Dion Fortune on CWL
Nov 15, 2006 04:31 AM
by carlosaveline
Dr. Gregory Tillett describes what the author Dion Fortune wrote of C. W. Leadbeater and his activities:
?In occult circles outside the TS the well-known writer Dion Fortune, formerly a member, was conducting a veiled campaign against Leadbeater and his colleagues. In her writings she attacked a mysterious group of male occultists who were using homosexual techniques to build up ?a reservoir of dark astral power?. She never named them, but by quotations from ?O.E. Library Critic? it was clear that she meant Leadbeater, Wedgwood and their disciples. She seemed to imply that Leadbeater was both a pederast and a psychic vampire who combined these activities to the advancement of black magic.?
[?The Elder Brother?, G. Tillett, p. 203]
Perhaps Dion Fortune knew what she was talking about.
Regards, Carlos.
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