Sep 16, 2006 02:21 PM
by carlosaveline
As to the abuse of sacred names, of course, we may take, or not to take, HPB's words into consideration.
(In spite of the fact that her words were written aiming at our own good.)
We also may, or may not, let HPB be freely slandered, and the Masters, too, by the circulation of the Coulombs lies. It's our free choice.
Each one makes his decision. At theos-talk, we can only share our views.
I like that. It's good.
Best regards, Carlos.
Data:Sat, 16 Sep 2006 13:48:42 -0700
Assunto:Re: Theos-World RESPECT FOR THE MASTERS?
> Fellow students:
> Perhaps we could agree that respect for the Masters, and for the
> Founders, and for all the great souls who work selflessly and
> tirelessly for our benefit, might include remembering and putting
> into practice some of the things they strive so hard to teach us:
> altruism, compassion, unselfishness, non-judgementalism, brotherhood,
> the unity of all life, self-responsibility, harmlessness, humility,
> to name a few.
> We only have to look around the world for a moment to see the fruits
> of behavior which ignores these lessons. Why perpetuate the pain and
> suffering? Is all the work of all the Great Ones to be in vain,
> because we just cannot let go of our little egos, even for a moment?
> It is highly unlikely that one can accomplish much by refusing to
> look at pictures, be they pictures of whatever, if he cannot restrain
> the temptation to criticize or denigrate his fellow students.
> Willfully ignoring the lessons of the Masters would seem to me to be
> highly disrespectful.
> Let us try to remember: Two diametrically opposed statements can both
> be true. Truth is infinite. It manifests in myriad differentiations,
> rather like the monad, but each is a reflection of the original
> Truth, however different it may seem to our self-blinded eyes.
> Adelasie
> On 16 Sep 2006 at 15:16, carlosaveline wrote:
> >
> > Friends,
> >
> >
> > Although the Coulombs and Mr. Soloviof were pioneers in the `abuse of sacred names´ (as H.P. Blavatsky calls it), the process was never limited to them, and it did not stop in their time.
> >
> > Since the 1880s, the abuse of theosophical teachings and teachers has had several instruments and mechanisms. The vulgarization of 19th century "portraits of Masters" is but one among others.
> >
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