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RE: Theos-World slay the mind

Aug 22, 2006 06:13 PM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

8/22/2006 5:51 PM


Dear friend:


I believe this will help you in answering your questions.


                "The mind is the great slayer of the real.
            Let the Disciple slay the slayer."


As I see it this means that :mind" here is the Kama-Manas or Lower Brain
Mind.  It perceives in a distorted manner.  The "Disciple" is the BUDDHI
MANASIC influence operating through the Lower Mind.  He chooses the Moral
PATH, and alters Kama-Manas to Buddhi-Manas thereby.






Note:  This Index is based on the U L T 1924 edition and pagination.



"It is the Spiritual evolution of the inner, immortal man, 

that forms the fundamental tenet of the Occult Sciences. 

            S D  I  630




This present INDEX is based on the U L T 1924 edition and pagination is
copied from the 1893 New York edition.




                                  By  H. P. Blavatsky

                                       Dedicated to

                                       "The Few"






1889                1st Edition of The VOICE OF THE SILENCE (London) 

1890                reprint  (London)

1892                reprint in larger size  (London) 

1893                American reprint ( Judge edited, footnotes added)

1899                    reprint

1924                        U L T reprinted American Edn of 1893



This Index is based on the U L T 1924 edition and pagination.


If errors, or omissions are found, or if improvements can be

suggested,  please advise me [Dallas]












A"  (aum)  5fn,

Abiding in all things, all things in SELF 54),

Abnormal powers:  (Siddhis 1fn), 

Abyss:  64, 

Accept the woes of birth 34, 

Action: (and inaction 32), (doubt, and fear kills the will, stays all action

                (Viraga requires "killing action 62), 

Absoluteness (Nirvana) 45, 

Abyss:  16, 

Accord:  (full, with all that lives 54), 

Act thou for them today 38. 

Adamantine Will 51,

Additional Buddha or Saint - joins army fighting for liberation  69fn), 

ADEPT(S),  (Adeptship:  14fn, 26fn), (help given to GUARDIAN WALL 74fn), 

                (attributes described  76fn, 77, 77fn), (who has a right to

                renounces  Dharmakaya, keeps of Sambhogakaya its complete
knowledge, 78fn),


Affection: 64, 

After 7 short and fleeting births Nirvana will be his 75, 

Ages,  Eternal:   5,

Agitated: 32, 

AHANKARA: ("I" of personality 62fn), (sensations, rude arousers of 61-2), 

AJNYANA [Agnyana]:  (Ignorance or non-wisdom)  8fn,

A Pilgrim hath returned back "from the other shore." 79, 

Asketai: (Shramana , practitioner of secret Wisdom 49fn), 

AKOUSTIKOI, (Shravaka, listener, from root Shru student of theory 49, 49fn),

Akasha (ic):  (heights 19), 

Akshara (Fount of Omniscience):  7,

Alabaster vase: (Bodhi portal to DHYANA 70), 

Alas, alas, shall SELVES be sacrificed to Self  36, 

Alas, alas, that all men should possess Alaya 26, 

Alas, when thou hast become like the fix'd orb, like the pure snow  73, 

ALAYA:  (Great Soul 26), (all men possess 26), ( MASTER SOUL is one, Alaya,
the Universal Soul,  54),  

                 (Saturate thyself with pure Alaya, become one with Nature's
Soul Thought. 62), (channel of 73), 

                (Compassion, eternal Harmony 76), (Alaya's self, a shoreless
universal essence 76), 

ALL: (SELF  5), (Samadhi: looses consciousness of every individuality, &
self.  becomes the ALL 21fn),


Alone: (thou shalt have to travel on alone 49), 

Alphabet:  Intro. ii, 

Ambition 68, 

AMITABHA's Paradise 57, ("Boundless age" co-worker with 72), (Parabrahman

Amrita: 42, 

Anagamin:  (he who will reincarnate no more, unless he desires to, to help
mankind 50fn), 

And now thy Self is lost in SELF  22, 

And this, O Yogis of success 21, 

Anger 68, 

Anguish and illimitable pain 43, 

Animal(s):  Intro. ii,

Animal Soul:   4fn

Annular power (KUNDALINI): 13fn, 

ANTASKARANA: (Destroy the "path" between the two - Antaskarana 54-5, (lower
Manas 55fn 61), 

                (destroy the path between the two (Manases) 55, 61) (Silver
Thread:  3, 4), 61, 

ARHAN:  30, (and Sages 42), (Udumbara flower  at birth of Arhans and Sages
42), 43, 

                 (is credited with boundless vision, psychic superhuman
sight 42fn), (new 79), 

ARHAT:  Intro. i, 15,  35fn, (Rahat, 4th Path, sees Nirvana in Samadhi
during his last life 50-1fn),

Arjuna:   Intro. i, iii, 

Army: (fighting for liberation 69fn), 

Arrows, Mara's  59, 

Arya Path thou art no more Srotapatti, thou art a Bodhisattva 77,

Aryan(s):  Intro. ii,

ARANYAKA:  (jungle 33), 

ARYAHATA:  (Path, There Klesha is destroyed forever, Tanha's roots torn out

ARYASANGHA: Intro. ii, 

ASAT:  2,

Ascetic: (Yogi who practices the Paramita Path 36fn), 39,

Aspirant to Sorrow 47,  (fearless 61), 

Assembly:   (Tsi: portal of  - 23), 

Astral form:   (personal Self, prod. by Kama-rupa:  12fn), (specialized form
used by Nirmanakaya 77fn),

Astral:   (region: 7fn), (three Worlds - terrestrial, astral, spiritual 72,

Astrology:  Intro. ii,

ATMA(n):  3fn, 5fn, 12fn, (Buddhi, passive vehicle) 10fn, ( 7th principle:
12fn), (flame of Prajna, radiates        from Atma 70), (Alaya, MASTER SOUL,
Universal Soul, each man having a ray of it in him, 

                and being supposed to identify himself with it and merge
back into it 54fn), 

                (Disciple to become one with Brahma or ATMAN 12fn), 

Atmajnyani:  5fn,

Atom(s):  27, 

Attavada (heresy of Separateness from the Universe):  4fn

Attempt:  (sincere 69), 

Attention:  17, 

Attuned:  ( thy mind and heart  55, 55fn),

AUM:    5, 5fn,

Aura (fiery of Mercury 39), 

AVALOKITESHWARA:  (Adi-Buddha 3fn),

AVITCHI is a state, not a locality 79fn,  







Bamboo:  Flute:    11,

Bat: (midnight 58), 

Battlefield, between living and dead [Kurukshetra] 43,

Battlefield engulfed:  (final war between HIGHER and Lower Self 60),

Beam(s):  19, 

Before that path is entered 12, 

Before thou standest on the c 

Before the Soul can see, hear, comprehend 3, 

Behold I know:  29-30, 

Behold! The goal of bliss and the long Path of Woe are at the furtherest end

Behold the Hosts of Souls 9, 

Behold, the mellow light 79, 

Being:  (Fields of 14), 

Believe thou not  32, 

Bend like reeds 69, 

Benefit mankind 36, 

Bestride the Bird of Life 5,

Beware:  (lest in the care of  Self 67), (lest in forgetting Self 68), (of
change 68), 

BHAGAVAD GITA:  Intro. iii, iv, 

Bhons:  (Dad-Dugpa clan, Brothers of the Shadow 56), (appropriated Dorje for
sorcery 59fn), 

Bhutan, 56fn, 

Bird, Great:   5, (Soul a  27), 

Bird : Of life,  5, 17, 

Birth:  30, (former 41), 

Birth-place of sacred rivers, land 42, 

Bitter:  (Long and bitter duty 46), 

Black:  (doves of death 30), (Foul Monster 13),

Blame: 29, 

Blend thy mind and soul: 28, 

Blessings on all that Lives 79fn, 

Bliss:  15, (and glory 21), (selfish 36, 47fn), (eternal 36), Portal(s):
(immediate or deferred 44), 

                (four and seven 44), (Paranirvanic 45), (selfish of
Pratyekha and Dharmakaya 47fn), (Compassion     speaks: "Can there be bliss
?"  78), 

Blood: (shed on Marga (path) of renunciation 75), 

Blossom(s):  (of life 6-7), (heart 18), 


BODHI:  (tree 23, 26fn), (Doctrine of the Heart, permanent, ever-lasting

                (Bodhisattva virtues five, source of Bodhi power 57),
(Portal 70),              

BODHIDHARMA:  26fn, 28fn, 

BODHISATTVA(s):  Adeptship, blossom of:  14fn, (of the "Secret Heart" 36,
(Prajna -  creates a 53),                (virtues five, source of Bodhi
power 57), 67fn, (twain 72), higher than a Buddha 77fn), 

Bodhisattvic body: ( rejected, if "Open Way" is chosen  45, 47. 78-9),
(Body: shrine of thy sensations 29),      (SELF has no body 29), ("shadow"
33fn), (Bodhisattvic 45), 

Body:  (Lunar 12), (Mind 12), (Physical:  Intro. Iii), (vestures of the Path
35), (Learn to part thy body from        thy mind 53), (Body: Prulpi Ku:,
Nirmanakaya - inaccurate: body in which Buddhas or
Bodhisattvas appear on earth :   69fn), (thy slave 60), 

Bond-maidens 40, 

BOOK OF DZYAN:  Intro. i,

BOOK OF THE GOLDEN PRECEPTS:  Intro. i, ii, iii,

Book:  (Originals - squares, discs, oblongs  -  Intro. Ii), 

Boon of learning truth, priceless 27, 

Bosom: (of Nature- pure 16),

Both action and inaction 32, 

Boundless:  (vision 42), (pity and compassion 46), (AMITABHA - "Boundless
age" co-worker with 72), 

Brahm and Brahma:   6fn, (Disciple to become one with Brahma or ATMAN 12fn,
71), 71, 


Brahmanical sectarians  (Tirthankaras)  42fn,

Brain:  (hollow of 18), (exoteric doctrine from Buddha's 25fn), 

Bread:  (of Wisdom 30), 

Breeze 67, 

Brother-pupils, the sons of one sweet Mother  54, 

Brothers of the Shadow [Dugpas, sorcerers]  56,

BUDDHA(s): (Tathagata 21fn), (Perfect 35, 36), (of Compassion 36), (of
Perfection 36), 43, 69fn, 

