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Re: Theos-World Krishnamurtian Dogma?

Mar 04, 2006 09:25 AM
by Steven Levey

Thanks-That was most useful.

"M. Sufilight" <> wrote:
  Hallo all,

My views are:

Sorry to interrupt a bit.
I hold the following view to be considered and be given credit, for the 
truth it contains.

'Sir Thomas,' an English Master said:
"Also instead of giving forth the new Teaching so badly needed, he 
[Krishnamurti] escaped from the responsibilities of his office as prophet 
and teacher by reverting to a past incarnation, and an ancient philosophy of 
his own race [Advaita Vedantism] with which you are familiar, but which is 
useless for the Western World in the present cycle. But those to whom he 
speaks think they are receiving a new message, and as such it carries undue 
weight. The message he should have delivered, he has failed to deliver--or 
only partly delivered. Nothing about Art--no plans for the new 
sub-race--educational schemes dropped--and in place of all this: Advaita, a 
philosophy for chelas, and one of the most easily misunderstood paths to 
liberation... He who attempts to teach Advaita, and omits all Sanscrit 
terms, courts failure. Sanscrit words engender an occult vibration which is 
lost when translated. Western words not suitable to describe subjective 
states of consciousness, because their associations are mainly mundane... 
Another flaw in this pseudo-Advaita which Krishnamurti is giving out, is 
that he addresses the personality, the physical plane man [personal self], 
as if he were the Monad [divine self] or at least the Ego [higher self]. Of 
course the Monad, the Divine Spark, is the Absolute 
Existence-Knowledge-Bliss, and hence eternally free, but that doesn't mean 
that the personality down here, immersed in endless-seeming Karmic 
difficulties, can share its consciousness, or even that of the Ego--the link 
between the personality and the Monad."
'Sir Thomas,' an English Master, in: His Pupil [Cyril Scott], The Initiate 
in the Dark Cycle (London: Routledge, 1932), pp. 136-139.

When all those, who are Krishnamurti fanatics realise, that his teachings 
are nothing else but Pseudo-Adwaita teachings, they
will see the picture more clear. Blavatsky would certainly not have accepted 
that kind of teaching, without it being related to the Masters and the 
three/four objects of The Theosophical Society.
These are just my views.

Try to compare Krishnamurti with The Adwaita Vedanta Home Page

M. Sufilight with peace and love..

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cass Silva" 
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2006 5:27 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Krishnamurtian Dogma?

Perhaps rather than creating his own dogma, it was created around him. Same 
thing with Gurdgieff???

carlosaveline cardoso aveline wrote:


Yet he created his own Krishhamurtian dogma.
Krishnamurtians usually don't read authors other than him.
They are usually not open to debate -- at least some of them.
Not all, of course.

Best -- carlos.

>From: Cass Silva
>Subject: Re: Theos-World RE: Esoteric School
>Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 16:42:17 -0800 (PST)
>It appears that Krishnamurti denied the necessity for a dogmatised "school
>of thought" around his system.
>carlosaveline cardoso aveline wrote:
>I guess Gregory has given a thorough answer to the question.
>Comparatively, in the Adyar Society the Esoteric School continued, yet the
>fancies about outer contacts with the Masters were quietly dropped rom
>except for Geoffrey Hodson in Australia, a rather national phenomenon, or
>least a phenomenon with poor international dimension.
>J. Krishnamurti, very influential with regard to Radha Burnier, wanted the
>E. S. Adyar to
>be closed (there is at least one public source for that, Mary Lutyens).
>he did
>not have that.
>Best regards, Carlos.
> >From: D P
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Theos-World Pasadena Esoteric School
> >Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 21:43:57 +0100 (CET)
> >
> >Hi! I am researching a little about Esoterics Schools inside of the
> >Theosophical Movement then this is a question for Carlos Aveline or
> >member of the list. C. Aveline wrote �if I remind well- that Esoteric
> >School of Pasadena has ceased its work, do you know why, or publics
> >statements about it?
> > Thanks
> >
> > Dami�n
> >
> >
> >
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