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RE: Theos-World Blavatsky's extremely wrong statement

Jun 08, 2005 05:15 PM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

June 7 2005

Dear Mark:

No one speaks for THEOSOPHY !

THEOSOPHY as a philosophy, speaks for itself.

To be grasped it has to be understood.

It has a very few concepts that are basic to it. Their interplay and
interlocking logic makes them useful as a basis for self-guidance in life. 

There are gradations of learning and responsibility in the Universe.

At root base we are rays of the same ONE SPIRIT. We are all brothers. We
are brothers to the atoms, to the grains of sand, to the grass and to the
elephant and the ant. In each of these resides a Monad, and that contains
as one of its components a "Ray" of the UNIVERSAL SPIRIT.

This does away with all distinctions, and all concepts of difference,
isolation, superiority, anger, pleasure, retaliation, difference,
selfishness, etc... It unites us all into a living universal BROTHERHOOD.
It requires of us (as humans) the using of our ability to think about
fundamentals and to secure the ability to penetrate below effects to their
causes. For example. 

We all use electricity, but we do not know what it is. It can be generated
and channeled, but we still do not know WHAT IT IS. We all use FIRE, but,
what is fire? We note the effect of fire (or its lack) and we know how to
burn things, or insulate them. We deal with our own minds, but we do not
know what the MIND is. Nor are we very good at distinguishing a "desire"
from a thought.
What, for instance is motive ?

And that (Universal Brotherhood) is the first "Object" of the THEOSOPHICAL
MOVEMENT, i.e., to live our lives and direct our thoughts and deeds as if we
were trying to form a nucleus of Universal Brotherhood.  

This sounds vague, perhaps because we have been educated to think the
territorial imperative and an adversarial approach was the way of life. If
so, at the en of life what gain can we show?  

Look back into history. Whose memories do we esteem? The butchers of men,
the oppressors, torturers, and the conquerors, or those who try to make us
see we belong to a single family and are all brothers and sisters with
something far more powerful than a physical blood-brotherhood and heredity
kinship. Are religions and philosophies built on the sayings of tyrants or
of those who explained and enjoined the practice of benevolence and the
search for truth?

An understanding of the existence of the immortal MONAD in us, as in all
things demonstrates to our mind this concept and reinforces the sense of

The levels and hierarchies of working Wise Men, Mahatmas, Buddhas, etc...and
Great overseeing Forces are many, but every system speaks of these as facts:
Since Theosophy is the most ancient do all systems, let me offer: --

As I read and understand Theosophy, we have 3 FUNDAMENTAL PROPOSITIONS given
in SECRET DOCTRINE I, pp. 14-19 to help us -- 
H P B says that they pervade the entire system.

1.	The Plan of the Universe in its evolution is a single plan. This
plan has been established back in the beginning of "time," and it continues,
and will continue into the foreseeable future. It is said that the Universe
as a whole reincarnates, and this Plan was handed down a very long time
back. And it has been carried on since then. The book The SECRET DOCTRINE
describes this in detail in Vol. I.

2.	All is logical, mathematically exact, and coherent. Law and laws
rule all beings and actions impartially. The "Law of Karma" is the
appellation given in Theosophy to this one universal LAW.

It is briefly described as the Law of Harmony whereby all diversity, and
distortion is smoothed and readjusted to a superior direction. At the end
of LIGHT ON THE PATH will be found an illuminating essay on Karma. It helps
us to understand if we read and think about what is said there.

3.	No part, great or small, old or new, of the illimitable Universe is
forgotten, or omitted from the Laws that guide evolution and individual

All living intelligent beings are interconnected. Theosophy uses the word
"Monad" to indicate these living, conscious units that fill the Universe.

Mankind, humanity stands at the mid-point in terms of intelligence between
"instinct," and "intuition."

Each Monad that has reached the human level has this confronting him/her.
The Masters of Wisdom met this challenge and passed it aeons ago. Yet they
remain to help us, their "younger Brothers." We owe the exposition of
Theosophy to Them and their sacrifice. [see S D I 207 -210]

4.	From The UNIVERSAL ONE SPIRIT, everything in its vast diversity is
derived. [S D I 14-15]

5.	Potentially, every being has the capability of understanding the
whole complexity of the Universe of which it is a vital part.

Spiritual Knowledge (or Wisdom) is inherent, innate at the core, in the
essence of every being. " Look inward, Thou art Buddha ( the Wise)."
expresses this.

We are related to the "Masters." They were once "men" such as we are now.
They are our "Elder Brothers."

5.	Hence all living things (the immortal Monads) are related.
Brotherhood expresses this relation whether the level of learning be small
or great. We are brothers in potential, as well as in fact, to the atoms,
molecules, cells, and all the Masters, and other Personages, or structures
of and in the Universe. It is difficult to conceive of such a supreme UNITY
when our world is one of continual diversity and confusion. Our independent
existence our consciousness, our Mind, ought to be adequate evidence of
Spirit working through all levels of Matter. In our case, it becomes
expressed as the Mind and
the independent power of our free thought. The power to choose defines of
progress into the future. Our present lesson is discovering what this right
thought and right choosing. are. ["Good" has been briefly defined as
obeying the Laws of nature.] We need to know and apply them.

6.	The pathways through which the Monads travel to the final goal
(called by some: "Sublime Perfection" for all) are many, and are determined
by their individual Karma -- the Karma of their own free choosing. Humanity
is always composed of such "free-choosers."

7.	Consciousness, awareness, "seeing along with," will be found to be
a common factor for all beings, but the levels of achievement and of
perception to which the consciousness is self-raised are many and mark the
progress of and in evolution for every individual.

8.	An individual may experience and remember seeing the ALL -- and may
later describe it as LIGHT, COLOR, SOUND. or a discussion with a PERSONAGE
of WISDOM. Such memories are stored and presented to the
waking consciousness in terms that it can understand. But they do occur.
Also they are never forgotten. They are evidence of the SPIRITUAL MAN

These "illuminations" as experience, are interior. They will be found
to be described in TRANSACTIONS OF THE BLAVATSKY LODGE (pp. 64 -76; or :
BLAVATSKY: Collected Works (TPH), Vol. 10, pp 255 -265)

At night during deep sleep the personal consciousness {Lower Manas}
may confabulate for a while with its spiritual "brother," the Higher Manas
BUDDHI-MANAS. The Buddhi-Manas is interior to us and is a veil or
vase that enshrines the ATMA -- the RAY of the UNIVERSAL SPIRIT within
each of us. It is an experience akin to Samadhi or Turiya. (see Gayatri

Many have offered evidence of their memory of past lives.

The Responsibilities of advanced "Masters of Wisdom" are many and are
described in S D Vol. I.

Best wishes,



-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Mark Hamilton Jr.
Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Blavatsky's extremely wrong statement

Isis unveiled was not up to par. HPB's later work on the secret
doctrine was much more refined. I think people forget that she is
human, and as such, she is subject to many of the same limitations we

My intuition tells me the masters did not approve of some of
Leadbeater's work, to say the least. Just from the fact that he was
clearly not ready to use clairvoyance, and yet he made a statement
concerning extraterrestrial life. If he was truly guided by the
masters the whole time, they would've advised him not to do such a
thing. All he accomplished by doing that was make a spectacle out of

Theosophists and Occultists need to learn how to present themselves
when making public statements such as those. Otherwise they will
discredit not only their brethren, but the foundation of theosophy if
they are proven wrong.

-Mark H.


On 6/3/05, Anand Gholap wrote:

> Cass,
> > What did masters say about Besant and Leadbeater's teachings?
> Master said keep it up we are watching over you.

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