                 (Teacher of Perfection, Samyak Sambuddha 46), (Pratyekha
47, 47fn), (new 69fn), 

                Body: (Prulpi Ku:, Nirmanakaya - inaccurate - body in which
Buddhas or Bodhisattvas appear on    earth is inaccurate :   69fn),
(midnight blossom:  14), (look inward, thou art Buddha 29), (of Compassion
36 77, 77fn),

BUDDHA GAUTAMA:  Intro. i, ii, 21fn, (Teacher of mankind 33, 33fn), 36,
(Shakya-Thub-pa 40), 

                 (has a right to Nirvana, renounces  Dharmakaya, keeps of
Sambhogakaya its complete knowledge   and         remains as a Nirmanakaya
to asset mankind, 78fn), (Teacher of Perfection, Samyak Sambuddha 46),
(Tung-men, esoteric, and exoteric - Kiau-men teachings of  Buddha 25fn),


BUDDHI (soul):  Intro. iii, (Power KUNDALINI, active 10fn), 

"BUDDHISM IN TIBET:"  (by Schlagintweit 60fn), 

Budding Soul:  3-4,

But even ignorance is better 27, 

But if thou wouldst Nirvana reach 44, 

But let each burning human tear 14, 

Butterfly 67, 







Calm: (of Ocean 41), (and unmoved 75), 

Candidate(s):  25, (for woe throughout the cycles 44),

Care of Self 67, 

Caste mark (Shivite) a round black spot symbol of SUN/star of Initiation

Castle of Illusion:  3,

Cause(s):  (world of 37), 

Chamber (s):  (secret 16), (of the heart 19), 

Chained to thy previous actions 38, 

Chances:  37, 

Change:  (beware of 68), 

Changeless change 45, 

Changeless SAT:  28, (change 45), 

Charity immoral:  14, 32, 57-8, 75, 

Cheer: 38, 

Chela(s),  (high 21fn), 

Child-state:  19, 

China (ese):  Intro. ii, 

Chinese Music; (Rice, Prof.) 55fn

Choice is thine - (bliss immediate or deferred 44), (thy time will come for

CHRISTOS:  Intro iv, (Higher Self:  3fn), 

Chrysalis:  Of flesh and matter:   3,

Clay: 12, (form of clay material 63), 

Clean heart:  27, 

Cleaner:  (of the flame 31-2), 

Cleaving to existence 40, 

Cloak of darkness 51, 

Close not thine eyes, nor loose thy sight of Dorje  59, 

Close thy mind to pleasures as to pain 39, 

Cloth:  (robe made of special grass - of Neophyte 35fn), 

Close not thine eyes 59, 

Clouds:  (of matter 19), 

Collective minds of Lanoo-Shravakas  56,

Color(s):  Intro. ii,

Combatant:  (glorious 65), 

COMPASSION:  25, (stopped by Shangna robe 35), (Buddhas of 36), (Boundless
pity and  46). (divine 75),     (Canst thou destroy divine Compassion?
Compassion is no attribute, It is the Law of LAWS 75,        (eternal
Harmony 76), (Alaya's self, a shoreless universal essence 76),  (That which
IS -          COMPASSION ABSOLUTE 76), (an abstract, impersonal law 76fn),
Compassion speaks and             sayeth: "Can there be bliss  78, 

Concentration:      1fn, 

Confession: ("Buddhas of Confession" - all Adepts, Arhans, Saints 76fn), 

Conqueror: (of Weal and Woe 66),  (Conqueror of Sins 70),

Consciousness:    (4 states 21fn),  6fn, (spiritual 21fn), (Spiritual the
highest, danger free:  7fn), 

                (spiritual 21fn), 

Consolation 40, 

Contemplation:  (ceaseless, of Sat 52-3),

Control: (of mind and thoughts 21fn), 

Crafty, cruel  Powers 50),

Create (or) (ors):  15,

Creations: (thought feelings, swarm round humankind  - dangerous  61),
Creative power KUNDALINI:            Buddhi active 10fn), (Kundalini
underlies all:  13fn), ("Serpent Power" or mystic fire 13fn), 

Cross: (symbol of power  59fn), 

Cries of distress:  4,

Cruel:  (crafty Powers 50),

Cry:   (Shalt thou be saved and hear the whole world cry?  78), 

Cryptogram:  Intro. ii, 

Cycle of existence:  ("Great Journey"  37fn), (for woe throughout the cycles
44, 47), 

Cypher(s):  Intro. ii, 









Dad-Dugpa clan, Brothers of the Shadow 56, (Dad-Dugpas appropriated Dorje
for sorcery 59fn),

Dam: 65, 

DANA  (1st Paramita 52), 57-8, 

Danger-free spiritual consciousness:  7fn,

Dark forests:  32, 

Day:  (a Manvantara 71fn), 

Dauntless energy: (VIRYA: (that fights its way to the supernal TRUTH  52-3),

Dead, Living 45, 

Deadly sin:  33, 

Daring:  (Light of daring burning in the heart 59),

Death:  (Fear of 15fn), (black doves of  30), 

Decay:  30, 

Deception(s):  28, 

Deed(s):  (loving 34), (former 37), 

Deep:  (Hark.from the deep unfathomable vortex 79), 

Deferred, or immediate bliss 44), 

Deluded mortals 46, 

Delusion:  (of the personality 4fn), (Webs of  4), (Samvriti, playground of
all the world's delusions 62),

Delusion:  (Great Delusion, subduer of 71), 

Delusive thoughts 46, 

Demon:  (of Illusion 9),

Denier(s):  (Nihilists, Madhyamikas, everything is illusion 63fn), 

Desire nothing:  15, (passion or 61), 

Desire(s)  (of Life:  Intro. iii), 15, (Tanha:  15), (slayer of 41),
(knowledge 41), (impure 64), (shadow 68), 

Desolation 40, 

Destiny: 38, 

Destroy the "path" between the two (Manases) - Antaskarana 54-5,

Destruction : (Shangna robe - Nirvana of 35), (of personality 35fn),

DEVA(s):  10fn, (sight and hearing 41), (wisdom 73),    

Deva-knowledge 67, 

Development, occult:  (7 stages 19-20),

Devotion (true 41),  

Dew-drop:  12, (udumbara tree 42), 

DHARANA:  1, 1fn, (sixth stage 20), 21, 21fn, 

DHARMA (duty):  31, (the stern law 55), 

DHARMAKAYA:  (vesture of the Path 35 77, 78fn), (thrice glorious state of
45), 47fn, 

                (attributes 77, 77fn), (ideal breath - if adopted, leaves
all relations with world behind  78fn), 

DHASENA:  [Dharshana ?]  21fn, 

Dhyana (Samtan):  (last stage before full Mahatma 21fn), (fourfold 50), (4
degrees of meditation 50fn), 

DHYANA [Jnana]: ([Gnyana, Dzyan,]: (Knowledge, Wisdom 5, 53), (of pure
knowledge-Dhyana  Marga 65, 66),         (leads the Narjol toward the realm
of Sat eternal and its ceaseless contemplation 53), (Haven 70),  (Such
is the Dhyana Path, the haven of the Yogi 75), 

DHYANI BUDDHAS: (VAJRADHARA: Diamond Soul presides over the Dhyani Buddhas

Dhyani(s):  11, (PRAJNA Paramita, makes of a man a God, creating him a
Bodhisattva, son of the  53), 

Diamond Soul 28, 66, 

Dire miseries, eight 62, 

Disciple(s): (see: Chela, Devotee,  Lanoo, Shravaka )  3fn, (soul-echoing
Vina 56), 

                (to become one with Brahma or ATMAN 12fn), 

Discord:  (Harmony is thrown into confusion by discord, suffering and sin

Discriminator:  5fn, 

Disgust: (feeling of absolute indifference (disgust)  for the objective
universe - Viraga 59fn),

Divine SELF:  41, 

DNYANESHWARI [BHAGAVAD GITA in Marathi]:  Intro. i, 10fn, 14fn,

Doctrine of the Eye:  27, 29, (Literal interpretations 31fn), 36, 37,
(fourfold Dhyana 50), 

Doctrine of the Heart:  25, 27, 29, 31, 36, 37, 

DORJE:  59, (Viraga, repels evil as ozone does, also a Mudra, posture or
talisman 59, 59fn), 

                 (Close not thine eyes, nor loose thy sight of Dorje  59), 

Double triangle reversed, symbol of sorcery 59fn),

Doubt 58, 

Dragon:  (a symbol of wisdom and knowledge 26fn), 

Dragon Tree:  (Nagarjuna  26fn), 

Dream(s):  2, (Swapna  6fn),  

Dreary task: 64, 

Drop:  22, (merge the Ocean in the drop, the drop within the Ocean 54),

Dugpa [see Dad-Dugpa, sorcerers]

Dulcet harmony 56, 

Dust:  28, 

Duty: (Long and bitter duty 46), 

DZYAN,  BOOK OF:  Intro. i, [Dan, Zen, Gnyan, Dhyana, Gnana,  etc.]







