Moral Relativism Can't Judge
Nov 17, 2006 01:19 PM
by carlosaveline
Yes, but Jnana Yoga, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, the Mysticism of Christianity (St. John of the Cross, St Francis of Assisi), Giordano Bruno, the Esoteric Philosophy, HPB, Subba Row, Damodar Mavalankar, Henry Olcott, William Judge, Sri Ramana Maharshi, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Antony de Mello ...
Lots of wise people have said and lived the same thing for thousands and thousands of years -- as to human lower selves.
So HPB is not alone, at all, in being "conservative" in certain aspects, and her words, which are very clear, convey the very same ideas of a ages-approved Wisdom. Which does not care about fashion.
Moral relativism and ethical relativism does not recognize that, of course.
Moral and ethical relativists will look at Leadbeater as opposed to HPB, Wedgwood as opposed to Damodar, or Hitler as opposed to Churchill, and will say:
"Whom of them are right? Whom wrong? I don't know! Who cares? It is not right to judge people! I am too saintly and too spiritual to decide anything ethical or moral issue! "
And they have the right to say so, of course.
Regards, Carlos.
Data:Fri, 17 Nov 2006 06:40:47 -0800
Assunto:Re: Theos-World Dion Fortune on CWL
> Carlos,
> In defense of HPB I hasten to remind everyone that there is a big
> difference between the ideals we aspire to, as individuals and as a
> race, and the reality we find ourselves in. One could probaby find
> evidence in theosophical writing to support any position one chose to
> take regarding any subject if we decide on a literal reading, but it
> behooves us to remember that the literature is not meant to be taken
> literally, and that the opposite opinion to ours is also true and
> valid. It all depends upon our point of view. The occultist strives
> to develop an open mind and an all-inclusive point of view. If we
> come to a subject we can't understand, it helps to fall back on the
> basic principles. All life is one. We are all one. There is no "them"
> and "us." We are all "us." If we start deciding what life style is ok
> and what is not, we are sliding into the great heresy of separatenss,
> from whence it is very difficult to return.
> Adelasie
> >
> > On this specific issue, Dion Fortune seems to see things like HPB.
> >
> > Thinking of the spiritual way as something related to more occult and technical matters, it is sure to me that, from the viewpoint of HPB, homosexuality does not help at all. On the contrary.
> >
> > There is something in the Volume XII of her "Collected Writings" on the occult side of human body that shows that the body, seen as a temple, should have all its functions as designed by Nature, and this if sex is to be allowed, as in the case of lay (married) disciples or mere aspirants to lay discipleship.
> >
> > I respect those who think differently, but this is what I have learned from HPB's and Masters' teachings.
> >
> > Regards, Carlos.
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