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Re: Theos-World Question for Adelasie?

Mar 13, 2006 08:41 AM
by adelasie

Hi Nigel,

I probably didn't express my thought very well. Also, nobody should 
take my word for anything, certainly not to the point of helplessness 
and hopelessness. I spend a lot of time in study classes and know 
that we are all students and teachers to each other, trying together 
to gain some understanding of the mysteries to which we have been 
given access. 

Try this:

The individual human being is a lot more than a personality encased 
in a flesh and blood body. This might be the key to the conundrum. It 
is the real person, the enduring incorporeal entity which expresses 
itself in human form over and over again through eons of a manvantara 
on its journey to conscious unity with its Source, which is the actor 
in terms of destiny. To the extent that we recognize our real 
identity in the cosmic scheme do we become conscious of the ultimate 
responsibility we bear for all that happens to us, and, in a larger 
sense, to what happens everywhere. 

According to the dictates of our personality, our temporary modus 
operandi, so to speak, we behave within or without the law of our 
nature. When we choose to behave in accordance with that law, we find 
ourselves in line with balance and harmony. When we choose to behave 
contrary to that law, we find ourselves, sooner or later, in 
disharmony with that law. It is the forces of nature which administer 
the results of our decisions and their resulting actions. 

When trying to understand the contour of human affairs, it is often 
helpful to step back from the plane of personality, a fairly low 
level in the scale of causality after all, and consider the plane of 
forces, the impersonal cause and effect realm. It takes the pressure 
off trying to figure out who is right and who is wrong, who is good 
and who is bad, things we can't really know anyway, and puts our 
attention on the more general working out of human destiny, according 
to what we do know. Fear less and love more. Acceptance, 
Foregiveness, Compassion, the list goes on and on. 

Does that help?


On 13 Mar 2006 at 2:34, nhcareyta wrote:

> Dear Adelasie, 
> You wrote:
> "Whatever happens in the course of human affairs, and
> everything else, for that matter, is not a result of the efforts of
> human personalities. It is a result of the eternal play of forces of
> nature, those behind the scenes motivators which permeate everything.
> In human affairs it is often useful to remember this fact. Karma is
> the great equalizer. Everything that happens is the result of some
> previous cause. The forces of nature are the instruments of Karma, and
> work to reestablish harmony and balance constantly. Every human event
> can be viewed, and de-mystified to a great extent, from the point of
> view of this information."
> Improperly understood, this passage could well lead a student into a
> state of helplessness and hopelessness. To the ordinary eye,
> personalities, are causative agents which reap their consequences on
> every level. Prima facie, this passage appears to disempower
> individuals altogether, from which could be inferred a pointless
> existence. Would you care to elaborate on your statement?
> Regards
> Nigel

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