Eager Soul 46, 

Eagle (mountain 41), 

Ear:  Inner:  3, 19, 

Earth:  3,  4,  (in signs of praise both heavens and earth unite 79), 

Eastern sky 79, 

Echo(ed):  (Nature-sounds are, back 55, 56fn),  

Edkins, Rev, J. 51fn, 

E'en wasted smoke remains not traceless 37, 

Efforts:  37, 

EGO:   Human (Lower Manas):  4fn, (traps to ensnare:  4), 

Eight dire miseries: 62, 

Electro-fiery occult power (KUNDALINI):  13fn,

Electro-spiritual Force (Kundalini)    10fn,

Element(s):  Intro. ii, (Fourfold manifested Powers [great elements: Earth,
Air. Water, Fire] 79),

Elementals:  (Lhamayin  63fn),

Elephant(s):  2, (mad 67), 

Embodied self: Intro. iii, 

Endless end: (remain unselfish till the 78), 

Enemy(ies):  43, 

Energy:  (of Tanha:  15fn), (VIRYA: dauntless energy that fights its way to
the supernal TRUTH  52-3),

Enlightened:  (Thou art - choose thy way 78), 

Enlightenment:  (of Buddha 26fn), (inner 33fn), 

Ensnarer (Great)  Mara:  9,

Ere the gold flame 67, 

Ere thy Soul's mind can understand 13,

Esoteric Schools:  Intro. i, {"Living Dead" - Men ignorant of Esoteric
truths and Wisdom 45fn), 78-9fn, 

Esoteric teaching: (every spiritual EGO is a ray of a Planetary Spirit
34fn), (Bodhidharma 28), {Secret heart 26),               78-9fn, (Tung-men,
esoteric, and exoteric - Kiau-man teachings by Buddha 25fn), 

Essence:  (shoreless, a universal harmony, compassion, Alaya's self  76), 

Eternal:  (life's pure waters:  12), (and changeless SAT 28), (Man , within
- thou art Buddha 29), (bliss 36),      (SELF 41), ( For know that the
ETERNAL knows no change 62), 

Eternity (all):  Intro. iii,  [Maha-Kalpa, 311,040,000,000,000 years] 5fn),

Ethic(s):  Intro. iii,

Evening star: 39, 

Ever fleeting:  27, 

Everlasting:  15, 27, (right - compassion 76), 

Evil sprites:  (Elementals, Lhamayin  63fn),

Exhaustion 27, 

Exile all thoughts from out thy [Kama-Manas] Soul 66,

Existence, cycle of   (Round 37fn), 

Experience:  28, 

Expires: (vanquish the foe ere he himself expires 68), 

External:  31, (external objects, withhold internal images 20), (shadows

EYE DOCTRINE:  27, 29, 36, 37, (Samtan of, fourfold Dhyana 50), 

Eye of Soul:  16, (of Spirit:  16), (of Migmar - Mars 39), (close not 59), 








"F"  middle: (Keynote of Nature [  F  -- "La" in scale of G ] Great Tone

Fabric:  (glorified 35), 

Failed 68, 

Failure:  34, (not in vain 43), (is success 69), 

Fall: (not in vain 43), 

False: (real, from the 27), (fancy 28), (tongue 31), 

Fancy: (false suggestions 28), 

Fane 67, 

Fascination:  (of vice on lower natures  9fn),

Fate:  38, 

Father:  31, 

Fear:  (of Mara 38), (kills the will 58), 

Fearless warrior 68, 

Feat: 65, 

Feel thyself abiding in all things, all things in SELF 54, 

Feelings: (Thought sensations [Kama-Manas]  61),

Feet will bleed, the whiter will himself be washed 75,  

Field(s) of Being:  15, (of the Unknown 34),  (of future harvests 34), (of
Battle 43), 

Fifth stage:  20, 

Fight: (final war between the HIGHER and the Lower Self 60), (Fight on 68,

Fierce strife, between living and dead 43, 

Fiery Power -- Kundalini [Buddhi]:   10, (Aura, fiery "hand"  of Mercury

Fight on 68, 

Fightest for man's liberation 68-9, 

Fit to meet thy Master face to face 53, 

Fire Mystic:  13fn

Fire (y):  21,

Fire-fly   :  2, 

Fitness of all things, the law of Love eternal - harmony - compassion  76, 

Five:  (Impediments: 21fn),  (Bodhisattva's virtues, source of Bodhi power

Fix thy Soul's gaze:  34, 

Fixety of Mind  67, 

Flame(s):  21, (cleaner of the 32), (purified 35), (PRAJNA - flame of,
radiates from Atma 70),  

Fleeting:  15,

Flesh:  3, (is passive 19), 

Flint(s):  unyielding 75, 

Flour:  30, 

Flower:  (of the Vogay tree:  15), (sweet 40), (Udumbara flower at birth of
Arhans and Sages 42), 

Foe: (vanquish the foe ere he himself expires 68), 

Fohat (ic): Power (Kundalini):  13fn,

Follow the wheel of life  39,

Follow upon thy predecessors -Tathagata -  remain unselfish 78),  

Fool:  29, (sight of 42), 

For know that the ETERNAL knows no change 62, 

For then thy Soul will hear, and will remember 3,

For whom the hour shall never strike 34, 

Force: Kundalini - pristine force:  13fn,

Forest(s),  (dark 32), 57, 

Form (Physical):  2, (of clay material 63), 

Former births 15fn, 41, (Reincarnation: 15, 37, 38), 

Fourfold manifested Powers  [the great elements: Earth, Air. Water, Fire]

Fortitude:  (and patience, Kshanti 59), 

Forwarned: (in time 68), 

Fount of Omniscience (Akshara):  7,

Freedom from rebirth:  15,

Fruit(s):  (sweet, of final Liberation 38), (evil 38), (of action or
inaction 44), (sweet are the, of Rest and              Liberation 46), 

Fullness of the seeming void 61, 

Furious host: (Mara's 64), 

Furnace:  (of man's life 35), 

Furtherest: (Path of Woe are at the furtherest end 47), 








Gate(s) :  16, (7 portals, gates 52-3). (of Woe 64), 

GAUTAMA BUDDHA:  Intro. i, ii, (has a right to Nirvana, renounces
Dharmakaya, keeps of Sambhogakaya its           complete knowledge, 78fn),

Gelugpas:  "Yellow Caps" -   59fn

Geometry(ic):  21fn, 

Germs:  (holy 69), 

Gift(s): (priceless boon of learning truth 27), (gifts, talents, innate or
pre-existing virtues 69fn),

Give light to all but take from none  73, 

Give up thy life if though woulds't live:  6, 

Glorious Virtues 36, (combatant 65), 

Glory (ies) :  16, (and bliss 21), (Dharmakaya 35), 

Gnyana, [Jnana, Dzyan,]:  (Knowledge, Wisdom 52),

Goal :  16, (star 21), 21fn, (final liberation 32), (means to reach 49), 

God:  13, (thy Master and thy 23), 

God, Inner: 11, 13,


Golden:  (Tree 18), (light of Spirit 19), (Grain 30), (Rule 50), (keys to
Paramitas 52-3), 

Good Law:  29, 30, 

Grain:  (Golden 30), 

Grass cloth:  (robe of Neophyte 35fn), 

Gratification:  18, 29,

Gratulation: 29, 

Great Bird,:  5,

Great Delusion , Subduer of the 71,

Great Ensnarer (Mara):  9, 

Great Heresy: 4,

Great Illusion: 4,  7fn, 

Great Journey:  37, 

Great Law:   5,

Great Master:  Higher Self: 3fn,

Great Range 32, 

Great Sifter:  (Heart Doctrine 30), 

Great Soul:  (Alaya 26), 

Great World Maya's Ocean: 65, 

Great Tone:  (Keynote of Nature middle F - ["La" in scale of G] 55-6fn),

Guard thou the Lower lest it soil the Higher.  42, 

Guarded from all wind 67, 

GUARDIAN WALL:  74, ("Wall of Protection" from more evils 74fn), (salvation
of mankind influenced by      Nirmanakayas 77fn), 

Guileless Soul 74, 

GURU(s):  Intro. i,  8fn, (Narjol, Upadhyaya, Guru, saintly men, teachers of
the Secret Wisdom 49fn),








Hall of Sorrow (jagrat):  4,

Hall of Ignorance:  6,  7,

Hall of Learning:  6,  8,

Hall of Wisdom:  7,  (If through the 9),

Hand of Laghpa (Mercury) 39, 

Happy :Pilgrim 57, 

Hardy, B. Spence 51fn, 

Hark.from the deep unfathomable vortex 79, 

HARMONY:  (within 2), (SHILA, counterbalances cause and effect 52), (dulcet
56), (Law of LAWS, Alaya's self, compassion  76), (Fitness of all things,
law of Love eternal 76), (is thrown into confusion by            discord,
suffering and sin 76fn), 

Harsh: (word 37), 

Harvest that will feed the hungry 73, 

Hast thou attuned thy being to Humanity's great pain 57, 

Hast thou complied with all the rules? 55, 

Hate:  (thy mother 31), 

Hatred 68, 

Hatha Yoga:  32, 

Haughty fool: 29, 

Have perseverance 34, 

He standeth now  like a white pillar to the west 71, 

He who the stream hath entered 50, 

HEAD:  (cool 19), (learning 27, 28), 36, 37, 

Hear(ing):  2, (and seeing 19-20), ((boundless vision, psychic superhuman
sight & hearing 42fn), 

Heart:  10, 10fn, (make clean 12), (chamber 19), (Doctrine 25, 27, 36),
(Secret  26), (clean 27), (Karmic 30), 36, 3  7, (dauntless 50), (attuned to
great mankind 55), (Light of daring burning in the heart 59), 64, (Brahma-
Pura:  10fn, 26), (Bodhi - permanent, ever-lasting 31), (timid 37), (Secret
36), (patient 37),

HEART DOCTRINE::  25, 27, 29, 30,  

Heaven-Born:  10,

Heaven's dew-drop glittering 12, (in signs of praise both heavens and earth
unite 79), 

Hell:  (Myalba - our earth, called the greatest of all Hells - place of
punishment,  79fn,

Help: ( Nature 15),  (weaker selves 36), (helping man 38), 

Helpless pity 45, 

Heresy:  of Separateness:  4fn,  9, 

Hermit:  (jungle dweller - "aranyaka" 33fn), 

HIGHER SELF:  Intro. iv, (final war between the HIGHER and the Lower Self:
60), (look inward, thou art          Buddha 29),

Higher:   Great Master:  3, 3fn, (Inner God 11), 

Higher:   Manas: 12fn,

Himalaya:  (Great Range 32), 

HINAYANA:  (smaller vehicle - Buddhism 49fn), 

Hindu(s):  Intro. ii,

Hoang-Ho:  (Great Tone - middle F - of waters 55-6fn),

Holy: (Isle - Higher Ego, thinking Self) 65, 65fn,   (holy germs 69),

Honor(ed):  (Wisdom hath, is, by all men 42), (thrice 44), 

Hope:  37, 40, 57, (song of 58), 

Host(s): (of Souls:  9), (Mara's furious 64), 

Hot Tears of Pain:  4

Householder:  31, 


Human: (Soul, or Human Ego, Lower Manas 4fn), (woe 33), (moat that circles
passions 64), 

