More on Daniel's Agenda
Apr 19, 2006 04:06 PM
by carlosaveline
Dear Friends,
My agenda and my positions are clear to those who agree with me -- and to those who do not agree with me.
I do not use false names. My policy is not a policy of saying "may be this, maybe that".
Accused by Paul Johnson of being a "troller" and of using false names in the internet in order to promote
attacks, Daniel has not denied that, nor explained his actions so far -- that I remember.
Daniel applauds an important and well-documented book (by Gregory Tillett) which shows C.W. Leabeater as a
criminal child-abuser, a scoundrel, a false bishop in a false church, a man who falsified even his own date of
birth. Yet Daniel still makes a vast propaganda of Leadbeater.
What's his goal, then? I am trying to figure out. I will keep trying. Is Daniel consciously making propaganda
of a man he considers a criminal?
Best regards, Carlos.
---------- Cabeçalho original -----------
Data: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 16:54:51 -0000
Assunto: Theos-World "I do not understand you agenda."
> Carlos,
> You wrote:
> "I do not understand you agenda."
> Well, why waste so many words and worry
> yourself about trying to understand my
> agenda (political or otherwise)?
> Can you REALLY know my motivations or
> agenda or does it really matter?
> Do you REALLY understand your OWN
> motivations and agenda?
> If it suits your purposes and comforts
> your sensibilities just consider
> my agenda and motivations as negative
> and "destructive" and MOVE ON and occupy
> your mind with more positive and constructive
> things.
> And OBTW, you might carefully read, study
> and PONDER the recent postings here on Theos-Talk
> by both Bill M. and Jerry H.E. They are really
> smart guys and always have some good insights.
> Daniel
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