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Aug 18, 2005 04:51 AM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck
8/18/2005 1:53 AM RE: Modern movement of the Occult Dear Friend: In a world (and UNIVERSE) ruled since aeons by harmony and mutual consideration -- generosity and cooperation -- any distortion or selfish use of power by choice shows up as a nexus of confusion. There are, say the ancient Sages, who have tested the accuracy of these many, many times: 3 fundamental facts on which the whole universe exists and runs: [These are as inescapable and inevitable as the basic rules of arithmetic are to the most complex mathematical equations. No one objects to them, but when we come to looking at the human mind, desire and emotional nature we get troubled.] THEOSOPHY teaches: 1 SPIRIT and MATTER are interpenetrant and co-existent. MIND, the 3rd component, is ever the contacting link between these two extremes. Consciousness (as a basic whole) and degrees of intelligence (as individual minds of whatever level) are thus the base, and the progressive resultant of experience. They are impossible to eliminate. SPIRIT, MIND and MATTER are to be found in every LIFE UNIT. These are in effect "sparks" or "rays" of intelligent, immortal centers that ever progress towards a complete understanding of the WHOLE. For this ultimate goal, they have to study Universal Law and its impartial operations everywhere in Nature and with the Human Kingdom. [One of our problems is that early religious education and indoctrination usually makes us insensitive to this.] [The UNIVERSE and its uncountable components are of the same essence. We could say that the SPIRIT envelops all forms and beings of whatever kind. We live in IT. We cannot escape it. We need to learn what it is and how it works.] The "forms of matter" used by individual INTELLIGENCES vary and change, are "born" and "die." But the INTELLIGENCE [called a MONAD] is an eternal entity. It is indestructible. Humans are those Monads (as "Eternal Pilgrims") -- mind-beings -- that have reached (on this enormous pilgrimage) a present point of time in which the balance of SPIRIT and MATTER is achieved -- and thus, the individual human mind has the capability of perceiving the limitations of "matter" as "FORM," and the ideal and purity of SPIRIT as the ALL or the "ABSOLUTE." The human mind is capable of distinguishing between WISDOM or universal responsibility and impersonal, compassionate, harmonious action, and individual selfishness based on desire, emotion and a careless desire for personal isolation, repose, peace, amusement, distraction, etc. The progress of mankind as immortal Mind-beings is through repeated incarnations. The accumulated Karma (debts of a moral quality) that their choices attach to them, provides a succession of experiences that are educational. It is the control of the emotional and psychic side of man's nature that is presently under study and improvement. Each Monad makes their own free decisions. Once made the results are inevitably attached to the chooser. The "Chooser Within" is the PERCEIVER, and IT is the ruler of the Mind and the Emotions. THEOSOPHY presents a rational and logical view of the history, as well as the curriculum of experiences that living offers impartially to all. As to the future, it offers a grand vista: Spiritual PERFECTION. This may be obtained by virtuous disciplines carried forward over several lives. The first step is to learn how to control the Mind. [See Patanjali's Yoga-sutras. Available at: www.phx-ult-lodge.org ] 2 LAW, universal and impersonal JUSTICE for all, provides that impersonal sensitivity that compels all to be responsible for its harmony in regard to its immediate environment, as well as to the Whole. This is WISDOM at work. It is called a Knowledge of the LAW of KARMA. [Action and equivalent reaction.] It requires study and wisdom to perceive the subtle operations of Karma, and realize the power of our desires and choices. Nature is the impersonal and uniform quality of the Universe that supports life, nurtures all individual Monads, and educates all through experience. It is always operative, and precedes the manifestation of worlds, as well as of each human being. The WHOLE is inevitably affected by the actions, choices and motives of any and all the "parts" -- the individual Monads -- as they live and struggle along within it. In effect the UNIVERSE may be looked on as the CENTRAL SPIRITUAL SUN; and what we see of its contents are its many organs and methods of organization. Some think of this as the UNIVERSAL SPIRIT -- and if so, then we all live within it, and "heaven" is a state of mind and an attitude of comradeship because we understand the need