Humanity: (Hast thou attuned thy being to Humanity's great pain 57), 

Humble(ness): 30, (Nirmanakaya's robe 36), 41, 

Hungry, harvest that will feed the 73), 

Husk (s):  30, 







"I,"  (This is 4), 21fn, (ahankara, "I" of personality 62fn),

IDDHI(S):  1, 

Ideograph(s):  Intro. ii, 

If thy Soul smiles while bathing:  3, 

Ignorance:  (airless vessel 27), (better than head-learning 28), (shun 28), 

Ignorant Disciple:  4,

ILLUSION(S):  2, 3, (Dark garments of  8), (shun 28), (conquered 52),
(deniers and nihilists - Madhyamikas   53fn), (Samvriti cause of world
illusion 63fn), 

Image(s):  2,  20, 

Immediate, bliss or deferred 44), 

Immolation, of  Self 44,  

[Impatience is Kama, 59], 

Impediments (five 22, 22fn), 

Impersonal:  29,

Impure desire: 64, 

Inaction and action may find room in thee 32, (based on selfish 38), (action
or inaction 44), 

Inaction in a deed of mercy  33, 

India(n):  Intro. ii,

INDRA: 71, Indifference to pleasure as to pain 52, 

INITIATE(OR):  Father, Guru, Master:  8fn, (high 21fn), 

Initiation: (Novitiate:  trials during which sins and passions are slain
69fn), ( robe of the Neophyte 35fn),        ("Secret Path" taught at
Initiation 44fn), 

Innate or pre-existing virtues 69fn), (Intro. I,  ii),

Inner:  (enlightenment 33fn), 

Individuality (Higher Manas): 12fn 22, 

Inner:  (look inward, thou art Buddha 29),                        

Inner Ear:   3,

Inner God:  11,

Insidious: (thought sensations [Kama-Manas] that creep unasked  61),

Internal images 20, 

Invincible (if One with Nature's Soul Thought 62), 

Inward, Look, thou art Buddha 29,

Isle:  (Holy Isle, Higher Ego, thinking Self) 65, 65fn,  

It grinds by night and day  (the wheel of the Good Law 300), 







Jackal:  17, 

JAGRAT (waking consciousness):  6fn, 

Japan(ese):  Intro. iii,

Jessamine (jasmine):  37, 

Jet will flicker 67, 

JNANA [Gnyana, Dzyan,]: (Knowledge, Wisdom 52), 

Journey:  (great 37), 

Joy unto ye, O men of Myalba 79, 

Joyous awe: 70, 

JULAI:  (Tathagata  33, 33fn), 

Jungle:  19, 67, 

Jnyana (Wisdom):  8fn,

Justice, rigid,  rules the World 37,








KALA HANSA (Bird or Swan in time:  5fn  6fn), 

Kala Hansa: In and Out of manifestation (Time & Space):  6fn,

KALPA(s) 5fn,  (past 40), (self-doomed to live through future 74), 

KAMA-MANAS: 13, {Thought sensations 61),

KAMA: (rupa is body of desire: 12fn), [Impatience is Kama, 59], (passion or
desire 61),

                (AHANKARA, sensations, rude arousers of 61-2),  

KAMA-RUPA (produces Astral form:  12fn), (formed after death , remains of
Lower Manas 55fn), 

KARMA (ic): (hand of 30), (Chafe not at 15), (Chains 7), (retribution 35),
(men of, sorrow 45), 

                (no efforts, not the smallest.wasted smoke -- remains not
(raceless 37), (Karma of the cycle of thy births      38), (Law 40), (no
efforts, not the smallest.wasted smoke -- remains not traceless 37),        

Karmic progeny 37:, (retribution 39), (Harmony  within 2), (SHILA,
counterbalances cause and effect of           Karmic action  52),

Keep thy mind and thy perceptions far freer than before from killing action

Keshara (Sky Walker):  10fn,

Key:  (golden to Paramitas 52), 

Keynote: (of Nature [Fa] Great Tone 55-6fn), 

KIAU-MEN: (Tung-men, esoteric, and exoteric - Kiau-men teachings of Buddha

Kill(ing):Intro. iii, 13, (love of life:  15), (Kill out desire:  15, (thy
desires 17), (doubt, fear kills the will 58), 

Kill in thyself all memory of past experiences:  18, 

King:  (of the Maras  9fn), 

KLESHA (love of pleasure) 75, 

Know(s) (er): (of ALL SELF 5),  (for it is knowledge 34), 

Know that the stream of superhuman knowledge 73, 

Knowing: (boundless vision, psychic superhuman sight 42fn), 

Knowledge:  22fn, 23, (Dragon symbol of wisdom and knowledge 26fn), (true
30), (Self 34), (that was his in     former births 41),  (Jnana Gnyana,
Dzyan): (knowledge of desire  41), (Knowledge, Wisdom 52, 57),
(seven steps 57), (DHYANA - path of pure knowledge-Dhyana Marga 65),
(Deva-knowledge 67),      (superhuman 73), 

Know, O beginner, this the Open Path  36, 

KRISHNA:  Intro. i, iii, (Dnyaneshwari 14fn), 

Krishna-Christos (Higher Self):  Intro. iv, 14fn, 

KSHANTI: (patience sweet that nought can ruffle 52), 58-9, 

KU:  (mode of truth 22fn), 

Kumbakonam T S -  (translated Nalavindu Upanishad (Rig Veda) On Kala Hansa
and OM  5fn), 

KUNDALINI:  10fn, (Buddhi active 10fn), (Electro-spiritual Force
(Kundalini): 10fn, (Kundalini underlies         all:  13fn), ("Serpent
Power" or mystic fire 13fn), 

KWAN-SHI-YIN  & Taishshi, Bodhisattvas help with Knowledge the instruction
of Yogis 72fn), 







La [in scale of G] is middle F of piano, 55-6fn, 

Ladder (Mystic Sounds):    11, 16, 17,

LAGHPA (Mercury), hand of  39),

Lake:  (mountain 32), 

Lama:   Intro. i, 

Lamp: 31-2, 

LANOO(s):  3fn, 8, 13, 22,32, 35, 40, (collective minds of, Shravakas 56), 

Law:  (Sweet 25), (Good 29), (Let him hear the 40), (submission to the 40),
(COMPASSION ABSOLUTE an      abstract, impersonal law 76fn), 

Learn to part thy body from thy mind 53, 

Learning: (shunned --  teaches Wisdom 26), (false 29), 

Let not the fierce Sun 14, 

Let not thy "Heaven-Born" 10, 

Let thy Soul lend its ear 14, 

Levi, Eliphas:  7fn, 

Lhamayin:  (elementals, evil sprites  63fn),

LIBERATION:  (Path of 25, 45), (to gain 31), (goal of final 32, 38, 42),
(changes for Renunciation 44), (First path 45), (sweet are the fruits of
Rest and Liberation 46), (forsake 8 dire miseries 62), 

                 (every additional Buddha or Saint - joins army fighting for
liberation  69fn), 

Liberator of mankind:" (renunciator  69fn), 

Lie(s):  30, (terrestrial 53), 

Life:  (eternal:  15), ( Sunlight of:  3), 7, (reincarnation cycle 38),
(Follow the wheel of life  of duty 39), 

Life         ("Secret Life" 44), (life-blood 68), 

Light:  5, (golden, of Spirit 19), (Light in  Sound 22, 23), (of daring
burning in the heart 59), (One Pure 64),

                (of Knowledge - Prajna 70), (shed the light acquired like
the Bodhisattvas twain 72), 

Lightless:  34, 

Lightning flash:  62, 

Lion:  (of the Law  33),  

Literal (interpretations 31fn), 

Live,  the Will to:  15fn, (in the eternal 54), (and breathe in all 54),
(live in that MASTER (Alaya) as Its ray in thee          54), (in thy
fellows as they live in It. 54), 

Lives:  (past 37), (of weal or woe 37), (Accord:  (live in full accord with
all that lives 54),

Living Dead 45, (Living power made free in him 71), 

LOKAS (7 planes of being):   6fn,

Long and bitter duty 46, 

Longing: (or regret 61), 

Look inward, thou art Buddha 29, 

Lord:  (of Mercy 33), 

Lotus:     12, 14,

Love:  of life:  15, (all beings 30), (Dana, charity and love immortal 52), 

Lower Self 41, (final war between the HIGHER and the Lower Self  60),

Lug:  Intro. ii,

Lunar Body:  12,

Lunar: Form:  13,

Lust,  fires of:  7, 15, 18,








"M"  (aum):   5fn,

Mad elephant 67, 

MADHYAMIKA School:  26fn, (nihilists and deniers, everything is illusion -
parikalpita  63fn), 

MAHA MAYA (Great Illusion):  4fn,

MAHA-KALPA, 311,040,000,000,000 years:  5fn,

MAHATMA:  (Dhyana last stage on the Earth before 21fn), 

MAHAYANA:  Intro. ii, 49, (Great vehicle 49fn), (Nihilists 63fn), 

                 (Samvritasatya taught in Mahayana schools, quarrel with
Yogacharyas on preceeding  causes 63fn),

Man (s):  (salvation 36), (ATMAN:  Alaya, MASTER SOUL, Universal Soul, each
man having a ray of it I in him,          and being supposed to identify
himself with it and merge back into it 54fn), 

MANAS: (Reincarnating Ego, 12fn), (Mind, knowledge 34fn), (rupa and Kama
Rupa 12fn), 

Manas (es): (Destroy the "path" between the two (Manases) - Antaskarana 54-5

MANASAPUTRA(s):  (sons of universal MIND 34fn), 

Mango: 65-6, 

Manifestation and Non-Manifestation:  6fn, 

Mankind 36,( Attuned thy  mind and heart to all mankind 55, 55fn),

Manvantara: ("Day" as a Manvantara 71fn),

MARA(s),  (Great ensnarer   9),  9fn, 18, (fear of 38), (King of the 9fn),
(arrows 59), (conquered 64), 

