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Re: the thir volume of the secret doctrine

Nov 18, 2006 06:47 PM
by Alaya

yes daniel, something like that, I've read your article about the
third volume, containing biographies of ocultists and parts of the
esoteric section's material which besant compiled.
but actually, what I meant was in fact a fourth volume
Here in brazil, the two main volumes were divided in 2, so there are 4
volumes os cosmogenesis e and antropogenesis, and more two volumes on
biographies and budhism and the esoteric section material,
but there are some people talking about a 7th volume
it doesn't make any sense

--- In, "danielhcaldwell"
<danielhcaldwell@...> wrote:
> Alaya,
> You write:
> > some people are bothering me with all this talk about a new volume
> > with non-published writings of HPB. I dont' believe in this 'third
> > volume' talking, but it would be of great help if any of you can 
> tell
> > me anything about this matters.
> > I'll apreciate a lot!
> > thank you
> Alaya, could you please give us a little more detail about what you 
> are referring to?
> "a new volume with non-published writings of HPB" mean a new 
> volume in 2006 or one soon to be published or what??
> Daniel

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