for the continual practice of brotherly cooperation. Our own planet and World, and our physical body are miniature copies of the vast WHOLE. As above, so below. Man is the microcosm and the great macrocosm. The Sage chooses to act in harmony with the Universe. In a word this is ever the practice of VIRTUE in daily life. Brotherhood and assistance to all as Karma permits is the ongoing process. Every human can choose to become a "Sage." The "fool" makes the error of thinking he can isolate himself from everything else, do as he pleases, and avoid the painful, educative consequences. In a word he practices VICE to some degree. Universal Harmony soon works to straighten this out and restore peace and quiet to all who are concerned in every case where selfish action has disturbed the self-adjusting processes of cooperative life. MIND is thus, in effect, dual: Every Monad has (1) the HIGHER MIND [BUDDHI-MANAS] that practices virtue and is wise. And (2) the LOWER MIND [KAMA-MANAS] that attempts to secure selfish, isolated and personal advantages at the expense of others. The inner PERCEIVER is the director of both Mind and Emotion. This ought to be evident to all. 3 The third basic proposition is that EVOLUTION IS UNIVERSAL. There are three planes of existence meeting and melding : (1) the spiritual; (2) the psychic (emotional and irrational desires, fancies, passions, etc...); and (3) the physical -- constituted of the Life-atoms (each is a Monad at the lowest level of its pilgrimage). "Kama [desire] is the first conscious, all embracing desire for universal good, love, and for all that lives and feels, needs help and kindness, the first feeling of infinite tender compassion and mercy that arose in the consciousness of the creative ONE Force, as soon as it came into life and being as a ray from the ABSOLUTE. Says the Rig Veda, "Desire first arose in IT, which was the primal germ of mind, and which Sages, searching with their intellect, have discovered in their heart to be the bond which connects Entity with non-Entity," or Manas with pure Atma-Buddhi. " Glos 170-1 There are a few notes inserted below to consider. Best wishes, Dallas ===================================== -----Original Message----- From: Mark Hamilton Jr. Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 9:12 PM To: Subject: Re: Modern movement of the Occult I understand the mechanics behind it (simply put, if you do something wrong with your power, you get it revoked). But what I don't understand is, what classifies as abusive? --------------------------------------------- DTB Anything that harms another is "abusive." Read the BHAGAVAD GITA -- its continuous message is that all actions ought to be performed because they are necessary, and never in the hope of any personal "REWARD." Impersonality, universality, compassion and tolerance are the clues. ----------------------------------------------- o Showing off? (Say, showing your girlfriend and boss that you are telepathic) ----------------------------------------------- DTB And what is gained by that ? Pride goes before a fall. Vanity and ambition lead where ? ------------------------------------------------ o Continuous practice? (With the intent of furthering your own abilities) ------------------------------------------------ DTB And what are you going to do with those abilities you may cultivate ? That is the real question. --------------------------------------------------- o Neglecting other activities to practice? (Such as what I should be doing, like reading the rest of the SD and finishing my commissions work) -------------------------------------------------------------- DTB Carry out your responsibilities as best you can to the full. That is part of the discipline the aspirant imposes on himself. --------------------------------------------------------- And would a master know of these transgressions? --------------------------------------------- DTB The psychic and astral disturbance created by the thoughts and choices of the pupil does this. ----------------------------------------------------- Purely hypothetical questions. -Mark H. ============================= On 8/17/05, MKR <ramadoss@gbronline.com> wrote: I recall a statement somewhere in Mahatma Letters that a Chela is not a "Free Man (Woman)" so that there is always a safeguard built-in. I suppose there is a mechanism to monitor the actions of the Chela (because Master bears responsibility for the actions of the Chela) and it is quite possible that when an occult power is revoked the Chela simply loses the knowledge how to exercise the power. All we can do is to speculate unless there is someone on the list who can speak from first hand knowledge. Mkr ==================================