No Feet of the Master
Nov 28, 2006 11:37 AM
by carlosaveline
MKR, Friends,
Of course I agree with that famous quotation of Buddha on the autonomy of the learner.
That does not mean that we should not have responsible editorial procedures, of course.
As to evaluating the contents and real authorship of "At the Feet of the Master", I would like to share a few thoughts with Theos-talk friends, tomorrow.
That booklet's authorship has been denied by Krishnamurti and discussed by Ernest Wood, Mary Lutyens, Jean Overton Fuller and others. Yet the fact that Krishnamurti himself disclaimed being the author has for some reason been consistently ignored by Adyar students.
On the other hand -- why should Leadbeater have destroyed all would-be originals of that text by Krishnamurti, if such originals had really existed?
Originals never appeared, as Mary Lutyens indicates.
Regards, Carlos.
Data:Tue, 28 Nov 2006 13:00:25 -0600
Assunto:Re: Theos-World AT THE FEET THE MASTER?
> On the authenticity of this and other works, I would go back to the famous
> dictum of Lord Buddha wherein he said that credence should be given only if
> you feel in your hearts the truth of what is said or written and not even
> because it was said by Lord Buddha himself. Even after 2500 years this is a
> very sound and safe approach to take. My 0.02.
> mkr
> On 11/28/06, carlosaveline wrote:
> >
> > Friends,
> >
> > As we saw in recent months, grave editorial falsehoods have been constant
> > in the areas of influence of C. W. Leadbeater and his followers and
> > admirers.
> >
> > Yet there is still another powerful example of these fake editorial
> > policies which is unknown (or scarcely known), to many a student around the
> > world.
> >
> > The devotional booklet "At The Feet of the Master", which has been
> > ascribed since 1910 either to Jiddu Krishnamurti or to an Adept -- was, in
> > fact, written by C. W. Leadbeater.
> >
> > J. Krishnamurti rejected the idea of being the author of "At the Feet of
> > the Master".
> >
> > The content of the booklet is in Leadbeater's unmistakable style. The
> > booklet repeats his dangerous misconceptions about the spiritual path. As to
> > supposed originals of the booklet, which would have been written by the
> > young Krishnamurti "as transcriptions of lessons from his Master" -- in fact
> > they never appeared, as Mary Lutyens informs. Except as typewritten by
> > "Bishop" Leadbeater
> >
> > The false authorship of "At The Feet of the Master" is one of the leading
> > falsifications in the literary career of Mr. Leadbeater. Among the other
> > examples are his imaginary "autobiographical" events in the book "The
> > Perfume of Egypt", and his false visits to Mars and Mercury.
> >
> > Since its first edition, "At the Feet of the Master" has been put in a
> > very special literary place by leading members of the Adyar TS. It would
> > have been a kind of "Catechism" for the would-be Messiah, Lord Krishnamurti,
> > the Second Christ. It should have been used by Leadbeater's and Wedgwood's
> > Liberal Catholic Church.
> >
> > As Krishnamurti got to the adult life, though, he rejected both the
> > Leadbeater's Church and his "Catechism".
> >
> > Not even this, however, could prevent Adyar Theosophists from piously and
> > blindly believing that "At the Feet of the Master" was written by J.
> > Krishnamurti.
> >
> > In an astounding process of denial of reality ? something which perhaps
> > can only be explained by Freud's concept of "Taboo" ? thousands of Adyar
> > theosophists still manage to believe that, even today.
> >
> > No Maya or Illusion is eternal, though.
> >
> > In fact, illusions are but necessary tests for our ability to judge, to
> > discern and to differentiate truth from appearance, Dharma from Adharma,
> > Vidya from Avidya.
> >
> > Obstacles as illusions and all other forms of personal failure are parts
> > of our learning proccess, therefore. We grow as we get rid of them.
> >
> >
> > Best regards, Carlos.
> >
> >
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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