                (Path 74fn), (wields his strongest arms 75), 

Marga [path]: (path of pure knowledge-Dhyana Marga 65),(Paramartha,
Swasamvedana 65fn), 

Master of thine own Mercy:  25, 


MASTER SOUL is one (Alaya, the Universal soul,  54, 54fn),  

Master(s): 3,  8fn,  10, 12, (ONE 19), 64, (and at the Master's feet are
laid 12), (thou feelest 17), 18, (of the 6th stage              22), (of
Samadhi 23), (Fit to meet thy Master face to face 53), 

Master's Voice     10, 19, 

Mastery:  (o'er thy thoughts, o'er thy Soul  64), 

Material: (form of clay 63),

Matter:   3, (clouds of 19), (Organic:  13fn), (Kundalini underlies all:
13fn), (Self of 13), 

Maya (vic):  21, (realm 28), (dew 30), 

MAYAVIC Regions:  7, 10, 21, 

Means to reach the goal must vary with the Pilgrims 49, 

Meditation  Dhyana:   (4 degrees of meditation 50fn),

Mediums:  7fn,

Meet, The Self of Spirit and the self of matter can never meet 13,

Memory:  (past experience 18), 

Men of karmic sorrow 45, 

Mental:  (woe unspeakable 45), (mental changes in thy Self 61), 

Mercury -  Hand of Laghpa 39O), 

Mercy:  (Master of thine own 25), (teaching of Yogis, renunciators, by 2
Bodhisattvas 72fn), 

Merit 37, (bliss immediate or deferred 44), 

Merge into one sense thy senses: 18, (merge the Ocean in the drop, the drop
within the Ocean 54),

Merge the two into the One and sacrifice the personal to Self impersonal 54,

Meru:  (Sumeru - Meru of the Gods 72, 72fn),

Middle (Region): 10, (middle F - Great Tone of Nature 55-6fn), 

Midnight blossom of Buddha:  14, (Udumbara  flower at midnight birth of
Arhans and Sages 42), 

Mighty sweep of never-erring action 37, (Yea, he is mighty 71), 

Migmar (Mars)  39, 

Mind: 1fn, (Slayer of the Real: 2), (Manas:  Intro. iii), (needs breadth and
depth 28), (mirror 28), 

                (Thinking Principle 34fn), (Learn to part thy body from thy
mind 53), 

                (attuned to great mankind 55),(-Soul 67), (Potter's: 3),

Mire:  12, (its foot in 52), 

Mirror:  (mind is like a 28), 

Mist(s):  58, 

Misery:  (knowledge of all 22fn, 23), (protection by GUARDIAN WALL 74fn),

Mistrust thy senses 28, 

Moat: 64, 

MONAD(S)  (Sacrifice(ed): the SELF to weaker Selves 36), 

Monsoon's muddy torrents:  12,

Monster:  (black, foul 13),

Moon:  (reflector of Alaya, which is in all  26), 

Morrow: 37, 

Mortal coil:  43,

Moth  9,

Mother:  31, (sons of one sweet Mother 54), 

Mountain: (sunbeam on 60), 

Motive: (action or inaction 44), 

MU:  (mode of truth 22fn), 

Mud:  17, 

Murderers of their Souls, Brothers of the Shadow 56,

Mutable 44,

MYALBA:  (Joy unto ye, O men of Myalba (our earth, called Hell) 79), 79fn, 

Mystic(s):  Intro. i, iii,

Mystic:  Sounds: 11,

Mystic Power:  13,








NADA (soundless sound):    1, 

Naga(s):  Intro. i,

NAGARJUNA:  Intro. i, 26fn, 


NARJOL: (Upadhyaya, Guru, saintly men, teachers of the Secret Wisdom 49fn),
53, 73, 

Nature(s):  changeless laws:  15,  ( Help, and work on with her:  15(),
(Karma, Nature's Law 40), 

                (sounds                 55, 55fn), (middle F - Great Tone of
nature 55-6fn), (hidden lore 72, 

                (Saturate thyself with pure Alaya, become as one with
Nature's Soul Thought. 62),

                 (thrills with joyous awe and feels subdued 70), 

Nay, O thou candidate for Nature's hidden lore 72, 

Neophyte:  (initiation robe of 35fn), 39, 

Nightingale(s): 11, 57, 

Nihilists: (deniers of reality, everything is illusion 63fn), 

NIRMANAKAYA:  (vesture of the Path 35), (humble robe 36), ("Secret Life" -
as a Nirmanakaya 44, 44fn), 69fn,           (Prulpi Ku -error - 69fn), (help
form GUARDIAN WALL 74fn), (refuses Nirvana 77fn),  33, (Shangna  robe -
Nirvana of destruction 35), (bliss, but to renounce it 36), (seven birth to
40fn), (conquest of 43),  (But if thou wouldst Nirvana reach 44),
(Absoluteness- Nirvana 45), (Nirvanas gained and lost 46), 50,  50fn, 51,
(the Pilgrim glideth up the stream that to Nirvana leads 75), (after 7 short
and fleeting births                Nirvana will be his 75),

Nirvana: (OM! I believe it is not all the Arhat that get of the Nirvanic
Path the sweet fruition 76), (Nirvana will be          his 75),

Nirvana: (OM ! I believe that the Nirvana-Dharma is entered not by all the
Buddhas 76), 77, 

No efforts, not the smallest, can vanish 37, 

Non-Being:   5,  15, 

Non-Self:   5,

Northern Buddhism (Vehicles: Mahayana (greater), Hinayana (smaller) in

Novitiate:  (trials during which sins and passions are slain 69fn), 

Now bend thy head and listen well  78, 

Numerals:  Intro. ii,  (Arabian:  Intro. ii),  

NYIMA (the Sun):  39, 40, 








Obeisance:  15, (Pratyekha to his  [Lower] Self 46), 


Object of Perception:  1,

Object of Sense:  Intro. iii,

Objective, subjective: 63fn, 

Oblivion of the World 45, 

Ocean:  22, (merge the Ocean in the drop, the drop within the Ocean 54),
(bitter waves 73), 

Occult (ist)(ism):

Occult Buddhist:  3,

Occult Development:  (stages 19-20), 

Occult Fiery Power (Kundalini):  13fn

Ocean:  41, 

Ocean Sprite:  11, 

Of Teachers there are many; the MASTER SOUL is one  54), 

OM:  24, [Pranava], 

OM! I believe it is not all the Arhat that get of the Nirvanic Path the
sweet fruition. 76, 

OM ! I believe that the Nirvana-Dharma is entered not by all the Buddhas.


O Narjol, thou art safe - Prajna, Titiksha state -  70), 

One:  (discern the ONE 2), (Soul 10), (Universal ONE SELF 5fn)  (merged
into: 12),

Open Path 36, (taught to layman 44fn), (Way - reject Bodhisattvic body 45),

Orientalists: (unreliable - examples 51fn), 

O Teacher, what shall I do to reach to Wisdom?  27, 

Other shore:  79, 

OVER-SOUL: (Universal WORLD-SOUL 56), 









Pain:   Intro. iii, 14, 16, (Suffering:  16), (fellow men 46), (Prajna -
Titiksha indifference to 70fn),

Pain:  (every cry of:  14), 16, (and sorrow 35), (cause of illimitable 43),
(VIRAGA: indifference to pleasure         as to       pain 52), (Hast thou
attuned thy being to Humanity's great pain 57

Pali (siddhi):  1fn,

PARABRAHMAN:  (AMITABHA the "Boundless age"  72fn), (has 2 Bodhisattvas:
Kwan-Shi-Yin,                Tashshi who shed light of truth on mankind

Paradise, Amitabha's 57,

Paralyzing the Personal Self:  12fn,

PARAMARTHA:  Intro. i, (path of pure knowledge-Dhyana Marga, Paramartha,
Swasamvedana 65, 65fn), (self-        evident or self-analyzing reflection

PARAMITA(S): (Path 36fn), (six  transcendental virtues 50, 50fn), (portals
to 52-3), 

Paralysis(ized): (Lower Manas to be 12fn), 

Paranirvanic bliss: 45, 

Parched soil 35,

PARIKALPITA: (illusion 63fn), 

Passion(s):  (incarnate 50), (or desire 61), (moat that circles human 64),
(and sins slain 60fn), 

Past:  (thought about the 18), (experiences 18), (lives 37), 

PATH(S):  4, 12,  14fn, (one road to 16, 45), (Two 26, 45), 27, (of dire
probations:  4), (Travel on the 14), 

                 (the three vestures of 35, 77, 77fn), (open 36), (secret
36, 37,), (of renunciation 36), 37, (to Battle                         43),
(the PATH is one, Disciple, yet in the end two-fold 44), (is one for all
49), (of Sorrow 57), 

                 (Destroy the "path" between the two (Manases) - Antaskarana
54-5, 55fn), (Marga 74fn), 

                 (of pure knowledge named - Dhyana Marga 65), (of seeing, of
hearing 70), 

"Path of Righteousness":  77fn, 

Patience: 34, (patient heart 37), 40, (KSHANTI: patience sweet that nought
can ruffle 52), [is Buddhi 59], 

Patriarch:  (Arhat 35fn), (Shin-Sien: 6th Patriarch, Northern China -
Doctrine 28fn), 

Peace:  15, (Peace to all Beings 79), 

Pearl:  12,

Pepper plant:  (and Karma 37), 

Perceptions: (Keep thy mind and thy perceptions far freer than before from
killing action 62),

Perfection(s):  (three 26),  27, (Buddhas of 36), (striver for 64), 

Perishable:  15,

Permanent, sacrifice of mutable to 44, 

Persevere(nce):  Intro. iii, 34, 

Personal Self:  12fn, 15,

Personality (delusion of the):  4fn, (crushed out:  13), (shadow -
evanescent 34fn), (destruction of 35fn), 

