatly increased over 
the years, beyond the value of the location 
for theosophist - it seems it is time 
to move, and put the money to ALTRUISTIC WORK.

     MKR - Interesting what you say about 
non-profits not even having to publish 
what they do with the money.  Perhaps 
"Theosophy Company" as separate from ULT, 
is a business and not a non-profit.

           - jake j.


<6a. The Theosophy Company
    Posted by: "" 
    Date: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:55 pm ((PST))

<Documents lodged for taxation purposes 
by The Theosophy Company for 2004 shed 
some light on that organization. Its 
directors were: Wesley Amerman (President), 
Joseph Martin (Vice-President), W. Dallas 
TenBroeck (Secretary), Rosemary Jourdan 
(Assistant Secretary), Colin Baker, Howard 
McOwen, Joseph Rudison, Lavera Samuels, 
Carolyn Van Horn and Valerie TenBroeck. 

<At the beginning of the year it had 
assets of approx. $6.1 million, and 
by the end of the year approx. $4.9 million. 
Some $627,000 had been <transferred to the 
ULT of New York. The Theosophy Company 
paid some $160,000 in salaries (although 
none of the Directors received payments).

<Its income was approx. $1.3 million, 
and it owned land and buildings to
the value of approx. $666,000. There 
were loans of approx. $110,000 outstanding 
to three named, but otherwise undescribed 

<Dr Gregory Tillett

<6b. Re: The Theosophy Company
    Posted by: "" 
    Date: Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:08 pm ((PST))

    Thanks, it is interesting. I wonder 
"why" New York ULT received the $627.000 
transfer? Is there a tax record for the 
New York ULT? There looks to be some 
$303,000 difference remaining unmentioned 
as regards the $1.2 million change in 
assets of 2004 after $897,000 of stated 
expenses and disbursements are deducted.



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