Mar 17, 2006 05:42 AM
by carlosaveline cardoso aveline
Philosophers act what they teach.
Sophists say what they think people would like to hear.
These are facts.
The criteria of truth include practice.
HPB wrote that ETHICS is of the essence in THEOSOPHY (as it is in classical
Don't tell me you do not know that.
Therefore calling HPB a liar is attacking THEOSOPHY, because Theosophy is
not something to say and not to act.
But HPB is a mirror, and LIARS, sometimes connected to Churches, will see
her as a LIAR.
Through rituals, Churches teach people to commit partial manasic suicide,
that is, to renounce reason.
Best regards, Carlos.
From: Cass Silva <>
Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: TO CASS ON DEFENDING HPB'S WORK
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 15:14:07 -0800 (PST)
I see it differently, HPB's legitimacy comes through her works not through
her actions. Paul has concentrated on aspects of her personality.
Einstein was the greatest philanderer of his time (which must have involved
lying) and a chauvinist (wives are for washing shirts) but that doesn't
mean that his contribution to science wasn't remarkable.
Continuing the debate with Paul only adds fuel and probably provides
material for his next book on Theosophists that follow Blavatsky! I take
your point that Paul is of the opinion that HPB was a liar but fails to see
IMO that the Coloumbs and Soloviof had more motive to lie, as you said for
public notariety and commissions for selling their stories. A double
standard on Paul's part, which he has not addressed, as to do so would be
to provide evidence to suggest that the Coloumbs and Soloviofs were not
lying, and all he has presented is hearsay, their word against HPB's. What
did they contribute to the benefit of mankind?
Cheers, Cass
carlosaveline cardoso aveline <> wrote:
Dear Cass,
If someone ask you "How are you", and you answer, "Fine, thanks", even if
you have a bad cold and are in a bad mood, that is a lie.
This is no the point. We are not talking about innocent lies.
The point is: "Was HPB a legitimate person? Was she capable of fraud? Was
she a truthful person, an honest woman?"
Paul Johnson, who is not a theosophist, but a member of some Church (and
fought most Churches), says HPB was a liar, and presents no proofs.
His sources are the Coulombs and Soloviof, that is, he has no sources at
all, so much so that he doesn't even makes his points clear and disguises
his own positions.
When asked to clarify, he goes away making believe he feels offended. He
in line with John Algeo, Katinka Hesserlink, Daniel Caldwell, and other.
You may know that slandering famous people in books is a pathway to some
kind of notoriety.
V. Soloviof had his "passaport to fame" speaking evil of HPB. Judas is
talked about even today.
Get my point? And these "Historians" ignore the SPR self-criticism of 1986!
Best regards, Carlos.
>From: Cass Silva
>Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 19:19:22 -0800 (PST)
>Hello Carlos
>My point was that we must not hold on to our "ideas" as being "truths".
>What PJ wrote about HPB is only his ideas on what he believes to be the
>truth, and, I am sure that there is a certain truthful aspect within his
>ideas. However, it is like looking at a small piece of cloth and
>it is the quilt.
>Your ideas are supporting your truths in relation to the claim that HPB
>not a liar, even though she and the masters have stated that under
>circumstances a lie will be used to protect others. However, I would
>to add that these lies cannot be found in the actual teachings, be that
>exoteric or esoteric.
> I have found nothing stating that the integrity of either HPB or the
>Masters needs be defended as a moral or virtuous act of any theosophist,
>although I admire your loyalty. I do admit that when anyone slanders
>the hairs on the back of my neck stiffen, however, everyone is free to
>believe whatever they so chose to believe. Flapdoodle comes to mind!
>carlosaveline cardoso aveline wrote:
>I don't disagree but I couldn't understand what exactly your point is,
>My reason for defending what I consider to be the truth about HPB's work
>that her work is useful to, and BADLY NEEDED BY, humanity right now.
>There is no other practical reason for that -- of which I can remember
>right now.
>And I am open to examine new evidences, as I am also examining the false
>ideas and sometimes the utter lies about HPB's work.
>Best regards, Carlos.
> >From: Cass Silva
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: WHEN TRUTH IS A LIE
> >Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 16:05:52 -0800 (PST)
> >
> >Carlos, Vladmimir
> >Didn't someone post an article by HPB on the mind which stated that we
> >believe at a particular point in time that our ideas are "truths" but
> >fact as we are continually learning our ideas are continually changing,
> >those once thought of truths in fact become untruths in hindsight. The
> >problem arises when we embrace a particular idea as the absolute truth
> >refuse to let go of the idea that once what I thought was the truth was
> >a partial glimmer of absolute truth.
> >
> >My solution for this is to take the attitude that all truths are
> >maybe's" until I am proved ignorant in abscentia.
> >
> >Although Steve's opinion is that Devachan is a subjective existence,
> >I acknowledge, I am of the opinion that any idea we take with us will
> >mulled over for centuries, and as there are masters incarnate there are
> >masters disincarnate who are available in devachan to direct and assist
> > I am quite certain that a disincarnate master, a plato, etc would not
> >disturb anyone who is mulling over whether HPB was a charletan or not!
> >
> >Cass
> >
> >carlosaveline cardoso aveline wrote:
> >
> >Vladimir,
> >
> >Thanks (see below).
> >
> >I try not to be merciless with people.
> >
> >But I believe in an open and frank debate.
> >
> >One of the lessons we have to learn-and-teach to each other in the
> >theosophical movement is that
> >we are NOT our ideas. It is a lesson of detachment, or vairagya. This
> >a
> >quality of fundamental importance for truth-seekers.
> >
> >People who think they are their ideas will get "personally offended "
> >whenever their ideas are
> >questioned, or when they are shown to be false.
> >
> >Now, is this "scholarly"?
> >
> >Best regards, Carlos.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >From: Vladimir
> > >Reply-To:
> > >To: carlosaveline cardoso aveline
> > >Subject: Re: Theos-World Why Does Paul Unsubscribe?
> > >Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 22:34:02 +0300
> > >
> > >Monday, March 13, 2006, 9:39:16 PM, carlosaveline wrote:
> > >
> > > > Once confronted with his own words, and with the
> > > > groundless condition of his "veiled" accusations against
> > > > instead of facing the facts, Paul Johnson tries to adopt
> > > > position of a poor defenceless victim -- and gets away from
> > > > debate.
> > >
> > >Oh, c'mon, have mercy on your brother, lest he deserts you
> > >leaving us wandering about in woe and despair longing for
> > >enlightening and mind-widening maybes and whatifs.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
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