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Nov 05, 2006 04:06 AM
by carlosaveline


Thanks. I have never forgotten that quote, since I edited the final text of the LMW I and II in Portuguese language, in the mid-1990s.  

But, again, we must be clear as to what we mean by words. 

The 'rituals' from which the theosophical movement keep a distance are endlessly repeated ceremonies ahere people 'play roles'with beautiful names
("Rightfully Revered Master" and so on) which has a powerful stimulating effect on their sense of personal pride, etc. 

Of course, you can call 'ritual' the procedure for anyone's entrance in a group of the theosophical movement .  But in an entirely different sense.  Words have many different meanings in differetn contexts. 

HPB criticized -- and often bitterly so -- 'ceremonial magic'. 

And wanted no rituals in the theosophical movement.

Regards,   Carlos.


Data:Sat, 04 Nov 2006 17:34:29 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World Re: Rites and Theosophy

> --- In, Drpsionic@... wrote:
> >> The theosophical movement is not ritualistic and this is for strong 
> reasons.
> > No, nor should it be. But there are individual Theosophists who
> At least some rites existed in the early days of TS, and a mahatma 
> reproaches the members for they don't follow them:
> "There is a strong disposition to slur over the ceremony of
> 'initiation' in such a way as to make no serious impression upon
> the candidate. The method of the Parent Society may be unsuited
> to English prejudices, yet to fall into the opposite extreme of
> undignified haste is very much worse. Your ways of initiation
> are a standing insult to every regular chela and have provoked
> the displeasure of their 'Masters'. It is a sacred thing with
> us; why should it be otherwise with you?"
> K.H. to Francesca Arundale, LMW vol.1 #4.
> Yet I disagree with the Master; I think that there should be no 
> obligatory ceremonies in the Theosophical Society.
> > I don't think that there is any question that if HPB had lived 
> longer she would have sat on Leadbeater.
> She knew him for 7 years, by the way it's a standard probation term. I 
> don't speak about chelaship here, but if 7 years is enough for 
> probation for chelaship it should be also enough to form an opinion 
> about a person.
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