Re: Krishnamurtian Dogma?
Mar 04, 2006 07:08 AM
by carlosaveline cardoso aveline
Dear Cass,
I know next to nothing about Gurdgieff.
But a long standing leader of the Adyar Society gave me an image to define
Krishnamurti with few words: he is like the typical Indian Swami, who goes
about hammering one sole point, surrounded by his own unconditional
supporters and worshippers. The main role of these followers is to
endlessly repeat the Swami's words, while they try to hipnotize themselves
and others with these same unchanging words/ideas.
Best regards.
From: Cass Silva <>
Subject: Re: Theos-World Krishnamurtian Dogma?
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 20:27:19 -0800 (PST)
Perhaps rather than creating his own dogma, it was created around him.
Same thing with Gurdgieff???
carlosaveline cardoso aveline <> wrote:
Yet he created his own Krishhamurtian dogma.
Krishnamurtians usually don't read authors other than him.
They are usually not open to debate -- at least some of them.
Not all, of course.
Best -- carlos.
>From: Cass Silva
>Subject: Re: Theos-World RE: Esoteric School
>Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 16:42:17 -0800 (PST)
>It appears that Krishnamurti denied the necessity for a dogmatised
>of thought" around his system.
>carlosaveline cardoso aveline wrote:
>I guess Gregory has given a thorough answer to the question.
>Comparatively, in the Adyar Society the Esoteric School continued, yet
>fancies about outer contacts with the Masters were quietly dropped rom
>except for Geoffrey Hodson in Australia, a rather national phenomenon,
>least a phenomenon with poor international dimension.
>J. Krishnamurti, very influential with regard to Radha Burnier, wanted
>E. S. Adyar to
>be closed (there is at least one public source for that, Mary Lutyens).
>he did
>not have that.
>Best regards, Carlos.
> >From: D P
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Theos-World Pasadena Esoteric School
> >Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 21:43:57 +0100 (CET)
> >
> >Hi! I am researching a little about Esoterics Schools inside of the
> >Theosophical Movement then this is a question for Carlos Aveline or
> >member of the list. C. Aveline wrote �if I remind well- that Esoteric
> >School of Pasadena has ceased its work, do you know why, or publics
> >statements about it?
> > Thanks
> >
> > Dami�n
> >
> >
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