                (destroyed: 12fn), 35fn,  (ahankara, "I" of personality

Philosophical Buddhism  49fn, 

Pilgrim:  38, (toiling 40), (Happy  57), (glideth up the stream that to
Nirvana leads 75), 

Pillar: (He standeth now  like a white pillar to the west 71), 

Pines: (stately 71), 

Pitfalls: (Learn the, on thy way 57), (advance and 59), 

Pity:  (to renounce 31), (helpless pity 45), (boundless, and compassion 46),

Planet:  39, 

PLANETARY SPIRIT:  (every spiritual EGO is a ray of a  34fn), 

Plant(s):  32, (of nine and seven stalks (Shangna plant) - Udumbara tree,
flowers at birth of Arhans and Sages 42),

Playground of Samvriti, origin of all the world's delusions 62,  

Pleasure(s):  Intro. iii, (close thy mind to pleasures as to pain 39),
(VIRAGA: indifference to pleasure as to pain              52), (Suffering
16), (fellow men 46), (Prajna - Titiksha indifference to 70fn),

Point out the way:  39, 49, (points   28),

Pollution: 64, 

Pond:  (stagnant 72),  

Portal(s):  (four and seven 44, 70), (seven 46), (seven 50, 70), (to
Paramitas 52-3, (to Dhyana 70), 

Potter:  3, (Living power made free in him 71),

Power(s):  (cruel crafty 50),  (Fohatic:  13fn),  (Kundalini: active Buddhi
13fn),  (World's Mother:  10fn), 

Practitioner  (asketai) of secret Wisdom, Shramana 49fn), 

PRAGNA:  (Buddha as Tathagata released from three methods of 21fn), (7th
Portal 66), 

Praise: (in signs of - both heavens and earth unite 79, 

PRAJNA: (seventh step of Wisdom 50, 66), (Paramita, makes a God, creating a
Bodhisattva, son of                  Dhyanis 53),  (flame of, radiates from
Atma 70),  

Praise:  (shun 29),                 

PRASANGHA school: 37fn,               [Glos. 260]

PRATYAHARA: (7th plane of consciousness and beyond 21fn),

PRATYEKHA BUDDHA 47, 47fn,  [Dharmakaya,  77-8fn), 

Pre-Buddhist:  Intro. iii,

Pre-existing: (Innate or pre-existing virtues 69fn),

Predecessors. Steps: (Follow  thy predecessors' - Tathagata's steps, remain
unselfish 7), 

Prepare thyself, for thou shalt have to travel on alone 49, 

Presides over the Dhyani Buddhas --VAJRADHARA: (Diamond Soul 28, 66), 66fn),

Priceless boon of learning truth 27, 

Pride, Proud: 32, 40, 65,

Principles:  (six of personality destroyed to release individuality 12fn),
(Higher Self, 7th principle 32fn),

Principles:  (six destroyed 12fn),

Prize:  44, 

Probations:   dire  4,

Progeny and heirs to man (dangerous thought sensations) 61, 

Protecting love 39, 

Prulpi Ku: (NIRMANAKAYA an inaccurate statement by Schlagintweit  69fn),

Psychic: (Development:  Intro. I), (Faculties:   1fn),  (Stupefying
blossoms:  7), (World,  7fn), 

                 (boundless vision, psychic superhuman sight 42fn).

Public:  (teaching by Buddha 33fn), 

Punishment:  (Myalba - our earth, called the greatest of all Hells - place
of punishment,  79fn), 

Pupil(s) (disciples, Lanoos, candidates]:  12, 19, (Brother-pupils, the sons
of one sweet Mother  54), 

Pure Light:  64, 









Radiance:  (eternal 22), 

RAHAT:  (4th Path, or Arhat, sees Nirvana in Samadhi during his last life

Rajagriha:  (Shangnavasu: of 35fn),

RAJA YOGA:  21fn, 

Rathapala: (Sutrasanne 31fn), 

Ray(s):  (sun-sparks 19), (star 34), (live in that MASTER, (Alaya, the
Universal Soul), Its ray in thee 54),          

Real:  (Mind is Slayer of 2), (from the false 27), 

Rebirth:  (Freedom from:  15), (stopped by Shangna robe 35), 

Rebirth:  (Caused by energy of Tanha: 15fn),  (will to live 75fn), 

Reeds: (Bend like reeds, but never break  69), 

Refuge: (Dhyana Marga 65),

Regret: (or longing 61), 

Reincarnation: 37, 38, (Former births 15fn, 41), (gifts, talents, innate or
pre-existing virtues 69fn),

Renounce bliss by Nirmanakaya 36, 

RENUNCIATION:  17, 45,  (final step "Secret" Path 36, 45), (of the Self 38),
(Liberation changes for 44), 

                (second path 45), (for the sake of others 46), (teaching to
Yogis, by 2 Bodhisattvas - Kwan-Shi-       Yin & Taishshi 72fn),

Renunciator:  (Liberator of mankind:" 69fn), 

Restrain by thy Divine thy lower Self 41,                         [S D II
109;  Gita 45]

Resurrection:  13, 

Retribution: (Karmic 35), 

Reward (for bliss immediate or deferred 44), (Nirvana rejected 47), (in time
for all attempts 69), 71, 

Rice, Prof. (Chinese Music) 55fn, 


Rigid Justice rules the World 37, 

Ripple of effect 45, 

River: Sacred, roaring voice [Fa] 55, 55fn), 

Road(s):  16,

Roaring(s):  2, (River: Sacred, roaring voice [Fa] 55, 55fn), 

Robe(s):  (vestures of the Path 35), Neophyte:  (initiation robe of the
Neophyte 35fn),

Roots: 32, 

Rose(s):  18, (and Karma 37), 

Round:  {Great Journey, cycle of existence 37fn), 

Ruffle:  52, 

Rule(s): (Hast thou complied with all the rules? 55), 

Rung:  16, 17, 

RUPA: (Kama, Manasa, 12fn), 

Rusty key refuseth to unlock 59, 








Sacred (3) Three:  21, (birth-place of sacred rivers, land 42), (River:
Sacred, roaring voice [Fa] 55, 55fn),

Sacrifice(ed):  (the SELF to weaker Selves 36), (Mutable to Permanent 44), 

Safe:  (Titiksha state - Prajna 70), 

SAGES:   Intro. iv, (Udumbara flowers birth of Arhans,  Sages 42), (fruit of
Karma, Sages dare not 

                still 45), (help form GUARDIAN WALL 74fn),

SAINT(s)(ly) men:  (Narjol, Upadhyaya, Guru, teachers of the Secret Wisdom
49fn), (help form  GUARDIAN                 WALL 74fn),

Saith the pupil 27, 

Saith then Great Law 5, 

SAKKAYADITTHI (delusion of the personality):  4fn,

SAKRIDAGAMIN: (2nd Path - he who will receive birth only once more 50fn), 

Salvation of the World 46, (salvation of mankind influenced by Nirmanakayas

SAMADHI:  21, (looses consciousness of every individuality, including his
own. He becomes the ALL 21fn),               (state of faultless vision 23),

SAMBHOGAKAYA:  (vesture of the Path 35, 77), 77fn, (described 78fn), 


SAMTAN (Dhyana):  50,  (four degrees of meditation 50fn),

SAMVRITASATYA: (taught in Mahayana schools, quarrel with Yogacharyas on
needed preceeding             causes 63fn), 

SAMVRITI:  (Playground of all the world's delusions 62), (demonstrates
illusive character an emptiness of all               things 62-3fn),
(Samvriti cause of world illusion 63fn), 


Sanskrit:  Intro. ii, 

SANNYAMA: (state of consciousness 21fn), 

SAT:  2, 24, (changeless 28), (eternal 53), (ceaseless contemplation 53), 

Satiation:  18, 

Satisfaction: (pride and 65), 

Saturate thyself with pure Alaya, become as one with Nature's Soul Thought.

Saved:  (Shalt thou be saved and hear the whole world cry?  78,

SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD 47, (new Saviour of mankind is born 79fn), 

Schlagintweit:  56fn, 69fn, 

Schools,  Mystic, in East:  Intro. i,

Sea of sorrow formed of the tears of men 73),

Search for the Paths.  27, 

Seclusion:  32, 

Second:  (stage:  19),  (gate 58), 

SECRET:  (chambers:  16), (Heart 26, 36), (Esoteric Doctrine 26fn), ("Path"
36, 37, 44fn, 73 ), ("Secret Life" - as               a Nirmanakaya 44,
44fn), ("SECRET PATH" taught at Initiation 44fn, 49), (Way 46), 

SECRET WISDOM:  (saintly men, Upadhyaya, Narjol, Guru, teachers of the
Secret Wisdom 49fn),

Seed(s):  (of Wisdom 28), (of merit 34), (protected by the snow 73), 

See(ing):  (and hearing 19), 20, ((boundless vision, psychic superhuman
sight 42fn), 

Seek for Him who is to give thee birth.:   8,

Seek out him who knows still less than thou 40, 

SELF: ALL SELF: 5, 21fn, 22, (has no body 29), 36, (Feel thyself abiding in
all things, all things in SELF            54),

SELF:      (Atman:  3fn, 21, 22,  36),  (Self of Spirit:  13, 36), (Divine
and lower 41),

Self: Embodied Intro. iii, 21fn, 36),  (Disembodied:  Intro. iii, 21fn, 36),
(mental changes in thy Self 61), (final war              between the HIGHER
and the Lower Self 60), (Immortal:  Intro. Iii), (Indestructible: Intro
iii), (Superior:    Intro. iii), 22, (has no body 29),

Self doomed to live through future Kalpas, unthanked 74, 

Self-evident or self-analyzsng reflection - Paramartha, Swasamvedana 65fn), 

Selfhood:  4,

Self-gratulation:  29, 

Self-Immolation 44,  

Self-knowledge: Intro. iii, 21fn, 22, (of loving deeds the child 34),
(powers 61), 

Self of Matter:  13, (Embodied Intro. iii, 21fn, 36),

Self of Spirit:  13, 36, 

Self-regard 40, 

Self torture (Hatha Yoga)  32, 

Selfish(ness): Intro. iii, 36, (bliss 36), (fear 38),

Selves (Monads):  36, 

Sensation(s):  Intro. iii, 18, (thy body, shrine of thy sensations 29),
(Thought sensations 61), 

