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Sep 16, 2006 02:24 PM
by carlosaveline

Dear Daniel,

If you want to put things in terms of guilt, you must, then, include my own name in the list, please. 

Should I myself be a little wiser, I would have been more efficient in a number of occasions, including in opening earlier the question of portraits, etc.

Does that help you? 

On the other hand, you might take into consideration, as you read my postings here, that they are a combination of SMOKE and FLAME. 

Some of my postings have more smoke than one might be desire. Others are made in better environments (you probably know that subtle 'environmental conditions' are fluid and change; this is called 'astral climate'). 

The challenge for us, in Theos-talk and in all walks of life, is to distinguish each moment the vehicle from the content; the inner message from the outer words, reality from appearances; 'wheather conditions' from the real meaning of efforts. 

Do not think, then, that I take any blaming activities seriously.

My highest ambition is to take care of my faults. 

Here at Theos-talk I am but sharing my views with friends, in a frank way.
I apologize for any personal feelings I may have hurt -- or that I may hurt in the future.

Best regards, Carlos.


Data:Sat, 16 Sep 2006 20:38:41 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World Adelasie, Ernest and the Portraits

> Carlos, 
> In one of your postings, you wrote to me:
> "...thanks to Adelasie, you are not QUITE ALONE [caps added] in the 
> abuse and vulgarization of the sacred names and Masters' portraits, 
> something which, by the wat, was rightfully and bitterly denounced
> for EVERYONE TO KNOW by Ms. Helena Blavatsky in the final chapters 
> of 'The Key to Theosophy'."
> Now Carlos, it appears that in your above words you are stating or 
> at least suggesting that Adelasie is ALSO guilty (along with me) of 
> being somehow involved in "the abuse and vulgarization of the sacred 
> names and Masters' portraits."
> You said I was not QUITE ALONE so Adelasie must be in company with 
> me in regards to this.
> I'm curious: exactly what did she do to deserve these "kind" words 
> of yours?
> Now compare what you say about Ernest in another posting:
> "....I have written more about the process of disrespect regarding 
> sacred names and portraits of Masters, which, of course, was not the
> intention of Ernest Pelletier...."
> You say Ernest did NOT intend to show "disrespect regarding sacred 
> names and portraits of Masters" although he in fact published in a 
> book (which is for sale to the public) the portraits of the Masters.
> So why do you "overlook" and in effect make excuses for Ernest when 
> at the same time you say Adelasie is guilty of the abusing and 
> vulgarizing of "the sacred names and Masters' portraits"?
> Or in other words, although Adelasie published no portraits of the 
> Masters, she seems to get a rebuke from you whereas Ernest who 
> published the portraits gets no rebuke.
> I would appreciate your clarification of the above since some might 
> think that you are here using some double standard as regards 
> Adelasie and Ernest.
> Daniel
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