The Divine Plan
Nov 17, 2006 09:33 AM
by danielhcaldwell
The Divine Plan:
Written in the Form of a Commentary
on H.P. Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine.
Expressly for the Purpose of Those
Who Wish to Read and Gain a Deeper
Understanding of "The Secret Doctrine";
Presenting an Expostion of the Doctrines
of the Esoteric Philosophy, Analysing
and Explaining All the Terms Used.
by Geoffrey A. Barborka
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TABLE OF CONTENTS: Detailed Listing
The Significance of Sanskrit Terms:
Aids in the Pronunciation of Sanskrit - Pronunciation Chart -
Sanskrit Terms in Relation to Mantras
Atmagita (The Song of the Monad)
Introductory: Divine Laws Associated with the Doctrines of the
Ancient Wisdom
Chapter I --- The Doctrine of Constant Renewal:
The Law of Periodicity - The Second Fundamental Proposition - The
Status of the Monad in Relation to Constant Renewal - The Relation
of Cycles to the Doctrine of Constant Renewal - Sutratman: The
Luminous Thread of Immortal Monadship - Reincarnation: A Phase of
the Doctrine of Constant Renewal - Nitya-Sarga and Nitya-Pralaya:
Incessant Creation and Perpetual Dissolution
Chapter II --- The Doctrine of Balance and Harmony:
The Law of Adjustment - The Lipikas: Their Relation to Akasa and
Karma - Karma is Not Fatalism - How the Greeks Regarded Nemesis ( or
Karma ) and the Triform Fates - How Man Should Act
Chapter III --- The Doctrine of Hierarchies:
The Law of Essential Unity - "The Celestial Hierarchy" - The
Kabbalist Hierarchy: The Sephiroth - The Pythagorean Hierarchical
Number-Scheme - The Syrian Hierarchical Scheme of the Universe - The
Hierarchical Structure of the Earth - The Hierarchical Ladder of
Life - The Dhyani-Chohans - The Hierarchs of the System - The
Hierarchy of Compassion - "Endless Series of Hierarchies"
Chapter IV --- The Doctrine of Essential Identity:
The Law of Self-Unfoldment - Svabhava - Palingenesis - Prototypes -
The One Life-Force: "The Initial Existence" - Transmission of the
Physical Plasm and "Spiritual Plasm" - The Functions of Jiva - The
Transmission of Life-Atoms
Chapter V --- The Doctrine of Continuous Change:
The Law of Motion: Motion is Eternal - Progressive Development: The
Law of Evolution - Pravritti and Nivritti: Evolution and Involution -
The Third Fundamental Proposition: ( The Circle of Necessity - The
Acquirement of Individuality - The Doctrine of Metempsychosis -
Concluding the Third Fundamental Proposition ) - Human Evolution: (
The Lunar Pitris - "Man Preceded Every Mammalian" - Three Distinct
Schemes of Evolution for Man: 1. Monadic Evolution - 2. The
Evolution of Intellect - The Solar Pitris - "The One Life" and "The
Lives" - 3. Physical Evolution - Prototypes: "Original Forms"
and "Ideal Forms." - Culmination of Human Evolution: Development of
the Saptaparna ) - Concerning the Doctrine of Nirvana - The Purpose
of Existence
Chapter VI --- The Septenary Law:
The Septenary Law - The Seven Planes - Lokas and Talas - The Seven
Element-Principles: Tattvas, Tanmatras, Mahabhutas or Prakritis -
The Seven Principles: Explanation of the Saptaparna - Linking the
Seven Principles to the Universe - The Seven Ways to Bliss and the
Seven Truths
Chapter VII --- The Doctrine of the Spheres:
The Doctrine of the Spheres: (1) The Doctrine of the Globes - The
Caduceus (2) The Doctrine of Lokas and Talas (3) The Doctrine of the
Seven Sacred Planets (4) The Doctrine of the Universal Solar System
(5) The Doctrine of the Relationship of the System (6) The Doctrine
of Cyclic Journeys (7) The Doctrine of the Relationship of the
Monads to the System
Chapter VIII --- The Doctrine of the Races:
The Doctrine of the Races - Man's First Appearance - The First Root-
Race - The Second Root-Race: "Fiery Lives" ( The Manifestation of
the Life-Force ) - The Astral Form Clothing the Monad - The Third
Root-Race: ( The Sons of Passive Yoga - Androgynous Humanity -
Separation of Sexes Occurred 18,000,000 Years Ago - The Awakening of
the Mind-Principle - The Races with the Third Eye - Mythological
Accounts of Races with the Third Eye ) - The Fourth Root-Race - The
Fifth Root-Race - The Sixth Root-Race - The Seventh Root-Race
Chapter IX --- The Doctrine of the Rounds:
The Doctrine of the Rounds: (1) Inner Rounds (2) The Relation of
Rounds and Races (3) The Relation of Rounds and Spheres (4) The
Relation of Rounds and Watchers (5) The Relation of Rounds and the
After-Death States (6) The Relation of Rounds and Principles - Fifth-
Rounders (7) Outer Rounds
Chapter X --- The After-Death States:
The After-Death States - That Which a Man Longs For, That he
Becomes - Two Important Aphorisms - What is it that Dies? - The
Process of Dying - The First After-Death State: Kama-Loka - The
Second Stage in the After-Death States: The Second Death - The Bardo
and the Gestation State - The Third After-Death State: Devachan -
Inner and Outer Rounds - Skandhas - The Birth of the Personality
Chapter XI --- The Doctrine of the Two Paths:
The Doctrine of the Two Paths - The Law of Compassion - The Choice
of Four Paths - Ariadne and the Labyrinth - The Seven Stairs - "The
Star Whose Ray Thou Art" - The Four Grades of Initiation - The Open
and the Secret Paths - The Three Glorified Vestures - The Doctrine
of Avataras - Jesus the Christ: An Avatara - The Wondrous Being
Chapter XII --- The Doctrine of Universal Knowledge:
The Doctrine of Universal Knowledge - The Law of "Coming into
Being" - Atma-Vidya - "How the One Becomes the Many" - The First
Fundamental Proposition - A List of Equivalent Terms - Sat ( Be-
Ness ): The Great Breath - Parabrahman: The One Reality - Adi-Buddhi
or Adi-Budha - Mulaprakriti: Pre-Cosmic Root-Substance - Spirit and
Matter: Two Aspects of the Absolute - Fohat: "The Most Important
Character in Esoteric Cosmogony" - Eros = Fohat - Summary of First
Fundamental Proposition - The First Logos - The Second Logos - The
Third Logos - Pre-Manifestation and the Logoi in the Stanzas of
Dzyan - "The First Lesson in Esoteric Philosophy" - The Originating
Point of a System - The Primordial Seven - The Central Spiritual
Sun - The Voice of the Silence
Index ( pages 521-564 )
"...none but the logician, the investigator, the dauntless
explorer should meddle with books like this. Such delvers
after truth have the courage of their opinions."
H.P. Blavatsky
"...Contrast alone can enable us to appreciate things at
their right value; and unless a judge compares notes and
hears both sides he can hardly come to a correct decision."
H.P. Blavatsky
" the world mental as in the world spiritual each man
must progress by his own efforts. The writer cannot do the
reader's thinking for him, nor would the latter be any the
better off if such vicarious thought were possible..."
H.P. Blavatsky
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