                 (AHANKARA rude arousers of 61-2),

Sense(s):  (merging into seventh 20, 20fn), 1fn, (merge into one 18),

Separateness: (from the universe (heresy): 4fn),

Separate(ion) (ness):  Intro. iii, 4fn, 9,

Septenary:  21fn, 

Servant: 49, 

Seven(th): (steps in Knowledge 57), (7 Planes of Being - lokas, world  6fn),
20, (7th plane and beyond 21fn),     (Higher Self, 7th principle 32fn),
Seven(th):  (births to Nirvana 40fn),  (7 Mystic Sounds: 11), (Portals
four and seven 44, 46 50), 

Sevenfold Path 66, 

Shade:  (step out from sunlight into 34), (if soul light fades 60), 

Shadow(s)  13, 20, (physical body 33fn), (live and vanish 34),
{personalities 34fn), (moveth 51), (dissipate       53),          (external
61), 67, 

Shadow:  (Brothers of the 56), 


Shalt thou abstain from action? 33, 

Shalt thou be saved and hear the whole world cry?  78, 

Shalt not thou, Master of thine own Mercy  25,

Shade, (out of sunlight into 34)

SHANGNA (robe - Nirvana of destruction 35), (plant, and Udumbara tree,
flowers at birth of Arhans 

                and Sages 42, 42fn), 

Shangnavasu: (of Rajagriha 35fn), 

Shed the light acquired, like to the Bodhisattvas twain 72, 

SHIN-SIEN:  (6th Patriarch, Northern China - Doctrine 28fn), 

SHILA: (Harmony 52), 58-9, 

Shiva, Shivite: (caste mark a round black spot symbol of SUN/star of
Initiation 21fn),

SHRAMANA (asketai, practitioner of secret Wisdom 49fn), 

Shravaka(s): (akoustikoi, listener, from root Shru student of theory 49,
49fn),  (collective minds of 56), 

Shrine: (thy Soul's bright 61), 


Shrine, unworthy:  4, (body, shrine of thy sensations 29), (Soul's white

Shun ignorance 28, 

SIDDHI(S) (Iddhi):  1fn, (Lower & Higher:  1fn,  (for thy future births 39),
(of perfection 40), 

Sifter:  30, 

Silence:  15,

Silence:  Voice of the:  2,

Silent Self:  32, (Higher Self, 7th principle 32fn), 

Silent Speaker:  3,(watchers 39), 

Silver Thread:  3, 4,

Silver :    Cymbal:  11, (star 71), 

Sin(s):  16, 17, 23, (of gross form 32-3), (inaction 33), (darkness of thy
51), (and passions slain during novitiate               69fn), (Conqueror of
70), (Harmony is thrown into confusion by discord, suffering and sin 76fn),

Sing (song):  3,

Six (th)  10, 20, (glorious virtues 36), 

Six: are slain:  12, 12fn, 

Sincere Attempt:  69,

Sixth stage DHARANA:  20, 

Sky Walker (Keshara) 10fn, :  

Slay (er):  13,

Slain:  six are :  12,

Slay(er): ( Slayer of the Real 2), (slayer of desire 41), 

Smoke:  (black 35), (wasted 37), 

Snare(s):  64, 

Snow:  32, (udambara tree flowers on snow-capped heights 43), (protective to
the seed 73), 

Soil:  (parched 35), 

Son:  31, 

Sorcery, : (Dad-Dugpa clan, Brothers of the Shadow 56fn), (appropriated
Dorje for sorcery 59fn),

                 (double triangle reversed of sorcery 59fn), (protection by

Sorrow:  30, 35, (men of karmic 45), (Aspirant to Sorrow 47), (sea of sorrow
formed of the tears of men              73),

SOUL(S):  2, 10, (Not separate from Universe:  4fn),  (Soul smiles  3),
(firm and pure 19),  (Master 54).

                (Wisdom 27, 28), (Diamond 28), (lend its ear:  14), (of
truth, esoteric doctrine 25fn), 

Soul-light: (if fades terror arises 60), (Soul-gaze 64), 

Soul-echoing Vina 56, 

Soul's Mind:  13, (Bright shrine 61), 

Soul Thought: ( Saturate thyself with pure Alaya, become as one with
Nature's Soul Thought. 62),

Sound::  1, 4, 11, 19,  22, 23, (Soundless: 1), (7 Mystic Sounds:  11),
(Great Tone FA- all Nature's sounds        55- 6fn), 

Sow kindly acts  33, 

SOWAN(EE):   (crossed the 7th  Portal - Prajna 70), (and Srotapatti are
synonyms 70fn, 74fn), 

Space:  (Waves of :  4),  (Time & :  6fn), 

Speaker,  silent:  3,  

Spiral:     Kundalini power:  13fn,

Spirit (7th Principle):  12fn, (eye of:  16),  (golden light of 19), (Self
of 13), 

Spiritual: (Consciousness - Spiritual the highest, danger free:  7fn),
(spiritual 21fn), (selfishness of    Pratyekha              47fn),  (Inner:
2), (Powers:  1fn),  (three Worlds - terrestrial, astral, spiritual 72,

Sprite:     11,

SROTAPATTI: (he who enters the stream 40, 40fn), 50, 50fn, (a Sowanee 70fn),

Stage(s) Occult system:  (second 19 bot), (fourth 20), (fifth 21), (sixth
20), (seventh 20), 

Stagnant pond 72, 

Star(s)    11, (which is thy goal burns overhead 21), (of Initiation 21fn),
(whose ray thou art 34), 

Star (s):  (evening 39), (Silver 71), 

Starving 40, 

Steeper Path 50, 

Step:  (first 27), (out of sunlight 34), (first 40), 

Step out of sunlight into shade 35-6, 

Storm:  18, 

Strangle thy sins 17,

Stream:  38, 56,  (Srotapatti - he who enters the stream 40, 40fn, 50),  72,

Strife:  15, (fierce, between living and dead 43), 

Strive with thy thoughts unclean 13, 

Stupefying blossoms:  7, 

Subdued: (Nature thrills with joyous awe and feels subdued 70),

Subduer of the Great Delusion 71, 

Subjective: ( Objective, subjective: 63fn), 

Success:  34, 

Such is the Dhyana Path, the haven of the Yogi 75, 

Suffering:  16, (fellow men 46), (Prajna - Titiksha indifference to 70fn),

Suffering:  (Harmony is thrown into confusion by discord, suffering and sin

Suggestions:  (fancy's false 28), 

Sun(s): ( dry one tear: 14), (sparks 19), (spot 21fn), (thou canst not be
39), (two 40),

SUMERU: (mount Meru of the Gods 72, 72fn), 

Sunbeam: (Mountain, sunbeam on 60),  

Sunlit rocks 67, 

Sunny glade 57, 

Sunlight:  (of thy Life 3), (of the Spirit 16), (step out from sunlight 34)

Superhuman knowledge 73, 

Surface:  (lower 63),

SUSHUPTI (deep sleeping state of consciousness):  6fn,

Sutrasanne : (by Rathapala 31fn),

SUTTA NIPATA:  Intro. iii, Swasamvedana

SWAPNA (dreaming consciousness):   6fn,

SWASAMVEDANA: (Paramartha or the self-evident and self-analyzing reflection

Sweet:  (Law:  25),  (peace and rest 34), (are the fruits of rest 46),
(patience 52), 

Symbol:   (of wisdom and knowledge - Dragon 26fn), 









Tabernacle of illusion 71, 

TAISHSHI Bodhisattva: ( & Kwan-Shi-Yin ,  teach renunciation to  Yogis

Talents: (or gifts, innate or pre-existing virtues 69fn),

TANHA:  15,  15fn, (Aryahata Path, There Tanha's  (will to live - causes
rebirth) roots torn out 75),

Tantrika(s):  56fn, 

Task: 65, 

TATHAGATA:  (Buddha, embodied 21fn), (Julai 33fn), (he followed in the
footsteps of his predecessors 62, 62fn), (if thou wouldst be Tathagata, 78)


TAT:  24, 

TAU:  (Path of Salvation 21fn), 23, 

Teacher(s)  21, (of Compassion 25), 40, (saintly men, Upadhyaya, Narjol,
Guru, teachers of the Secret Wisdom  49fn), 

Teach to eschew all causes 45, 

Teacher of Perfection, Samyak Sambuddha 46, 

Teaching:  (public by Buddha 33fn), 

Tear(s) of pain:  14, (that water the parched soil 35), 

Temptation by Mara  8-9, 9fn, (which ensnare the inner man 60), 

Tempters: (Lhamayin, elementals 63fn), 

Terror: (when soul-light fades 60), 

Terrestrial world: (three Worlds - terrestrial, astral, spiritual 72, 72fn),

That which is uncreate:  8,


The blessed ones have scorned to do so:  33,

The cloak of darkness 51, 

The last shall be the greatest 48, 

The light from the ONE MASTER:  19,

The light shines from the jewel of the Great Ensnarer, Mara:  8-9, 

The man that was, that is, and will be: 34, 

The Mind is the great Slayer of the Real:  2,

The more his Feet will bleed, the whiter will himself be washed 75,  

The more thou dost advance 59, 

The more thou dost become at one with it, thy being melted in its BEING, 76,

The moth attracted to:  9, 

The PATH is one, Disciple, yet in the end two-fold 44), 

The seeds of Wisdom : 27, 

The Self of Spirit and the self of matter can never meet 13, 

The selfish devotee lives to no purpose 38, 

The shadow of thyself outside the Path 51, 

The way to final freedom is within thy Self  42, 

THEGPA CHENPOIDO: (Mahayana Sutra - "Invocations to Buddhas of Confession" -
all Adepts,                 Arhans, Saints      76fn), 

Then from the heart that Power:  10, 

Then only, not till then: 2, 

There is but one road to the Path:  16, 

These tears, O thou of heart most merciful : 14, 

Think not that breaking bone: 32, 

Thinking Principle: (Mind, knowledge 34fn),

Thirst:  32, 

This earth, disciple:  4, 

Thistle:  37, 

Theosophical Society:  Intro. iii, 5fn.,

Thorn: 37, (torn by 75), 

Thou art enlightened, choose thy way. 78, 

Thou art the doer and the witness 22, 

Thou canst create this "day" they chances for thy "morrow" 37, (Act thou for
them today 38). 

