Hargrove and Pelletier
Nov 01, 2006 08:08 AM
by carlosaveline
As our scholar dr. Gregory Tillett surprises us by completely forgetting to mention his sources (see below), I will give you one of the very best and most complete sources about these difficult moments in the movement's history.
It is the book "THE JUDGE CASE", by Ernest Pelletier, recently published by the Edmonton Theosophical Society, In Canada.
Perhaps Bruce, FOHAT's editor, can give us some info on how to buy it.
I have a copy of it in my library, yet I did not buy it.
A highly recommended reading.
Best regards, Carlos.
Data:Wed, 1 Nov 2006 13:06:35 +1100 (EST)
Assunto:Theos-World Hargrove's ES
> I do not know if Julia Keightley was the OH - as far as I know, his/her
> identity was not disclosed. But I can provide a little background on
> Hargrove's ES.
> Following the death of W.Q. Judge on March 21, 1896, Ernest temple
> Hargrove appeared to lead the campaign to bring Katherine Tingley in as
> his successor, but shortly afterwards broke with Tingley, and resigned as
> President of the Theosophical Society in America in 1898, and led a
> breakaway of some two hundred members from the Society which Mrs Tingley
> then headed.
> The Society which Hargrove established, and then led, had its own ES, and
> he wrote to Mrs Tingley telling her ?by Order of the master you have
> ceased to be the outer Head of the E.S.T. in the interior and true sense.
> The Outer Head to follow you has already been appointed by the Master.?
> In 1908 this Society became ?The Theosophical Society with Its
> Headquarters Based in New York?, and published "The Theosophical Forum"
> and "The Theosophical Quarterly". The Society remained active until it
> underwent ?indrawal? in 1935.
> The ES was administered from December, 1898, by a Reference Committee
> consisting of A.P. Buchman, J.D. Buck, George Coffin, C.A. Griscom,
> Charles Johnston, Archibald Keightley and William Ludlow. The identity of
> the OH was never made known to the members, although ES documents prepared
> by him or her were distributed to them. These included Aids and
> Suggestions (following the 7 papers previously issued by Judge) and
> Subsidiary Paper D (follow Judge?s Subsidiary Papers A, B and C).
> In September, 1900, the Reference Committee proposed four courses of study
> for members: ?The First Course provided a comprehensive knowledge of
> Theosophical philosophy by means of studying the exoteric Theosophic works
> in the light of E.S.T. Instructions 1, 2 and 3. The Second Course taught a
> more advanced philosophy based upon ?The Secret Doctrine? and other
> metaphysical work with the study being based upon the E.S.T. Aids and
> Suggestions. The Third Course will use Instructions 4, 5 and 6 of the
> E.T.S. plus other papers to be issued to the School plus some unpublished
> letters of the Master K.H. The emphasis in this course was to the above
> with the Upanishads, Veda, Puranas, Bible and other sacred texts. The
> fourth Course was to be based upon the devotional side of Theosophy and
> was to study ?Light on the Path?, ?The Voice of the Silence?, ?Letters
> That Have Helped Me?, ?Through the Gates of Gold? and other devotional
> texts. This course was intended to lead to the development of the Inner
> Man.?
> An examining Board sent examination papers to members, and assessed the
> results.
> At the Theosophical Society Convention held on April 30, 1905, it was
> reported that the School had moved from the phase of Instruction under
> HPB and WQJ to that of Discipline under the present OH. The School appears
> to have followed the Society into its period of ?indrawal? in 1935.
> Dr Gregory Tillett
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