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Re: Dion Fortune on CWL

Nov 15, 2006 05:05 AM
by Ben Scaro

Frankly I do not think Dion Fortune liked homosexuality of any 
flavour, whether conducted for magical or more common-or-garden 

Her views have influenced BOTA and a few other magic groups.  From 
reading them, I would not necessarily assume she knew an awful lot 
about homosexuality.


> Friends,
> Dr. Gregory Tillett describes what the author Dion Fortune wrote of 
C. W. Leadbeater and his activities: 
> "In occult circles outside the TS the well-known writer Dion 
Fortune, formerly a member, was conducting a veiled campaign  against 
Leadbeater and his colleagues. In her  writings she attacked  a 
mysterious group of male occultists who were using homosexual 
techniques to build up `a reservoir of dark astral power'. She never 
named them, but by quotations from `O.E. Library Critic' it was clear 
that she meant Leadbeater, Wedgwood and their  disciples.  She seemed 
to imply that Leadbeater was both a pederast and a psychic vampire 
who combined these activities to the  advancement of black magic." 
> ["The Elder Brother", G. Tillett, p. 203]
> > 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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