Thou canst not travel on the Path 14, 

Thou hast to be prepared to answer Dharma, the stern law 55, 

Thou hast to feel thyself ALL-THOUGHT, and yet exile all thoughts from out
thy Soul 66, 

Thou shalt not let thy senses make a play-ground of thy mind 54, 

Thou shalt not separate thy being from the rest 54, 

Thought(s)  17, (former 2,  37), (Producer  2) 37, (Unclean:  13),
(delusive 46), (Soul Thought 62), 

                 (sensation [Kama-Manas]  61),  (Mastery o'er thy thoughts

Thread, silver:   3,

Three:  (sacred 21), (three vestures of 35), (three Worlds - terrestrial,
astral, spiritual 72, 72fn), 

Threshold of Nirvana 46, (of the Path 54), 

Thrice Honoured" 44, 

Thrill 56, 

Thunder cloud:     11,

Thus have I heard:  30, 

THYSELF:  (the object of thy search 23-24), 

Tibet:  Intro. ii, (sacred land 42fn), 

Tidal wave 45, 

Time & Space (manifestation):   6fn, (forwarned 68), 

Time's Circle: 32, 

TIRTHIKAS(S):  (unbelievers 31), (proud sight 42, 42fn), 

TITIKSHA:  (state: Prajna portal 70, 70fn), (5th state of Raja Yoga -
supreme indifference to "pleasures and     pains" 70fn), 

To-day: 37, (Act thou for them today 38), 

To-morrow: 37, 38, 

To don Nirmanakaya's humble robe 36, 

Toiling pilgrim 40, 

To live to benefit mankind 36, 

Tong dynasty: 35fn, 

Tongue:  (is false 31), 

Torpid 27, 

Torture of body  (Hatha Yoga)  32,

Traceless: (wasted smoke 37), 

Transcendental: (virtues 69fn), 

Tranquil: (as a mountain lake 32), 

Traps, to ensnare thy EGO:  4,

Travel:  14, (on alone 49), 

Treasure (s):  16,

Treatise(s):  Intro iii,

Tree:  (golden 18), (of Knowledge 26), (branches shaken by wind 32),
(Udumbara flowers at birth of Arhans, Sages 42), 

Trembling (fear) 59, 

Trials passing speech 66, 

Triangle:  (sacred 21fn), (double triangle reversed of sorcery 59fn), 

Trip: 58, 

TRISHNA (desire of life): Intro. iii,

True:  (knowledge 30), (devotion 41), 

Trumpet Blast:  1,

Trunk:  32, 

Truth(s),  Light of:  8, (4 modes of 22, 21fn), (priceless boon of learning
27), (unveiled 46), (alone       perceived -            VIRAGA 52), 

Truth(s):                (Tsung-Men, esoteric, and exoteric - Kiau-men
teachings of  Buddha 25fn), (undying 64), 

TSI:  (portal of assembly 23), 

TU:  (mode of truth 21fn), 

Tuneful  Breath 56, 

Tung-men, esoteric:  (and exoteric - Kiau-men teachings of  Buddha 25fn),

TURIYA (state of consciousness beyond the dreamless sleep):  6fn,

Turmoil, World's: 3,

Turtle:  4,

Twain:  13,

Twinkles: 71, 

Two EGOS in Man:  8fn,

Two Paths:  25, (Open and Secret 44), (two Ways 46), 







"U"  (aum):  5fn,

UDUMBARA tree, flower  (at birth of Arhans and Sages 42), 

Understand:  13,

Undying:  (truths 64), 

Unfathomable: ( Hark.from the deep unfathomable vortex 79), 

Units: 36, 


Universal ONE SELF:   5fn,

Universal Parent (SOUL):   10,

Universal Soul not separate from  4fn, (Alaya, the Universal Soul,  54), 

Unknown: 34, 

Unveiled stands Truth 46, 

Unspeakable 45, 

UPADHI (vehicle):  21,

UPADHYAYA 49, (Narjol, Guru, saintly men, teachers of the Secret Wisdom
49fn), (mind 56), 

Unpraised by men and humble is the mother of all rivers  42, 

UPANISHAD(S):  Intro. i, iii,








Vain, lived in  38, 

VAJRADHARA: (Diamond Soul 28, 66), (presides over the Dhyani Buddhas 66fn), 


Vale: (of Bliss  9), (of refuge-Dhyana Marga 65), 

Valley of true light:  5,

Vanquish: (the foe ere he himself expires 68), 

Vase: (Alabaster vase - Bodhi,  portal to DHYANA 70),

Vehicle: (Mahayana (greater), Hinayana (smaller) in Northern Buddhism

Veil (s):  16, (rent 49), 

Verdant 58, 

Vestures:  (of the Path 35), 

Vice(s), Temptation, Fascination:   9fn, 16, (will take shape 17), 

Victim of thy Shadows:  33, 

Victory: 65, 

Vina:  11, (Soul-echoing Vina 56), 

VIRAGA: (indifference to pleasure as to pain, Illusion conquered, truth
alone perceived 52), 60-2, 

                (feeling of absolute indifference (disgust)  to the
objective universe 59fn), 

                (stern and exacting is 62), 

Virtue(s):  (voice of 16), (six 26, 36, 50, 50fn), (six and ten 53),
(Bodhisattva's five 57), (transcendental 69fn),    (pre-existing or innate

VIRYA: (dauntless energy that fights its way to the supernal TRUTH  52-3),

Vision:    (SAMADHI state of faultless 23), (boundless, or psychic
superhuman sight 42fn), 

Voice: (of flesh:  8), (River: Sacred, roaring voice [Fa] 55, 55fn),

Voice:  (of the Spiritual Sound:  1fn), (of the silence 16), (of virtue 16),
(unbroken 24), 

Voice, thy :MASTER'S:  10, 23-4, 

Voidness of the seeming full 61, 

Vogay tree:  15,

Vortex     9, (Hark.from the deep unfathomable vortex 79), 









Walker of the Sky:  10, (Keshara 10fn), 

Wall:  65, 

War: (final war between the HIGHER and the Lower Self 60),

Water(s):  (Waters of Renunciation 17), (tears that water the parched soil
35), (running 38), (Amrita's sweet 42),            72, 

Wave(s):  10, (tidal 45), (Ocean's bitter waves - sea of sorrow formed of
the tears of men 73), 

Way(s):  (two 46), 

Weaker Selves 36, 

Weal or woe: 37, 66,

Weep(s):  3,

West: (He standeth now  like a white pillar to the west 71, 

Wheel:  (of the Good Law 29, 30, (follow the wheel of life, of duty  39), 

When he has ceased to hear the many 2, 

When the disciple sees and hears:  20, 

When the six are slain 12, 

When to the World's turmoil 3, 

When waxing stronger 4,

Where is thy individuality, Lanoo  22, 

Whiter will himself be washed, the more his feet will bleed 75, 

Who shall first hear the doctrine of the two Paths in one?  26, Wilds:  33, 

Will,  (Adamantine 51), (doubt, fear kills the will 58),

Wind(s):  9, 10, (branches shaken by 32), (well guarded from all wind 67), 

Winged flames arise 35, 

WISDOM  (Jnana ):  8fn, (shunning learning, teaches 26), (Dragon symbol of
wisdom and knowledge 26fn), (seeds      of 28), (bread of 30, 40), (be
humble, when mastered 41), (he who Wisdom hath 42), (I thirst for 49),
Prajna 7th  step 50), 52,

WISE ONES:  7, 29, 

Within:  (inward enlightenment 33fn), 

Withhold thy mind from all external objects, withhold internal images 20,

Witness 22, 

Woe, then, to thee Disciple 16, (tale of 26), (weal or 37, 66), (candidate
for 44), 

Word:  (harsh 37), 

Work, appointed, in life: 38, 

World(s) (turmoil:  3), (deceptions 28), (of causes 37), (Rigid Justice
rules the World 37), (Mother 10),

                 ( Seven (7) Planes of Being (lokas)  6fn), (of causes 37),
(oblivion of, if Bodhisattvic body accepted 45), (Great WORLD-SOUL 36),
(Samvriti cause of world illusion 63fn),

                (three Worlds - terrestrial, astral, spiritual 72, 72fn),
(Shalt thou be saved and hear the whole world cry?        78),

Worm:  13, 18, 

Wouldst thou become a Yogi of Time's circle 32, 

Wounds: (wide and gaping 68), 











YANA: (greater [Maha] 49), 

Yea, he is mighty 71, 

Yea, Ignorance is like unto a closed and airless vessel 27,

Yea, Lord; I see the PATH 51, 

Yes; on the Arya Path thou art no more Srotapatti, thou art a Bodhisattva

Yellow Caps: (Gelugpas  59fn, 

Yet, if the "Doctrine of the Heart" 36, 

Yoga:  (Self torture -- Hatha Yoga 32), 

YOGACHARYA:  Intro. ii, (Samvritasatya taught in Mahayana schools, quarrel
with Yogacharyas on              preceeding causes 63fn) (oppose Madhyamikas
(illusionists, deniers) 63fn), (great spiritualists 63fn), 

YOGI:  Intro. i,  5fn, (of success 21), (of Time's circle 32), (jungle
dweller - Aranyaka 33fn), (Paramita Path       36fn), (Power - Kundalini
(Buddhi): 10fn), (Taishshi & Kwan-Shi-Yin, teach renunciation to 72fn),
(help       form GUARDIAN WALL 74fn), (Such is the Dhyana Path, the haven of
the Yogi 75






Zodiac(al):  Intro. ii, 








-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf Of Gary Barnhart
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 
Subject: slay the mind

I would be interested to hear from you, what you (and not reference books)
find the be the meaning of following verses from the Voice of Silence:

"The mind is the great slayer of the real.
Let the Disciple slay the slayer.

Gary B.



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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