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Jul 05, 2006 11:25 AM
by carlosaveline

Dear MKR, dear friends, 

This is, no doubt, an important  idea. 

Mr. Gregory Tillett may have something to say about it.

As things are, putting John Cooper's work online would be a positive contribution. 

So far, Tillett has informed it is available at Australia's National Library. 

Best regards,  Carlos Cardoso Aveline


Data:Wed, 5 Jul 2006 13:12:50 -0500

Assunto:Re: Theos-World G. TILLETT WRITES TO 'FOHAT'

> I wonder if it is possible to publish the work done by Cooper on line on the
> Internet so that everyone world-wide can down load it and read it making
> full use of the Internet in this day and age!
> mkr
> On 7/5/06, carlosaveline wrote:
> >
> > Dear Friends, the important document below may helps us understand at
> > least in part the ethical problems in the Adyar TS in the USA, which led to
> > the slandering of HPB in the first volume of "The Letters of H. P.
> > Blavatsky". Such an editorial policy, by the way, was clearly disapproved
> > by Ms. Radha Burnier, the Adyar TS international president since 1980. As
> > we all know, Theosophy cannot be separated from Ethics.
> >
> > [ FOHAT, 5/1, Spring 2001, pp. 21-23 ]
> >
> > Dr. Gregory Tillett's Statement Regarding Dr.
> > John Cooper's Compilation of the Collected
> > Correspondence of Madame Blavatsky
> >
> >
> > Dr. Gregory Tillett
> >
> >
> > Since the death of my esteemed colleague and friend, John Cooper, many
> > people have contacted me and others regarding the future of the volume of
> > Madame Blavatsky's correspondence which John had compiled and edited (and
> > for which he was posthumously awarded his Ph.D.).
> >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rest clipped<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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