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Jun 01, 2006 10:43 AM
by carlosaveline


What 's the purpose of the question below? 

Carlos C. Aveline.


Data:Thu, 01 Jun 2006 16:42:40 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World Was W.Q. Judge doubting one of the Mahatma Letters?

> Was W.Q. Judge doubting one of the Mahatma Letters?
> H.P. Blavatsky wrote:
> ========================================================
> My Dear Judge,
> ... in your letter to him [Franz Hartmann] , of Feb. 25th [1885]
> ? (which he received at Naples and gave to me, I have it
> before me)....
> ...What [do] you mean in your letter to H[artmann] by saying
> that you 
> "hit upon another little matter which places the
> leaders in the position that either great lies have been
> told or Mahatmas are absolutely useless as guides" ? 
> is a mystery to me. 
> What is it that "happened in London & involved the
> reception of numerous letters from both Mahatmas" and that Mohini,
> the Arundales, O. and HPB know all about it."?. . . 
> I do not know what you mean. If you are still a friend you will 
> write to me & say it; if not do as you like. . ."
> ========================================================
> Judge replied to HPB:
> =======================================================
> What I wrote about to Hartmann is [concerning] a ridiculous
> message about Holloway which if it emanated from
> a Mahatma showed lack of knowledge to say the least.
> But let us drop that....
> =======================================================
> Ridiculous message??
> Mr. A.P. Sinnett ALSO had doubts about some of the
> these Mahatma Letters.
> Around July 19, 1884, H.P. Blavatsky wrote to Mr. Sinnett:
> =======================================================
> My dear Mr. Sinnett, 
> It is very strange that you should be ready to deceive yourself so 
> willingly. I have seen last night whom I had to see, and getting the 
> explanation I wanted I am now settled on points I was not only 
> doubtful about but positively averse to accepting. And the words in 
> the first line are words I am bound to repeat to you as a warning, 
> and because I regard you, after all, as one of my best personal 
> friends. Now you have and are deceiving, in vulgar parlance, 
> bamboozling yourself about the letter received by me yesterday from 
> the Mahatma. 
> The letter is from Him, whether written through a chela or not; and -
> - perplexing as it may seem to you, contradictory and "absurd," it 
> is the full expression of his feelings and he maintains what he said 
> in it. For me it is surpassingly strange that you should accept as 
> His only that which dovetails with your own feelings, and reject all 
> that contradicts your own notions of the fitness of things...'
> ============================================================
> Quoted from:
> Apparently Sinnett had viewed this Mahatma letter as "absurd" and 
> notice HPB's words:
> " is surpassingly strange that you should accept as His only 
> that which dovetails with YOUR OWN feelings, and reject all that 
> contradicts YOUR OWN notions of the fitness of things..."
> Absurd? Ridiculous?
> Food for thought.
> Daniel
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