On Chuck's Agenda
Apr 19, 2006 04:28 PM
by carlosaveline
Surprisingly enough, I must disagree.
In Brazil, Sophism is only cool during winter. During summertime it often gets hot, especially when people
are too stubborn.
Besides, Sophism is already practiced by many who don't even know what it is about. It is rather popular in
the theosophical movement. It is Theosophy which might, perhaps, be practiced a little bit more.
I hope that does not disrupt your political agenda.
Regards, Carlos.
---------- Cabeçalho original -----------
De: theos-talk@yahoogroups.com
Para: theos-talk@yahoogroups.com
Data: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 19:44:59 EDT
Assunto: Re: Theos-World Chuck, Theosophy and Ethics
> In a message dated 4/18/2006 3:59:06 PM Central Standard Time,
> carlosaveline@terra.com.br writes:
> It is only Sophism which does not care about the practice of
> the Teachings.
> Sophism is actually very cool and everyone should practice it.
> Chuck the Heretic
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